Brink of Destruction

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Back at Valor kingdom...

"Sir ! The front wall has been destroyed !" The guard reported.
"It can't be !" King Vallhain shocked.
"Concentrate your forces on the last defense, my army will take care of the frontline." Said a man beside king Vallhain.
"Yes sir !" The guard rushed outside.
"Friedrich, are you insane ?" Ask king Vallhain.
"I'm trying to minimize your casualties Vallhain. If your army is defeated, the kingdom is lost." Said king Friedrich.
"He has a point Val." Said queen Lucia.
"Are you sure about that ?" Ask king Vallhain.
"I'm sure as I can be, my troops maybe small but they're highly trained under the command of Zaiden, high general." Said king Friedrich.
"That holy general huh... He's proved to be trustworthy... Very well then. I'll fortify the last defenses we have." Said king Vallhain.

The skies has gone darker than ever, thunder raged in the skies, wind blows violently as it can be. On top of a wall, a spearman look upon the battlefield, thinking about the effective strategy to hold them.

"General ! An order from the king !" Said a guard.
"Say it." Said the general.
"The king asked you to take the frontline, commanding the forces including Valor army." Said the guard.
"Hmm, very well then, take your position." Said the general.
"Yes general !" Said the guard.

"Zaiden !" A man holding a sword and a dagger showed up.
"Murad ! What's the report ?" Ask Zaiden.
"The enemy seems to have rallied on the front wall, I'm pretty sure they'll start charging soon." Said Murad.
"If so, let them come." Said Zaiden.
"What ?" Murad surprised.
"Let them come... To our trap." Said Zaiden.
"I want you to position your assassins near the broken wall, tell them to prepare for an ambush, I'll position the archers and valor's army to hold the ground, leaving you for the kill." Zaiden explained.
"Oh, good plan." Said Murad.
"Then what will you do ?" Ask Murad.
"I'll try to lure them with my squad." Said Zaiden.
"That sounds risky, are you sure ?" Ask Murad.
"Yes, our mission is to hold the kingdom until the heroes come back." Said Zaiden.
"I hope they'll come back soon." Said Murad, as he leave.

Then, Dawn approached Zaiden, asking him what's the plan.

"I'll let them come." Said Zaiden.
"Eh ? Wouldn't you think that's what we suppose to not do ?" Ask Dawn.
"Take it easy, I have a plan." Said Zaiden.
"What's the plan then ?" Ask Dawn.
"I told you let them come." Said Zaiden.

Dawn looked annoyed with Zaiden's word and decided to leave. Dawn then turned into a knight and approached the underworld's army.

"Ah, you finally come back." Said Anthrax.
"I can't get any information on him, damn it." Dawn angered.
"Hmm, then what about that lieutenant there ? He should know some things." Said Anthrax.
"Mustafa ? No, he lost his mind since I corrupted him." Said Dawn.
"Ah yes, the chaos..." Said Anthrax.
"What should we do then ?" Ask Anthrax.
"We'll wait, for sure they'll up to something, I heard they'll intentionally want us to charge." Said Dawn.
"Sensing an ambush I see... Good plan." Said Anthrax.

Murad sets up and ambush near the broken wall while Zaiden set up a defensive wall with Valor's army. He then take a few men to create a squad in order to lure the enemy to the trap.

"Alright, I want you to wait for my signal, before that, stay still." Said Zaiden.
"Alright, good luck." Said Murad.
"You too." Said Zaiden.

Zaiden then ordered his squad to move out to the battlefield. There, they saw a huge army stretched along where eyes can see. Zaiden strengthen his will and ordered his men to attack the army.

"Oh, a fool !" Said Anthrax.
"No Anthrax, that's a trap." Said Dawn.
"But they attacked our army, we need to kill them." Said Anthrax, as he draw it's bow.
"No, hold you ground." Dawn lowered Anthrax's bow.

"General, the army is not responding." Said one of them.
"What is happening ? They should get provoked by this..." Zaiden thought.
"Wait, I'll do it." Said Zaiden, as he wiped his spear, killing few of the enemies.

The enemies didn't respond to Zaiden's attack, Zaiden became confused as to why. Then, he took a risky move he shouldn't do. He rushed to the army and annihilated small part of the army. Dawn saw this as an opportunity and ordered his army to surround Zaiden. The squad got killed instantly by the army, and Zaiden got surrounded by the army.

"He he... A foolish general." Said Anthrax.
"You... You must be the leader." Said Zaiden.
"Ahah... Humorous, but I don't have control over the army." Said Anthrax.
"Now, die !" As Anthrax draw it's bow.

Then, they heard a scream for afar. Along the horizon, Zaiden saw Murad running as fast as he could towards him.

"Zaiden ! Get down now !" Shout Murad.

Zaiden immediately get to the ground as Murad draw his dagger. Murad then performed a triangular dash that killed the enemies that was surrounding the Zaiden.

"Run ! Now !" Shout Murad.

Zaiden ran with Murad back inside the wall, followed by the army.

"Everyone, now !" Shout Zaiden.

The archers popped out from the wall and starts splashing the army with water. The army slowed down, approaching the broken wall. The archers then takes shot at the army who's advancing inside. But little do they know, the assassins killed them with ease. The wall successfully holding the army in place, letting the rest killing them. Dawn saw this and immediately ordered the army to retreat.

"It worked... I can't believe it worked." Zaiden relieved.
"For god sake Zaiden, you almost killed yourself !" Said Murad.
"I have to run there and waste the sacred sand's power. You know how valuable these are for my power." Said Murad.
"I know, I shouldn't take the risk. They didn't get provoked though, so I'm frustrated." Said Zaiden.
"You know frustration leads to death, remember what Arcanic told us." Said Murad.
"Sorry, I'll try to be more patient and careful next time." Said Zaiden.
"But in the end, it worked." Zaiden cheered.
"Well, sure. I can't believe that." Said Murad.
"Say, what do you think if Arcanic's here..." Said Zaiden.
"Your point ?" Ask Murad.
"We haven't seen him in a long time, but suddenly we heard that he's with the chosen to gather the artifacts in order to seal the dark army." Said Zaiden.
"Wouldn't you think he's alive then ?" Ask Zaiden.
"I don't get what you're trying to tell me." Said Zaiden.
"Mahallar people thought he died because of unknown reason, I almost believed so. Even the king eventually believe it." Said Zaiden.
"Hmm, true... I miss that guy, his presence somewhat makes me feel confident and safe." Said Murad.
"I guess because he strengthen our faith on the god huh." Said Zaiden.
"Hey, now that you talk about that... I just remember something..." Said Murad.
"What is it ?" Ask Zaiden.
"Remember when he told us a story about his childhood, all of this magical things and tragedies, I remember one part he said that his father is the ruler of the darkness." Said Murad.
"Doesn't that mean he's a prince then ?" Ask Murad.
"I don't know for sure, it's beyond my knowledge." Said Zaiden.
"That would be the close answer because of his power and his intelligence. He's not an ordinary human Zaiden." Said Murad.
"Probably, let's not think about that. Look, the army is already rallying to attack." Said Zaiden.
"Ah, they're so persistent." Murad mumbled.

At the airship...

"Alright, we'll be landing on Yvenith, a place where we won't get any trouble for sure. We have made ally with them, so please be polite in their place. This place is sacred for them." Said Slyver.
"Alright." Said Green.

Everyone else nodded, Yuko then prepared the airship for landing. Out of nowhere, Arcanic showed up.

"Arcanic ! Where have you been !?" Ask Slyver.
"Huh ? Me ?" Ask Arcanic.
"You've gone missing for the past hours, we're worried about you." Said Slyver.
"Don't be, I need some time alone, perhaps even too much." Said Arcanic.

Arcanic glanced at Crystal, as she immediately looked somewhere else.

"You're still mad with my word huh..." Arcanic thought.
"Arcanic, I'm sorry I'm being too weak to even look at you. I know you didn't mean to, I'm just affaid." Crystal thought.
"Sorry for my word, I didn't mean to." Arcanic thought.

"Oy you !" Said Slyver, as he snapped his finger at Arcanic.
"Oh ! Sorry, I have a bad habit of daydreaming." Said Arcanic.
"Don't get us more worried will you... With your disappearance already made us worried enough." Said Slyver.
"Sorry, I apologize..." Arcanic looked down.

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