Surprise Phone Call

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Mackenzie's P.O.V:

"Pinch me, is this real? I'm on a one way ticket out of loserville Now I'm off the social flat line Things are so good that I'm Taking down my star-trek shrine" Ticket outta loserville blasted through my phone. "Hello?" I asked through the speaker while cleaning the bathrooms.

"MACKENZIE" someone yelled. It was my brother on the phone and he sounded really excited.

"JAMES! Hey how are you bro?" I said a smile growing on my face.

"I'm fine. You?" He asked. 

"Just grand. What you up to?" I asked heading into the kitchen putting away the bathroom cleaning supplies and boiling the kettle.

"Oh nothing. What are you doing?" he asked. Alright he's up to something I thought.

"Cleaning and CUT THE CRAP JAMES. What do you want or what are you up to this time?" I asked knowing he only asks what I'm up to or how are you on the phone if he wants something.

"Can't I call my baby sister and see how she's doing?" He asked while there was giggling and rustling in the background.

"You only ask what are you doing or how are you doing when your up to something or need a place to crash. And judging on how close it is to the four months off you have I'm guessing it's the second option." I said trying to get him to get straight to the point while making a good, strong coffee.

"Alright you got me. Look I was wondering if it was okay for me and a few friends come and stay for the next few months cause well your house is able to hold like thirty people to stay along with another five to crash on the sofa and god knows how many blow up mattresses you can get in the rooms" He said obviously giving up on the act. 

"HONEY I'M HOME. PUT THE BLOODY KETTLE ON AND MAKE ME FOOD." Frankie, my best mate and house mate yelled coming through the door.

"Who is THAT?" James asked through the phone. Oh oh. Overprotective brother mode on.

"That was just Frankie, James. FRANKIE GET YOUR OWN FOOD AND THE KETTLE IS ALREADY BOILIED." I said before taking the phone away and shouting to Frankie.

"DON'T RASIE YOUR VOICE AT ME MISSES!" she yelled from the top of the stairs. I then remembered my brother was still on the phone.

"Is Frankie gonna be okay with me and a few friends staying over?" he asked nervously. 

"Yeah she'll be fine." I replied. Frankie ran down the stairs screaming something to do with the radio. She put the radio on and Ticket Outta Loserville started blasting through the speakers. She started to sing and I could hear James and a few others laughing on the phone.

"James I have to go but I'll see you and Frankie loves the new song." I said and frankie stopped singing and went pale. She took the phone out of my hands and asked James "D-Did you hear me?" 

"Yes and I'm glad you likee the song. See you in a week sis." He said before hanging up. I took the phone and went to walk up stairs when I remember about telling Frankie.

"Oh Frankie. James and a few friends are coming in a week to stay for a few months." I walked out of the room before she could reply. I went to my room and closed the door when I heard frankie screaming "JAMES IS COMNG HOME TO ME" I couldn't help but laugh at the weird thing she has for my brother.

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