Figure of Darkness

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"Yuko Azzahar... It is a pleasure to meet you." Said Slyver.
"Well, don't start formal, we're friends after all." Said Yuko.
"At least you're higher rank than me, and this is your home. So, you get the treatment." Said Slyver.
"As you wish. Anyway..." Said Yuko.
"What bought you here ?" Ask Yuko.
"Good question. I was asked to gather you for... Something important." Said Slyver.
"Where ?" Ask Yuko.
"To Valor." Slyver replied.
"Hmm, rather odd request." Said Yuko.


"Okay, I found a way out." Said William.
"Good, I'm beginning to get sick of this place." Said Green.
"Get used to it, you're a mercenary." Said William, as he opened a hatch.
"Come on !" William said. Then, they climbed up into a room where the throne is.
"Uh, you said it's safe..." Said Green.
"Damn it ! I should've looked first." Said William.

"I would've loved to visit Valor kingdom, besides... It would've been an honor as well. However, I have some tasks that I would like to finish first." Said Yuko.
"Take your time..." Said Slyver, as he heard a metal sound.
"What is that ?!" Yuko surprised.
"It sounded like something happened on the throne room." Said Slyver.
"Come on !" Said Yuko, then they rushed towards the throne room to find a lamp stand dropped on the ground.

"Damn it William, you should've been--" Said Green, as he got thrown against a wall.
"Well well, an intruder... How interesting to see you in this particular room." Said Yuko while his hand raised towards Green.
"Don't you dare mess around with--" William charged towards Yuko, then got thrown against the wall as well.
"Pathetic..." Said Yuko.
"Wait Yuko !" Said Slyver, trying to prevent Yuko from suffocating them.

Slyver walked closer to Green and began to examine him.

"Green ? What are you doing here ?!" Slyver shocked.
"Yuko, drop them, they're my friends." Slyver demanded.
"Huh... Then what would you do ? Are you here to make trouble as well ?" Ask Yuko, Slyver then got surrounded with dark magic.
"Wait !!! I... Can explain." Said Green, he then got dropped immediately from Yuko's magic.
"Make it quick." Said Yuko.
"I got chased by my own guild... I have no clue on what reason but I managed to outruned them. Then, William brought me here on the basement." Said Green as he pointed at the hatch they came from.
"So you must be a fugitive." Said Yuko.
"If you say it that way." Said Green.
"Then why should I help you then ?" Ask Yuko.
"Remember me ? (Opened his hood)" Ask Green.

Yuko froze, he then dropped William.

"Green... Whitehawk ?" Yuko tried to recognize.
"Yes... I'm the one who accepted your request remember ?" Said Green.

Yuko silents...

"You know... Forget about that task I gave you, I already found a better weapon." Said Yuko, as he created a sword on his hand.
"I call it Dreadwyrm" Said Yuko.
"Ironic really... I got chased by them because of your request." Said Green.
"Oh, I'm sorry !" Yuko shocked.
"Then, allow me to explain it to them." Yuko added.
"I doubt it'll work." Said William, trying to stand up.
"Pardon ?" Ask Yuko.
"Hendrik is hot-headed. The only way he'll talk is if you actually finished the mission." William replied.
"Then, I know how to it, let's just make it so Green finished his task, I got my sword made, even though it's not from him." Yuko suggested.
"Right... Except he's already late at submitting the task." William shakes his head.
"We'll worry about your problem later. We have more important things to do." Said Slyver.
"So, you agree ?" Ask Slyver.
" I'll ask first." Said Yuko, as he went to his royal room.

"Father..." Said Yuko.
"Yes, what is it ?" Ask the king.
"I... Slyver asked me to come with them to Valor." Said Yuko.
"Them ? I thought there's only Slyver." The king surprised.
"Well... Things went sideways, and I met Green, you remember him don't you ?" Ask Yuko.
"Green Whitehawk huh... That great archer, yeah." Said the king.
"He also brought his friend named William." Said Yuko.
"William ? William Sythtrach ? He's my royal assassin." Said the king.
"Really ?!" Yuko surprised.
"Where is he ?" Ask the king.
"He's at the throne room with the others." Said Yuko. Then, they went to the throne room.

"William Sythtrach, what are you doing here ?" Ask the king

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"William Sythtrach, what are you doing here ?" Ask the king.
"My king, I hid Green because of unsuspected reason." Said William.
"What happened Green ?" Ask the king.
"The leader, Hendrik got mad at him because he didn't submitted the task in time, though it's quite ironic because his task doesn't have any deadline." Said William.
"Huh... Then I'll talk to Hendrik myself and clear things out." Said the king.
"So... Dad ? What do you think ?" Ask Yuko.
"Oh... Well, sure. I'm sure they need you." Said the king.

From afar, a girl showed up, wearing a hood.

"What's with the trouble here ?" Ask the girl

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"What's with the trouble here ?" Ask the girl.
"Oh Yumi... Quite a surprise to see you here." Said the king.
"What happened ?" Ask the girl again.
"Your brother received a task from Slyver, telling him to go to Valor to meet Vallhain." Said the king.
"Then I'll come with him." Said Yumi.
"What ? No, I disagree." Said Yuko.
"Come on brother, I wanted to meet my friend there, Crystal." Said Yumi.
"Huh... Fine. Just don't create any trouble." Yuko seems annoyed but surrendered anyway to Yumi.
"Great. So, what are we waiting for ?" Ask Yumi.
"I'm afraid going at this time will be dangerous, at least for Green." Said William.
"Why. ?" Ask Yumi.
"It's complicated." Said Green.
"I could lend us an airship." Said Yuko.
"Right dad ?" Yumi pursue her father, so goes for Yuko.
"Um, sure... But keep a good care of it, it's expensive." Said the king.
"We'll take the small one." Said Slyver.
"You sure ?" Ask Yuko.
"You already helped a lot. I don't want to burden you." Said Slyver.
"As you wish then." Said the king.

Then, they went to the airship's landing area. There, all kinds of airships raging from royal class to the smallest one, frigate.

"There it is. Frigate class airship." Said the king.
"It's still look huge." Said Slyver.
"Well, it's the smallest one, if you want you can use the transportation class." Said the king, pointing at a gigantic airship.
"Um, yeah... We'll take the frigate." Slyver smiled in shy.
"Aboard !" Said Yuko.
"I'll drive, Green you're in charge of for the eyes." Said Yuko.
"What about me, William and Yumi ?" Ask Slyver.
"You and William in charge of the cannon, Yumi will come with me." Said Yuko.
"Alright." Said Slyver.

The king waved his hand as the airship took off, the airship went southeast, towards Valor kingdom.

"Wow, it's beautiful here." Said Green.
"Feels like flying right ?" Said Slyver.
"Yeah..." Green gazed down where Azzalium Kingdom is.

At the command deck...

"What are you thinking about ?" Ask Yuko, who sees Yumi daydreaming.
"I'm thinking about Crystal." Said Yumi.
"What about her ?" Ask Yuko.
"She's... Been acting weird since Arcanic left. You know, the great mage of Valor that teach her... your friend. She's been sending me letters talking about him all the time, it seems that he meant a lot to her." Said Yumi.
"Let's just focus alright ? (I miss him too Yumi, you don't know how influential he is when he's around)" Said Yuko.
"Yeah..." Yumi nodded.

Underwhelmed by sircumstances
Matter of life and death
For few, or for many
Will you choose the good ?
Or will you choose the bad ?

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