James and Frankie

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James P.O.V
A few days after Mac's date, I was sitting in my room strumming my guitar thinking. What I'm thinking about you might wonder. Well, that would have to be Frankie. I mean I've had a huge thing for her for years and now I have her but am I good enough. Everyone in my life leaves me so she will too won't she? "Not necessarily mate". I jump out of my skin and almost drop my guitar at the voice behind me. I turn to see Matt and Charlie standing there. "For fucks sake you scared me," Matt smirks, "We know, we saw it. But mate seriously Frankie won't leave you. She's madly in love with you which I can't figure out why," he teases. They come sit on either side of me. "Mate we never left you. Yes the band went in separate directions but we never ever left you. You're our brother we wouldn't do that," Charlie says. I sigh, "I know but what if she finds someone else. Someone better. Someone who can love her more than me?" "Oh Jamie, that girl loves you. You can see it everytime you walk into the room. Everytime you hole her near. Everytime you smile at her. She's completely head over heels." I smile at Matt's words. "You're right. I mean I've known Frankie for years. She practically grew up with us then she and Mac moved to Ireland and everyday I still thought of her." "We know mate. We know. I mean who was Sleeping With the Light On really about? It didn't take long for us to figure it out. You were so depressed when they left for Ireland." "Yeah James you mopped more than Charlie when Mac left, remember?" This comment prompted an all out pillow war to break out. "Hey, hey hey!! What is happening?!" We freeze and look to the door to see Mac standing there, hands on her hips and furrowed brow. Oh we are fucked. "You boys know you can't have pillow wars in my house. Especially if Dougie is around. Tom and Harry practically have him tied down in Frankie's room cause he ran up here to get involved. Get this room tidied and get downstairs dinner is almost ready." "Yes Miss Mackenzie." "Charlie you're in the doghouse tonight now aren't you?" "Shut up Matt."

Frankie's P.O.V
*Knock, knock*
"Come in."
"Hey sweetie. What's up?" I look to see Mac and the girls standing at my door. I still up from my hanging over the bed position I'm in. "Nothing I'm okay." "No Frankie you aren't darling." Emma replies. "Tell us what's going on in that head of yours eh lass?" Georgia asks. "I don't know. James seems so odd lately and he's just not acting like fun loving silly James. He's in his room all day and not coming out. And if I try to talk to him he keeps like pushing me away and saying all's grand but it's obviously not." "Obviously" all the girls sing in reply. "Seriously?" "Hey the boys always do it." "Fair enough." "Frankie everything will you be fine. You and Jamie just need to go out. By yourselves and talk and get to know each other. You've known him for so long but you need to know him on a whole other level. Trust me. It'll be fine." Mac's right. "You're right. I need to go and talk to him. Go on a date or something and work it all out." Just as the girls go to reply we hear the roars and laughs coming from James room and someone yell pillow war before feet coming running up the stairs followed by a thump. Then we see Tom and Harry carry Dougie into my room and pin him on the bed. "Mac.... Matt... James.... Charlie.... Pillows." Tom manages to get out as he wrestles Dougie. Mac runs out of my room. And we hear the whole conversation including three in sync voices saying "Yes Miss Mackenzie." "Miss Mackenzie?" "Been Mac's nickname for years. Who do you think What I Go To School For and Loser Kid are about? Charlie wrote quiet a bit of those songs with James. He used Mackenzie as a laugh but we always knew he fancied her just couldn't let James know. Hell I don't think she knows all the songs about her." Tom replies. Hmm interesting....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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