Karaoke Night and Secerts Out

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Everyone managed to relax after Mackenzie reappeared so we decided on a night of pizza. After ordering and waiting for our 10 16" pizzas and 5 14" pizzas we settled down in front of the TV with some music channel playing Guilty Pleasures of the 90's. This'll be a fun few hours. Right now Danny, Matt and Dougie were up dancing and singing to Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Yes. That's right. And it's fucking hilarious. "Danny I'm shocked you actually know all the words to the two Mels rap," Mackenzie says laughing on the couch. Poor Harry is sitting beside her, both mortified and proud, of his mates; "I can never unsee this."
Michael Jackson's Black and White was next which had all the boys including me on our feet singing and dancing. I was doing my signature moonwalk leaving the two girls in hysterics. "Shut up you two. I fucking good at this," I say laughing with them. Just as the song ended and we sat down. It started. The song that drove my sister mad in the car when we went shopping. I looked at Dougie who was smirking at me before we simultaneously looked to my darling sister who had lost her smile and was pure white. "You love this song don't ya sis?" Mac looks at me, "James no please no. Anything but this song." And so we proceeded to torture her. Charlie held her in his lap to make sure she couldn't leave while myself and everyone else serenaded her. After the song ended Mackenzie, Charlie and Frankie started cleaning up the rubbish in the room. Tom was watching as they left, "You have to tell Charlie and Mackenzie tonight James. She was asking earlier while you were outside where the boys were I said they went to visit family but I don't think she believed me." I nod my head, "I know I'll tell them now." "Tell us what, James?" I look at the door to see my sister standing arms crossed looking pissed off. I'm fucked.

James sat myself and Charlie down on the living room couch. He sat on the coffee table in front of us. Everyone else left. This is how I knew it would be bad. This is how he told me Busted was no more. How he told me he was moving away from home. I know now this is big and this is bad.

This is not going to be good. As soon as James sat us down everyone cleared the room. This is not going to be good. He looks so pale and stressed out. What is he hiding from us?

The was quiet as James began his story. He held a unemotional face. A completely blank stare as if he no longer knew how to feel about the situation he was in. As if he blocked out all emotions. Charlie was shocked, disappointed, upset. He was feeling so many emotions at once is was hard to pin exactly what he felt. Was this his fault? Does James fell like it was Charlie who done this to him all over again? Did he cause James to shy away from SOD as he worked with them? Mackenzie. Poor Mackenzie. She was completely still. Like a statute of marble. Unsure of what to do. So many emotions running through her face. Disappointment; at her brother for felling like he couldn't tell her, anger; for the boys hurting her big brother, sadness; at herself for not being able to know what James was hiding, but the biggest of all was regret. Regret for not being there the first time he went through this. Regret for not helping him. Regret for not being the sister she should have been. Silence feel I've the room as James finished his story. Mackenzie let out as sigh before finally making eye contact with her brother. She leaned forward and grabbed his hands. "They aren't worth it. They don't deserve how amazing you are. This way someone who actually deserves a talented singer/actor/songwriter will get the man they want." James just smiled. Charlie was still quiet. He slowly looked up, "Jamesy, I'm so sorry. I feel like this is all my fault." James shook his head before pulling his good friend into his arms, "Charlie, stop this is not on you. Yes I was upset when Busted ended but the music you make now is making you happy. That's what is important. That's all I care about. As long as the music makes you happy, then that's all we all care about. And if Busted ever get back together even just to write then fine. As long as you are happy with it all, that's all that I care about." This caused a chuckle from Charlie, "When pigs fly Busted will get together again James. When pigs fly."

House Full Of Dorks(A Busted, Son Of Dork, IM5, McFly and One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now