Missing In Action

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Finally some quiet time. I'm finally getting to breathe. In case you're wondering what I'm doing I'm actually sitting on my roof. Yes the roof. I needed to get away from everything. For some reason everyone's been so odd around me. Well me and Charlie. I can't figure it out. When we walk into the room all conversation stops. We didn't do anything that could have annoyed them. Five days ago everything was great and they were waking us up. Now they won't look at me. I know James can be quiet and go off into his own little world, which I do too, but this. This is weird even for James... I'm really getting worried. I slip on my headphones to my MP3 player and try to drown out all the noise and thoughts so I can try to figure out what's going on with my big brother and all my mates.

Okay enough of this talking behind our backs. It's killing Mackenzie that's everyone is keeping us out of something and obviously it's something big. I walk into the kitchen and all talk stops. "Right fuck this shit. Tell me what the fuck is happening or I will fucking blow it. Whatever is going on that everyone here knows needs to be told to me and Mackenzie. If yous haven't noticed yet it's fucking killing her that her friends" I look around, "and her own brother" I look at James "are keeping something big from her. You all have to tell her". God it feels so good to get that out. I slump onto a kitchen chair and let out a huge sigh. Matt comes up to me and places his hand on my shoulder, "Feel better mate?" "You know what I actually do." Everyone sniggers. Dougie looks at me "Mac still in bed?" I look at him confused, "No. Mac told me she was coming down here half an hour ago. Have you all not seen her?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Where the hell did she go?" I get up and start searching the house. Everyone else is helping. We've searched the whole house, we've searched the surrounding area of the house, Danny, Harry and Tom took three cars into town to try to find her. I'm now sitting in the living room with my head in my hands. I'm really panicking. Her phone is here in the house so I can't even call to see where she is. "Charlie mate come on relax. Well find her." James says but it isn't helping. Frankie sits down beside me and puts her arms around me, "Charlie, breathe, we'll get her. She'll be okay. Try to relax. You don't want her seeing you all worked up and panicky. She'll never see you as sexy again," she warns. I chuckle, "She'll find me even more irresistible when she knows how worried I got." I sigh and turn to look at her, "Has she ever gone missing like this before?" She smiles sadly, "No Charlie. She never does. When she's annoyed she goes for a walk but she's never gone this long." Now I'm panicking even more.

Oh fuck! I've been out here for hours. Fuck I hope no one's worried. I unplug my headphones and slowly climb back down the roof making my way to the doors of my balcony and hoping gently onto it before opening it up and walking into my room. I make my way to my door and hear frantic voices from downstairs. As I get nearer to the stairs, I start to hear more. "Charlie calm down we'll find her." Its definitely James. "When? She's been gone since nine, James. Nine! It's now fucking five thirty and still no sign of her. How are you being so calm?!!" "Calm?! CALM?! Charlie cop on. My baby fucking sister is out there and I'm here freaking the fuck out but I'm trying to keep you from losing it! She's out there probably cold. She could be hurt. Someone could have her! She could be laying face down in a ditch! She could be in a fucking hospital! She could be-". I've had enough, "She's right here." Everyone turns to look at me. Silence. That's all I hear until Charlie stands up. "Where the fuck have you been??! Christ Mac you fucking disappear for hours without any of us knowing! We couldn't call you cause your phone was here! I thought you were hurt or worse." He just grabs me into a huge hug. Aww the poor thing he's shaking. "Shush hunny. I'm right here. And I didn't think I was out as long. I was up on the roof listening to music to clear my mind and just got so caught up in it I didn't see the time flying. I'm right here and I'm so sorry I scared you." He pulls back, "You... You were. Are you serious? The roof? You were here right under our noses this whole time." I smile and nod my head. Danny decides at this time to pipe up; "Umm actually mate she was above our noses." Charlie chuckles before holding me close again. "I was so scared Mackenzie." "I'm so sorry love. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I lean up and kiss him. He kisses me back desperately as if he doesn't want to stop in case I go again. Poor Charlie. I really did freak him out.

Aww that's cute. Gross but cute. I'm happy for them. Okay I've seen enough tonsil tennis between my sister and her boyfriend. "Ugh guys could you stop for a bit. You need air you know." They pull apart. "Sorry James" they both say. I just nod my head before looking at Mackenzie. "Why did you need to go clear your mind?" Mac looks away, slightly embarrassed; "I'm fed up of walking into a room in my own home and hearing all conversation stop." "Sissy I'm so sorry. That's all my fault. I wasn't ready to tell you and everyone kept telling me I should. The reason for all the whispers is that SOD broke up." Mackenzie looks at me shocked before coming to hug me. "James I'm sorry bro." I hug her back, "It's okay. It was for the best. I just didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want you embarrassed about having a good for nothing brother." Mackenzie looks at me. "Don't ever say that. Don't. You're an amazing songwriter and a great singer and a fucking awesome musician. James this is the closing of one door and the opening to a million. Just you see. You'll have some much work now." I laugh at her optimism and hug her tighter. "I love you sis but please please please. Don't run off like that again. You gave me grey hairs and look at Charlie. Heart attack and wrinkles." Everyone busts out laughing before "GROUP HUG!!!" Oh no.

House Full Of Dorks(A Busted, Son Of Dork, IM5, McFly and One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now