Movie Night

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it is five thirty in the evening and we're all cuddled up on the couches in couples I guess you could say. James and Frankie beside Harry and Dougie, Danny and Tom on one of the love seats myself and Charlie on the other. And Matt darling Matt with one of my teddy bears. Poor Matty. The Son of Dork boys all disappeared into town to go out for drinks and the clubs. There's a lot of tension between them and James at the moment. Each couple has their own snacks and popcorn beside them. Charlie and Matt have popcorn to themselves so they're really happy.

At the moment James has on the first Back to the Future, one of our all time favourite movies, but I can't focus. The love seat Charlie and I ended up on is the smallest in the house and the feel of him so close mixed with the smell of his aftershave is making me so dizzy in the best way possible. Why does this have to be so hard? He keeps looking at me too when he thinks I won't notice. Is there something wrong does he want me to leave? Am I bothering him? Ugh someone help me cause I'm being driven insane.

Thank you guys for making sure myself and Mac got the smallest seat in the house. Right now Mackenzie is pretty much sitting on my lap and it's taking every bit of strength to keep myself from getting excited. God she's beautiful and smells so intoxicating. I can't stop looking at her. Man she must think I'm a freak. I don't deserve her at all but I want her. I need her. Mackenzie starts to get up, "you okay?" I whisper to her. "Yeah just need some air. Back in a bit" she replies softly. That's odd she normally hates leaving BTTF. I let her have some peace for a while but five minutes turns to fifteen which turns to thirty and she still isn't back in. No one else noticed that she left. I get up slowly and quietly and make my way to the kitchen. I look out the window to find her sitting out side by the pool without a jacket. I grab one of mine off the rack and make my way out to her. It's dark outside for quarter to seven so I don't think she noticed me just yet. I try to get her attention,
"Mackenzie? Sweetie? ... Mackenzie." Mac jumps a little, " Sorry Charlie. Daydreaming. What you doing out here?" I sit beside her and put the jacket over her shoulders. "Came to check on you. Thought you'd need a jacket" I say. She just smiles and pulls the jacket tighter round her. "Jacket? Charlie it's like a blanket on me" she giggles. I laugh and agree. I am a big guy after all. Mackenzie sighs and rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. "You okay?" "Perfect Charlie. I'm perfect."

It's official I love this man. This god. This hunk. I wish I could tell him. I wish I deserved him but he deserves a model or an actress. Not his best mate's college going sister. Being held by him is the best feeling. The heat radiating from his body. The feel of his arm holding me tighter. All while wrapped up in his big leather jacket that just smells of cologne and Charlie. I pull back and look at him. Fuck I wish he'd kiss me.

"Fuck I wish he'd kiss me." I turn my head to look at Mackenzie. I can't breathe. I look at her and she looks at me "What Charlie?" "Mackenzie you do know what you just said out loud don't you?" I ask. Her eyes go wide "No I only thought it Charlie. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even thought that" Mackenzie gets up and runs into the house. I'm speechless and it takes me a minute to let it sink in what just happened. I get up and run after her to be stopped by everyone at the door "What did you do?" "What did you say?" "Why is Mac crying?" Oh god I've made her cry. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" My yelling has shocked everyone enough to let me get passed. I run up the stairs taking them two at a time and head to her bedroom door. I knock. "Mackenzie please let me in. Please Mackenzie we need to talk about this." I hear this small quiet voice call from inside, "Leave me alone Charlie. Please just leave." "Mackenzie please I have to tell you something. Please." I'm begging now and I really don't care, I have to tell her how I feel. I heard footsteps coming towards the door. It gets unlocked and slowly opens. I step in and close the door behind me leaving everyone else standing at the top of the stairs.

House Full Of Dorks(A Busted, Son Of Dork, IM5, McFly and One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now