Under Heavy Siege

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Just as the airship took off, Arcanic saw a thick cloud of smoke hovering over Mahallar Kingdom.

"Oh no... No no no..." Arcanic mumbled as he rushed his way to Yuko, who drove the airship.
"Yuko ! We need to get to Mahallar now !" Shout Arcanic.
"Wow wow... Calm down ! What happened ?" Ask Yuko.
"Just do as I say ! Mahallar is under attack !" Said Arcanic, he then rushed his way to everyone else, preparing themselves on what's about to happen.
"Damn it ! I knew it has something to do with Al'ritch." Said Slyver.
"Mahallar seems destroyed." Said William.
"We can safe what's left from the ruins at least." Said Slyver.

Their faces are covered with unpleasant look as Mahallar burn down to ruins.

"Crystal ! Where is she ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yes ! What is it ?" Ask Crystal, who just popped out from her room, along with Cynthia and Yumi.
"I need you two to guard her. Alright ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Why ? What happened ?" Ask Cynthia.
"Just do as I say." Said Arcanic, as he run back outside.

The airship flew fast towards Mahallar, but the smoke made Yuko unable to navigate easily.

"We can't go any further, we have to land." Said Yuko.
"Then we land here." Slyver suggested.
"Everyone, get yourself ready, this will not be easy." Said Slyver.

The airship landed on a plains near Mahallar. Arcanic rushed his way to Mahallar while the others trying to catch up on him.

"He's too fast !" Said Green.
"Just stay on him Green, we'll catch up." Said Slyver.
"Alright ! I'll do my best." Said Green, he then sprinted away from them to catch Arcanic.
"Alright, we need at least someone or two to guard the airship, while the other go with me to save what's left." Said Slyver.
"I'll stay here with Yumi and Crystal." Yuko suggested.
"You sure ?" Ask Slyver.
"You can count on me." Said Yuko.
"Alright. William, Cynthia, let's go !" Said Slyver.

They rushed their way to Mahallar. There, they saw a very unpleasant view, blood and bodies lied down all over the place. The sky is filled with... Gargoyles ?

"The underworld creatures..." Said Slyver.
"The attack seems to have begun." William added.

Back on Green, he lost his trace with Arcanic.

"Arcanic !" Shout Green.
"Arcanic ! Where are you !?" Shout Green once more, looking for him.

Out of nowhere, he got shot from the back.
Injured, Green dragged himself to safety, as he looked behind him. Afar, a figure with a beak holding a bow stand on a ruins, with glowing purple matter on it's body.

"Green Whitehawk... It was a shame to see you dying like this." Said the figure.
"Who are you ?!" Ask Green.
"Heh, my name is Anthrax Foulmourn. Yes, I'm your evil embodiment. We both uses the same weapon. We both has the same job, to kill our own target." Said Anthrax.

As he pulled his bow towards Green, he got knocked by a magic. Anthrax then got up only to find Green is gone.

"Damn it ! You !" Said Anthrax.

Then, Arcanic showed up.

"Anthrax... It seems that the chaos have corrupted you." Said Arcanic.
"So you're the one who's been interfering with my plan." Said Anthrax.
"You lost your mind, you hide your appearance. Anthrax, wake up. This is not you !" Said Arcanic.
"You will die !" Said Anthrax, as he took a shot on Arcanic.

Arcanic casually dodged the arrows and teleported to make Anthrax confused. Eventually, Arcanic cast his spell and knocked Anthrax so far.

"Green ! Are you alright ?" Ask Arcanic, he returned to his hiding spot.
"I... I feel numb. I feel paralyzed. I can't sense anything." Said Green in pain.
"Hold on..." Said Arcanic, as he cast a spell from his hand, he then rubbed his hand on Green's wound. Instantly, the purple matter that was on Green disappear.
"What... Did you do ?" Ask Green, trying to gain his consciousness.
"I healed you." Said Arcanic.
"By what ?" Ask Green.
"Intelligence. I learned a spell back when I was a child." Said Arcanic.
"We need to... Find Slyver and others. They might be in trouble." Said Green, as he picked his bow.

Back at Slyver, they were busy attacking the gargoyles who were engaging them.

"It's too many !" Said William.
"Stay put, don't lose your ground." Said Slyver.
"We can't do this forever Slyver." Said Cynthia.
"Hold on ! We'll get through eventually." Said Slyver.
"Ugh, I'll do it my way..." Said Cynthia, as she gathered her strength and thrust her spear on the ground, creating a fireblast that wiped out the entirety of the gargoyles.

"That's how you do it." Said Cynthia.
"Wow... You, how did you learn that magic ?" Ask Slyver.
"I learned it from Crystal, she taught me how to cast a spell from my weapon." Said Cynthia.

From afar, two mens run at them.

"Slyver !" Said Green.
"Green, Arcanic." Said Slyver, as he waved his hand.
"I... I found him." Said Green.
"To be exact, I found you." Said Arcanic.
"Yeah... Sure, whatever you want to call it." Said Green.
"What happened here ?" Ask Slyver.
"I'm afraid the attack has already begun long ago, they just waiting for the right moment, I find no survivors. The castle got destroyed entirely." Said Arcanic.
"Damn it ! Those foul creatures..." Slyver angered.
"Keep yourself together. They might be more as we venture out more." Said Arcanic.
"We need to get back and check on Yuko." Green suggested.
"Good idea, let's go." Said Slyver.

Then, they went back to the airship, Slyver went on board and saw Yuko was waiting for them.

"How was it ?" Ask Yuko.
"It's terrible. Terrifying even, the underworld destroyed the kingdom without sparing any left." Said Slyver.
"I just got a message from king Vallhain, telling that Mahallar king already evacuate to Valor." Said Yuko.
"Good... At least we can save that." Said Slyver.
"Did you tell the king to prepare their defenses in case of an attack ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yep, already done. The king even already started the drill." Said Yuko.
"Good... Where's Crystal ?" Ask Arcanic.
"She's fine with Yumi. She's on her room if you ask." Said Yuko.

Arcanic walked to Crystal's room to check her condition. Arcanic knocked, and Yumi opened the door.

"Arcanic." Yumi greeted.
"Can I see Crystal ?" Ask Arcanic.
"She's here, but she seems sad about something. She won't talk to me about it." Said Yumi.
"Let me talk to her." Said Arcanic, as he stepped inside.
"Crystal..." Arcanic called, he then sit on the floor.
"Can you tell me ?" Ask Arcanic.

Crystal just silent, didn't respond to Arcanic's answer even from body language.

"You're sad about the kingdom ?" Ask Arcanic.

Crystal silents...

"You're sad about something then... Can you tell me what it is ?" Ask Arcanic.

Crystal silents once more, Arcanic noticed her eyes started to cry. Arcanic then gave a signal to Yumi to let them alone. Yumi then opened the door and went outside.

"You're sad because I didn't let you fight alongside didn't you ?" Ask Arcanic.

Crystal looked at Arcanic for a moment, then she looked back at the window.

"Why..." Crystal said low.
"Why didn't you let me..." Said Crystal.
"I can't let you get hurt anymore. I can't, I'm not that person anymore who just stand back and watch people suffer." Said Arcanic.
"I can take care of myself. Why wouldn't you let me fight alongside you ?" Ask Crystal, her eyes started to drop tears.

Arcanic silent to think about his past... Where he let Crystal trained herself to become a mage.

"One time, I let you trained on yourself, and you almost burned the entire garden." Said Arcanic.
"How can I suppose to forget that ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I'm not stubborn anymore." Said Crystal.
"Huh... If you say so." Said Arcanic, as he rise up, kneeling on her.
"If you ask politely, perhaps I can take you with me." Said Arcanic.
"Promise ?" Ask Crystal, as she wiped her tears.

Arcanic think again...

"Yes. I promise." Said Arcanic.
"Can I go with you next time, please ?" Ask Crystal, her face suddenly change.

Arcanic surprised by the fact she can change mood that quickly. Remembering his promise...

"... Okay, just don't get too far." Said Arcanic.
"I won't." Crystal smiled.
"You know... You remind me of myself sometimes..." Arcanic tried to ease things out.
"Now I know why your parents give you the name Crystal." Said Arcanic.
"Why ?" Ask Crystal.
"Because... When you cry, your tears are like pure crystals, your eyes even represents one." Said Arcanic.
"Arcanic..." Crystal blushed.
"Hah ! Sorry. I get carried away sometimes." Laughed Arcanic.

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