Complete Picture

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Yumi came back, followed by Arcanic. Slyver asked what happened and Arcanic told them that he was searching for his old friend, but didn't tell why. Yumi was looking at Arcanic with sinister face, knowing what he had done back there.

"Zanumar... You... Got it ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yes, well... Crystal got it for me." Said Green.
"Huh ? What happened ?" Ask Arcanic.

Crystal didn't answer Arcanic's question, instead... She went back to the airship with Cynthia, then followed by Yumi.

"Um, is... Something wrong ?" Ask Arcanic.
"No idea. Whatever happened inside there must've affect Crystal in some way." Said Green.
"She's acting weird when she saw you, is anything alright Arcanic ?" Ask Slyver.
"I'm as confused as you are, I don't know what happened." Arcanic shake his shoulders.
"Let's just go back shall we ? King Vallhain must've waiting for us." Yuko suggested.

They agreed and went back to the airship. There, not only that they're surprised it got blocked by Cynthia and Yumi, Crystal was preparing her spells.

"Wow wow, what's all this ?" Ask Slyver.
"We're not letting a murderer on board Slyver, get in." Said Cynthia.
"A murderer ? Who ?" Ask Slyver.
"Don't ask, you're coming or not ?" Ask Cynthia.
"Hey hey, this is my airship. You can't just block them." Said Yuko.
"Or else what ? We're going to let him get inside and kill us all ?" Ask Yumi.
"Yumi... What ?" Yuko confused.
"You're... Acting weird princess." William tried to ease the situation.
"Quiet you. You're not my royal guard." Said Yumi.
"Hey hey ! Enough !" Shout Slyver.
"Get yourself together ! What are you all doing ? Tell me !" Said Slyver.
"We found out that your friend there, the one who's been missing  every time, is a murderer Slyver. Yumi saw it with her own eyes, she said he's planning for a war." Said Cynthia.
"What ? You mean Arcanic ? No ! Never ! He never done such thing !" Slyver denied.
"The witness is here Slyver ! Get yourself together !" Said Cynthia, as she draw her spear.
"I'm not letting him on board Yuko, not if he's going to kill all of us." Said Yumi, as she draw her blade.
"Let's sort this out alright ? Arcanic may have disappeared many times but he would've~" Said Green, before he got interrupted with Cynthia.
"He would've what ? He would've told you ? What are you ? A fool ?" Ask Cynthia, as he hold Green's neck.
"Drop him !" Slyver bashed Cynthia.
"So you're going to protect him then. Fine, we'll do it the hard way." Said Yumi.
"Yumi no ! If you ever lay hand to my friends, I'll be forced to attack you !" Said Yuko.
"Or what brother ? Have you been always like that ?" Ask Yumi.

"YOU ALL ENOUGH ! ENOUGH WITH THE FIGHT !" Arcanic enraged, his voice filled the entire area, his eyes went blood red.
"Enough... You're right... I am a murderer." Said Arcanic, as he reveal his true self.

Everyone was shocked by Arcanic's appearance, tattered clothes, red glowing eyes, his hand were like claws.

"I've been hiding myself since I disappeared 6 years ago, that's right... Ever since I disappeared from your house Green." Said Arcanic, pointing at Green.
"I can't handle myself that well that time... My emotions, I let them took over my body, as a result I every so often changing form." Arcanic explained.
"You even got scared, when I killed those people Crystal. But you know why ? It's because they're going to torture you, using you as a ransom. What ? Don't you think Hendrik didn't notice the first time he saw you ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Hendrik ?..." William confused.
"Yes, your leader ! He's been using my general as a weapon to show his domination. That necromancer you fought at the arena back then, that's MY general." Said Arcanic, pointing at himself.
"I thought you'll be filled with questions as to why you suddenly back at the airship. It's because me and him carried you all there." Said Arcanic.
"I killed Hendrik purposely because of his sins, I can't let him create chaos on that continent, that continent is already destroyed since the beginning of it's creation." Said Arcanic.
"And about my appearance, you got scared seeing me, you even tried to attack me but I stopped it. What would you do if you saw me like that in the first place ?" Ask Arcanic, pointing at Crystal.
"The truth is... I care about all of you. I asked Fallheim to watch over you so you won't get any trouble while I wasn't around to do so. Now, you see the perfect picture..." Said Arcanic.
"You see my true self, you see my intentions, you see my actions." Said Arcanic.
"I'm not worthy of being called a mentor... I'm more worthy being called a murderer." Said Arcanic.

For the first time after so long, Arcanic dropped on his knees, crying. He palmed his hand, and smash the ground, regretting what he had done. He smashed the ground again, thinking that he could've done better. And the third smash, he released his wings.

"Sorry Arcanic, I thought I know you... But that elf told me many things about your dark side. Your father attacked my father, he even attacked him as well." Said Crystal.
"I'm.. Sorry..." Arcanic plead for forgiveness.
"Maybe it's better, if we stay away from each other..." Crystal turned, and walked away.

Slowly, she began to cry as well. Cynthia and Yumi followed her.

"Arcanic..." Said Slyver.
"Leave now... Don't call me by the name." Arcanic stared at the ground.

For him, he stared at the past, what he had done back then. Horrible things haunted him one by one.

"Arcanic... I'm sorry, I wish things were better." Said Yuko, as he walked on board, followed by William.

There, three young men were once together again. Green and Slyver kneeled down, trying to ease Arcanic. But it did nothing.

"Can you promise me one thing ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yes, anything..." Said Slyver.
"I want you to watch over her... I was told by her father to watch over her, and make sure she's safe until she return. Can you finish it for me ?" Ask Arcanic.

Slyver and Green looked at each other for a moment, and they both nodded.

"If it helps you find your peace Arcanic, we'll do it." Said Green.
"Thank you..." Arcanic smiled for a moment.
"One more before you go..." Said Arcanic, as he took something from his pocket.

A small note, folded. Arcanic gave it to Slyver.

"Give it to her... When the time's right..." Said Arcanic.
"Alright, I'll make sure of that." Said Slyver.
"Now... Go..." Said Arcanic.

Slyver and Green didn't move an inch. Arcanic looked at them with confusion.

"What are you waiting for... Go now !" Said Arcanic.
"Arcanic... We can't just leave you like this, I'm not repeating the past. You have to go with us." Said Slyver.
"You heard my words, what I have done." Said Arcanic.
"I don't care, you did it simply because it's the right thing to do. I can see why you killed Hendrik, he's a disaster." Said Green.
"No... Dirt can't be cleaned by dirt Green... Same goes for sin." Said Arcanic.
"Damn it Arcanic, please... We can't live like this forever. I'm asking you as a friend." Said Slyver.
"If you're asking as a friend, then I told you as a friend, that this is the right thing to do." Said Arcanic.
"Just because Crystal~ Everyone hate you... That doesn't mean we do." Said Green.
"I'm sorry, but it has to be like this." Said Arcanic.

Yuko appeared from the airship, calling them to get onboard.

"Go now..." Said Arcanic.
"Nic..." Said Slyver.
"Huh... It's been a while since you call me with that nickname." Said Arcanic, he smiled briefly.
"Goodbye friend." Said Green, as he stand up.
"Hope fate meet us again..." Slyver reluctantly stand up.

Then, they both went onboard the airship. Soon, the airship took off, leaving Arcanic alone. Arcanic looked at the sky, and noticed something odd.

"The darkness... Why it's calling me ?" Ask Arcanic.

Then, he had a glimpse of Valor's kingdom. The situation was terrifying, houses burnt down to ruins, walls destroyed almost completely, but the castle remain still untouched.

"The kingdom's in danger..." Arcanic mumbled.
"Al'ritch... I call upon your name, come to me. Fallheim, I call upon your name, come to me." Said Arcanic.

Then, Al'ritch and Fallheim appeared. Fallheim was quite surprised to saw Al'ritch after a long time.

"How's Anthrax Al'ritch ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I'm sorry, he can't be healed. The chaos has eaten his entire body." Said Al'ritch.
"Damn... The chaos is much worse than I thought..." Arcanic mumbled.
"I want you two to do something for me." Said Arcanic.
"Go join with Dzaych in the Dark Domain. He's forming an army, and currently talking to Jibhril, the messager of the god." Said Arcanic.
"Jibhril ? That's... Extreme action sir." Said Fallheim.
"As much as I hate it, my father believe in the angels as much as the god believe in them. I'm sure they'll come to an agreement, especially in this situation." Said Arcanic.
"Very well, but would that mean they'll join forces ?" Ask Fallheim.
"I already expected that, and that's a good thing. If the light and darkness joined together, we can defeat the underworld with ease." Said Arcanic.
"Then what will you do ?" Ask Al'ritch.
"I'm going to Valor kingdom." Said Arcanic, his wings spreaded out.
"There are lives at stake... And we need to save it." Said Arcanic, as he launched himself to the sky.

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