Painful Truth

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"Alright, there it is, Yvenith kingdom." Said Slyver, as he pointed at a huge trees, with many elves doing their activities.
"Never thought I would see an elf, they're pretty restricted with humans." Said Green.
"Well of course, since the human bring disasters by claiming all kinds of resources for their 'prosperity'. Now that I said that, I'm not sure were welcomed." Said Arcanic.
"Well, we have to figure out a way to get the artifact." Said Slyver.
"He's right, the sooner the better." Said Green.

They walked towards the kingdom's entrance, being stared by many elves that they've passed. Slyver simply ignored them while Green felt a little eerie.

"What's wrong ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I don't know, I feel like we're a bandit or something." Said Green.
"Don't worry about it okay ? Let's just be polite in front of them." Said Slyver.
"Agree, no matter what past have done between us, doesn't mean we're not acceptable anymore." Yuko added.
"Alright..." Green felt relieved.

As they walk towards the huge tree, they got intercepted by a guard, or at least look like a guard.

"What's your purpose walking around in our land human ?" Ask one of the elves.
"We need to see the leader of this kingdom." Said Slyver.
"No one can enter this sacred tree without blessing of the leader himself !" Said one of the elves.
"Ugh... Can I~" Said Slyver, as Arcanic immediately interrupt him.
"Our apologies, but we must see the leader at once, we're on an important mission by king Vallhain." Said Arcanic.
"King Vallhain ?! That can't be..." The guards shocked.
"Uh ? What about my dad ?" Ask Crystal.
"You ! You're the princess of the light." Said one of the elves.
"Who ? Me ?" Crystal confused.
"Um, if we can't enter we understand. Where can we get this blessing other than the leader it~" Said Arcanic, as the guards rushed to bring Crystal inside the sacred tree.

"Hey, hey ! Where will you bring me to ?" Ask Crystal.
"Quiet princess." Said one of them.
"What will my friends do if they found out~" Said Crystal, as she then forced to sit on a huge room, looked like a throne.

"They won't be worried about you, Crystal Lightheart." A figure sitting on the throne stand up.
"Greetings, my name is Wyrin Eldenbaum." Said Wyrin.
"Why I feel like I heard that name before..." Crystal confused.
"You heard my name, because..." Said Wyrin, as he cast a spell from his book.
"Your father was my friend." Said Wyrin.

A picture showed Wyrin with Crystal's father, Vallhain, and another man with black wings beside him.

"Who is that ?" Crystal pointed at the man with the wings.
"That, is Adam Darkhaven. A ruler of the darkness." Said Wyrin.
"Adam... Darkhaven ?" Ask Crystal.
"Yes, he's an angel that was descended to the world to guide the darkness." Said Wyrin.
"Let me explain it more detail..." Said Wyrin.

Adam Darkhaven is an angel created by the god to rule the darkness, his purpose is to make peace what is seems to be impossible, to make peace between the light and the darkness, but with his abilities and his determined heart, he succeeded. He even married a minister from the light named Luna, the guardian of the moonlight. But that didn't went for long... One day, an army from the darkness attacked humanity. Vallhain, your father, saw this and enraged with what Adam has done. He claimed that it's not his army, but your father simply doesn't believe it, neither do I. His army attacked our kingdom, murdering any elves and burning forests to create chaos on us. Me and Vallhain can't handle it anymore. We decided, we need to fight Adam if we want to survive. But the truth is, Vallhain simply doesn't want that, he acknowledged Adam's innocence but he has no proof to support that thought.

"My, father was... An angel ?" Crystal confused.
"More like a ruler of the light." Said Wyrin.
"Why are you telling me this ?" Ask Crystal.
"Simply because of your safety." Said Wyrin.
"I don't know if you want to believe it or not, but you've been travelling with a murderer." Said Wyrin.
"Who ?" Ask Crystal.
"There..." Wyrin showed Crystal's friend from his picture, pointing closer to Arcanic.
"Him. Arcanic Darkhaven." Said Wyrin.

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