Journey Begins

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5 years later...

"How's the situation ?" Ask Slyver.
"Area has been retaken sir, reinforcements arrived as expectations. Proceeding to reinforce the area and expand for possible outposts." Soldier reported.
"Good work. Dismissed." Said Slyver.

Moments later, a man wearing a hood came inside the tent.

"Slyver, a message." Said the man.
"Ah, Mustafa. Glad to see you arrived... A message you say... Let's see." Said Slyver as he opened the letter.
Inside, it said...

To Commander Slyver...
The king requested your attendance at Valor Castle immediately for classified reason.

"What's wrong ?" Ask Mustafa.
"The king asked me to attend something at the castle immediately, can you take care the situation here ?" Ask Slyver.
"You can count on me." Said Mustafa.
"Good, then I'll take my leave now, good luck !" Said Slyver, as he prepares his equipment.
"You too friend." Mustafa waved his hand as Slyver leave.

Along the journey, Slyver think about the message, why would a king ask for him that urgent, could it be something is wrong at Valor, or could it be just another messed-up situation at the dwarf camp. Slyver had just retaken the area from the orge and he haven't set up defenses yet and now he's asked again for unknown reason. But Slyver quickly threw away this thought and focus on his journey, who knows perhaps this will be his day.

Along the way, Slyver saw a damaged wagon near the riverbed. Curious, he approached it with caution.

"The wagon was damaged not too long ago, I need to search for something." Slyver thought, his arm reached his sword, knowing a danger might dwell within.

Inside the wagon, he saw a man holding a crossbow at him.

"Go away !" Said the man.
"Hey now, let's not get too serious... Put down the weapon, I'm not going to hurt you." Said Slyver as he raized his hand.
"Not until you drop yours first !" The man demanded.
"Alright..." Slyver then drop the sword near the man, the man noticed this and put the crossbow away.
"Who's your name ?" Ask Slyver.
"I'm Xanier. I'm just a merchant." Said Xanier.
"You have an interesting name... You must be someone important." Said Slyver.

Xanier refused to answer but Slyver's look made him talk.

"Alright alright... I'm a trainer from Mahallar. I come to Valor because I thought I can find a better life." Xanier explained.
"What happened here ?" Ask Slyver.
"Goblins... They ambushed me and my friend Exiel. They took her away and now I'm stuck here thinking about a plan to save her." Xanier began to nervous.

Slyver took a moment to think, that his friend might've held captive in the fortress he's troubled with.

"I can help you with that, I know a possible location that your friend might held captive in." Said Slyver.
"Who... Are you ?" Ask Xanier.
"I'm a commander, you might think it's strange to see a lone commander in the middle of nowhere but I hold control of this area. Come on, you said you want to help your friend." Said Slyver.
"Oh, yes... Right, uh.. Where to ?" Ask Xanier.
"Just follow me, do keep your weapon at hand in case of another ambush or trap." Said Slyver, as he crossed the river, followed by Xanier.

After some time, they found a ruins.

"There, I'm pretty sure they held your friends inside, somewhere." Said Slyver.
"There's a lot of them guarding the area, we can't take it ourselves." Said Xanier.
"Who said we can't..." Said Slyver, as he heard a marching sound.
"Get down ! Someone's coming." Whisper Slyver.

From distance, appeared to be a small group of men and appears to be a leader in the middle wearing a hood.

"They don't look like one of them." Said Xanier.
"No idea, but they could be working with the goblins." Said Slyver.

As Slyver observe closer, he saw that the leader is no other but Mustafa, his lieutenant.

"Mustafa ! Here !" Whisper Slyver.
"Show yourself !" Said Mustafa.
"No no wait, it's me... Slyver." Said Slyver as he raized his hand.
"Slyver, what are you doing here ?" Ask Mustafa.
"I'm the one who should be asking that, why you left the tent ? Who's in charge of command if you're away ?" Ask Slyver.
"Everything is under control, we're trying to recapture this ruins as a possible outpost." Said Mustafa.

Slyver hesitated for a moment, but quickly threw it away.

"That's good... We're trying to save a woman who's held captive inside." Said Slyver.
"Coincidence." Said Mustafa.

Slyver set up a plan to attack the goblins. Then, Mustafa with two of his mens waited at the bushes while the others hide behind the trees. Slyver and Xanier went behind a huge rock.

"Alright, on my command." Said Slyver.
"Okay." Said Xanier.
"3...2...1... Shoot !" Slyver said. Xanier then took a shot on the goblin at the tower, and hit.

"You're pretty good as a crossbowmen. You reminded me of my friend, Green. He's now working with the mercenaries. I haven't seen him since 4 years ago." Said Slyver.
"Alright, Mustafa now !" Shout Slyver.

Immediately, Mustafa and two of his mens drew their shield and made a shield wall. The goblins immediately surrounded Mustafa and his mens. Then, the others appeared from the trees and takes shot on the goblins.

"Alright, cover me while I deal with that orge at the gate." Said Slyver, as he rushed towards the orge that's busy engaging Mustafa.

Slyver drew his sword and slashed the orge's foot, paralyzing it and thrust it to the head with huge force. He then run inside to be greeted with some armored goblins.

"Alright, let's see how good you are." Slyver taunts them and he equipped his shield.

Blow after blow from the goblins has no effect as Slyver casually blocking their attacks. He then proceed to slash and stab the goblins with his sword. After the skirmish was done. He hid behind the pillar to look around for Xanier's friend. He the saw a locked room.

"That's the one. Now, I just need to find the keys..." Said Slyver, as the ground shaked. He then guard himself and look around, to see an orge with full armor.

"Great... Now what to do..." Slyver thought. As he dodged the orge's attacks.

Blow after blow is given to Slyver, as he slowly realized what to do.

"Hey orge ! Come on ! Hit me, you have a gigantic hammer. Am I too small for you or you're too slow ?" Taunt Slyver as he stand behind the locked door. The orge charge his hammer and slam it to Slyver's direction.

"Haha ! It worked !" Laughed Slyver as the door broke.
"Now, to finish off..." Slyver charged his sword as it glow and thrust it through the orge's armor and stab it on the back. The orge then collapsed and the armor slowly rusted away.

"He really does a good job on enchanting this sword..." Slyver mumbled. With no time wasted, he runs inside the room and found a woman tied up against the wall. Slyver quickly cuts off the tying rope and freed her.

"Thank you." Said her.
"You must me Exiel, am I correct ?" Ask Slyver.
"Yes, I am." Said Exiel.
"A person named Xanier was looking for you, come on." Said Slyver as he helped Exiel walk to the outside.

There, Xanier ran towards Exiel and hug her.

"Sorry for my weakness... I promise not to leave you again sister." Said Xanier.
"Wait, you're siblings ?" Slyver surprised.
"Yes, we actually went to Valor to find a house for our parents, our old house is not suitable for living anymore." Xanier explained.
"Mustafa, maybe you could give them one of your house." Slyver whispered.
"You know... You're such a noble heart Slyver... Alright, for you I'll do it." Said Mustafa.
"You two mind coming with me ?" Ask Mustafa.
"For ?" Ask Xanier.
"You seemed like you could use some help." Said Mustafa.
"Thank you." Said Xanier.

And they all left, the soldiers then proceed to secure the area.

"Now... It's time to focus on my journey." Said Slyver, as he continue walking to Valor kingdom.

Some say live is miserable
Some say live is mysterious
Some say live is treachery
Some say live is a gift
Some say live... Is a test

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