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At the airship...

Things have absolute reversed. The presence inside, are no longer the same. There's no Arcanic, who loved to tell stories and brighten everyone even at the mere despair. Without his presence, the airship's atmosphere is almost as a no man's land. There, Slyver and Green stared at each other, but nowhere near to talk, as if they were occupied by something else. William and Yuko are debating on something. Yumi and Cynthia are polishing their weapons. Then there's Crystal, who stared at her dagger.

Deep in her mind, she thought about the past, the dagger reminded her about the day where Arcanic celebrate her graduation by giving her his own dagger. Shortly after, she got surprised by Green who was carefully staring at her.

"What's that ?" Ask Green.
"A dagger, I thought I'll be obvious." Said Crystal.
"Hmm, I see... Where did you get that ? That is a quite unique dagger." Said Green.
"I got it from Arcanic." Said Crystal.

At first glance it may looked like an ordinary dagger, but as Green looked closer, there's writings carved on the sheath.

"What does it say ?" Ask Green.
"As if I can read it..." Said Crystal.
"I'm sure it's important. Arcanic never say anything about it ?" Ask Green.
"No..." Crystal glanced away for a moment.
"(She still can't accept the fact that Arcanic murdered bad people...) Hmm... You ever draw it ?" Ask Green.
"Arcanic... Warn me not to draw it." Said Crystal.
"Why ?" Ask Green.
"He... Said bad things going to happen..." Said Crystal.
"Leave me alone will you ? You made me feel uncomfortable." Said Crystal.

Green nodded, as he left. He then walked up to Slyver who was looking down below.

"So, how was it ?" Ask Slyver.
"Sorry... I can't even made her to talk about him, she still feel uneasy." Said Green.
"As I expect... What were you talking about there ?" Ask Slyver.
"I tried to engage her by talking about the dagger. She said it was given by Arcanic, I assume long ago." Said Green.
"It has some writings that neither me nor her know what it means." Green added.
"Must've been very special then." Said Slyver.
"Yes..." Green nodded.
"Anyway, what are you looking at ?" Ask Green.

Slyver took a deep breath, and shook his head.

"Nothing... I always has this feeling that Arcanic might've look after us." Said Slyver.
"Would you think he'll follow us ?" Ask Slyver.
"I don't know anymore... He always has an odd behaviour." Said Green.
"When will they have a chance to be happy like they used to..." Said Slyver.
"Huh ? What do you mean ?" Ask Green.
"Green, I wanted Arcanic to be happy, as happy as you get to heaven." Said Slyver.
"Only she can make her happy Green, I saw it with my own eyes... Every time Arcanic saw her, he made a little smile of relief, that itself already made my heart calm." Said Slyver.
"I wish that too... Arcanic has been in pain for so long..." Green looked above for a moment.
"Is there any chance they'll just forget about the past and seek a new path for the future..." Slyver mumbled.

6 years ago...

"Arcanic, what happened, tell me ?" Ask Green.
"I... I can't help myself Green, I'm sorry..." Said Arcanic.
"Why ? What happened ?" Ask Green.
"I just killed another human..." Arcanic cried.
"What happened there ? Tell me." Said Green.
"He... He almost killed a slave, just because she didn't obey his order. Green, he did terrible things, I had to... Look !" Arcanic showed his hand, covered in blood.
"Arcanic, get yourself together... Here." Said Green, as he tried to clean Arcanic's hand.
"No Green, a dirt cannot be cleaned with dirt, same goes with sins..." Said Arcanic.
"What are you talking about ? You did the right thing." Said Green.
"No ! Just because he almost murdered her I can't just clean this with some water and pretend it was the past." Said Arcanic.
"Dad... I need you... Where are you..." Arcanic burst to tears more.
"Hey, calm down. Arcanic, it's alright." Green rubbed Arcanic's back, trying to calm him down.
"Mom... I'm sorry for not listening... I have been a bad kid..." Arcanic mumbled as he cried loudly.
"Arcanic, please stop..." Green hugged Arcanic.

A brief moment, Arcanic stopped crying, he stared at his hand as he tried to release himself from Green. Then, he stand up.

"I... I need to... I... Have to go Green, thank you." Said Arcanic.
"What ? Where are you going ?" Ask Green.
"I have to find an answer." Said Arcanic.

"Hey Green, what were you thinking ? Why all of the sudden you're crying ?" Ask Slyver.
"Huh ? Oh..." Green realized and wiped his tears.
"I... Was thinking about the past, he said the exact same word before." Said Green.
"What word ?" Ask Slyver.
"A dirt cannot be clean with dirt..." Said Green.
"Now I understand what it means." Green added.
"To me, Arcanic is like a priest, but he teaches things related to our daily lives, he opened my mind to a whole new path, a path that is clearer, he convinced me that god always has better plan, and sometimes... The god made us feel despair, only to avoid us from bad things." Said Slyver.
"Without his presence, there's no one I can trust anymore, not even Mustafa, who's known for it's knowledge about the god and the creation. Not even Dawn, who's known for it's knowledge about the life and inside. Arcanic is more convincing, he give examples that make sense." Slyver added.
"You're right... Look at everyone, they feel empty without Arcanic's presence. Every time he tell stories and brighten everyone with his words." Said Green.
"I truly wanted to believe myself that he's here, watching us." Said Slyver, palming his hands.

As they were talking to each other, Green noticed Crystal was crying while holding her dagger. As he tried to approach her, Slyver stopped Green, giving motion not to come close to her.

"Don't interrupt her at this very moment." Said Slyver, then they both observe Crystal.

7 years ago...

"On behalf of the great mage of valor (yeah sure) you know have become, a proper mage ! Congratulations !" Arcanic clapped his hands.

"Oh, my daughter finally graduated." Queen Lucia dropped her tears.
"Is that... Tears my love ?" Ask King Vallhain.
"I... I can't help but to feel happy for her Val." Said Queen Lucia.

After the ceremony has done. Arcanic approached Crystal, who was cheering with her parents.

"Crystal, I want to talk with you for a moment..." Said Arcanic.
"Yes..." Crystal followed Arcanic outside.

"Cryst... I was wandering if..." Said Arcanic.
"What's with the nickname ? No one ever call me that." Said Crystal.
"Oh ? So, I am the first person who call you like that..." Arcanic surprised.
"I'd like to show you something." Arcanic pulled what it seems to be a paper.
"What's that ?" Ask Crystal.
"I... I want you to read~" Said Arcanic, as he immediately folded it and put it back to his pocket.
"I... I can't..." Said Arcanic.
"Huh ?" Crystal confused.
"No, forget about it..." Said Arcanic.
"Here, I want you to keep this." Arcanic gave his dagger to Crystal.
"What's this suppose to mean ?" Ask Crystal.
"See that writings on the sheath ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yes ?" Crystal responded.
"It means 'A soul bond to it's keeper'." Said Arcanic.
"You're... Telling me that your soul is bond to me ?" Ask Crystal.
"What ?! No no... I..." Arcanic acted strange for a moment.
"No, that's not what I'm intended... I..." Arcanic mumbled.

Crystal hold the dagger carefully, as she smiled looking at Arcanic.

"Thank you... For this." Said Crystal.
"Yes sure... I... Let's get back inside before your parents found out about this." Said Arcanic.
"Excuse me ?" Ask Crystal.
"Ah ! I... No, damn it, forget what I just said, come on !" Arcanic hastily went back inside.

"A soul bond to it's keeper..." Crystal mumbled.
"Arcanic..." Crystal hold the dagger firmly.

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