Impending Doom

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"This one is mine." Said Crystal.
"You sure ?" Ask Dawn.
"I'll make him pay for what he did !" Said Crystal, as she casted many kinds of magics aimed at Lucifer.

"Wait Crystal !" Said Cynthia, as Crystal flew up high.
"Let her be... She wanted it." Said Dawn.

Despite Cynthia's effort of hiding her anxiety, Dawn noticed it and told her that she will be fine.

"Let's go help Slyver." Said Dawn.
"Okay." Cynthia nodded.

Two of them soon joined together with Slyver's team who's suppressing the army. One after another, everyone's power annihilated the army, but they kept coming. Slowly, they're getting outnumbered. Slyver tried to suppress them by using his power, too much that his swords started to crack.

"Slyver, conserve your power, too much energy and your swords will break apart. We need it to lock the portal." Said Dawn.

Slyver looked worried for a moment, but then nodded.

"Okay, but you have to hold yourself together, cause I can't provide any kind of support." Said Slyver.
"Very well." Said Dawn.

"Hey uh, we got some big demons on our way." Said Green, pointing at the portal.

Demons poured out of the portal and started to aid Lucifer to attack Crystal.

"We can't let Crystal fight alone. Everyone, target Lucifer !" Said Slyver.

Everyone else immediately initiate the attack to Lucifer.

"Gah ! This foul beings, worthless little human ! Die !" Lucifer swing his blade.

Everyone barely dodged it but made it safely, Zaiden and Xanier however too late on their reflection and got knocked far away from the battle.

"You humans doesn't even understand what's the true power of those artifacts..." Said Lucifer.
"But I do." Said Crystal, as she absorbs some of the power from the artifacts.

Then, she merged them together with her own power. And a huge blade, almost as size of Lucifer's blade, created before everyone's eyes.

"With the power of elementals's core, vanish you terrible demon !" Said Crystal, as she swing the blade to Lucifer.

Lucifer tried to parry it with his blade, but it simply went passed his blade and hit him, knocking him out of place.

"Gah... What... Is that weapon ?" Ask Lucifer, as he tried to get up.
"A true potential made from every single elements of this world... This, is the Warmonger." Said Crystal.

"Warmonger... I recognized that weapon." Said Dawn.
"It's rumored to be created from the leftovers of Keyblade, the very first weapon made from the godself." Dawn explained.
"Because the keeper of the world misused the weapon, it shattered and the core split into five elements." Said Dawn.
"Fire, water, earth, light, and dark I assume... Each of them are turned into the artifacts we currently use ?" Ask Slyver.
"Yes... But I don't understand. Where does she get the water core ?" Ask Dawn.
"I don't know..." Dawn shake his head.

"Ugh... Despair... Is a punishment, for the undead..." Said Lucifer.
"But hope, is a punishment, for the living !" Said Lucifer, as his blade glow dark purple and swing it at Crystal.

Crystal unable to act quickly got hit by the blade and thrown to the ground.

Lucifer didn't give any chance for them to recover as he took another swing at them. Everyone dodged it but the shockwave from the blade is enough to injured them.

"Now ! What are you going to put your hope with ?" Ask Lucifer, as his wing expanded.
"Crossfire !" Green took his arrow and shot at Lucifer.

But somehow, his arrow didn't act like it was before, it didn't create a big wave around the arrow.

"You persistent human..." Said Lucifer, as he took a swing to Green.

The shockwave was enough to make Green severely injured, as he got thrown away.

"Green !" Shout Slyver, as he stand up and tried to attack Lucifer with his last of his power.

And then, his swords shattered. Lucifer didn't looked like he got injured at all, as he took another swing to Slyver. Slyver got thrown away and injured by the impact. Everyone else tried to get up but can't stand a chance because of their wound. Then, suddenly, Yuko's lance moved by itself and attacked Lucifer.

"What ?... What... Happened..." Yuko tried to speak as he coughed.
"Your... Lance, has a mind of it's... Own... Impossible..." Dawn barely speak.

Azzahar swiftly attacked Lucifer, as Lucifer tried to attack it back.

"Gah ! Die you annoying little weapon !" Lucifer grabbed the lance and destroyed it with his hand.
"Now... What else do you have for your hope ?" Ask Lucifer.

Everyone else had lost all the artifacts... It was impossible to even seal the portal and stop Lucifer. As Lucifer prepared to execute them, Crystal stand up.

"I.. Am not going to let you... Destroy this world." Said Crystal.
"How impressive, despite all the trouble you've come through you managed to stand with your two feet." Said Lucifer.

Crystal created Warmonger again and thrust it into Lucifer.

"Gah !" Lucifer screamed in pain, as Crystal thrust it even deeper.

With last of her strength, she pulled the sword out, and with that... Crystal dropped down. Lucifer still screaming with his body cut opened.

"Heh..." Said Lucifer.
"This isn't the last you see my true power..." Said Lucifer, as his wound slowly closed.
"I barely touch my full strength... Hah, how pathetic." Said Lucifer.

"I give up... I can't..." Crystal cried.
"Despite all the possible choices I have, I can't stop him..." Crystal closed her eyes.
"Arcanic... I wish you were here to help me... I'm sorry... I failed you..." Crystal dropped her lantern.

Few hours ago...

"Crystal, are you sure you're not going to use your dagger ?" Ask Slyver.
"No..." Said Crystal.
"Why not ? Look ! It glows stronger." Said Slyver, as he pointed at the dagger.
"For the last time... No." Said Crystal.
"Alright... Your choice then... It seems like I can't make your decision change." Said Slyver, as he went back to his position.

"The dagger..." Crystal mumbled.

She opened her eyes, and took a look on her dagger, and noticed it's now glowing dark red.

"This maybe the last hope humanity has... Arcanic... I'm sorry." Said Crystal.

With blood covering her hands, she opened the dagger. Immediately, it resonated with deep dark red. The dagger float above Crystal and began to spin.

"What is that ?" Lucifer confused on what he sees.

The dagger then released a deep dark red explosion, enough to make everyone blind for a moment.

"One last chance Lucifer... Surrender, or die..." A voice appeared out of nowhere.

Lucifer tried to see what's going on. And soon, he realized who's in front of him. A figure, with dark wings expanded, hovering above Crystal.

"Crystal, get your lantern." Said the figure.

Crystal looked above herself, and shocked as to what she just witness.

"Y-you're... You're... Arcanic ?" Crystal can't believe what her eyes sees.
"Yes, your eyes don't lie to yourself." Said Arcanic.

Arcanic hold a weird weapon on his hand, a mixture of axe and sword shaped like a key.

"Is that... !" Crystal shocked.
"Yes, this is a Keyblade. A very first weapon god created, was in your possession for so long." Said Arcanic.
"Now, I want you to merge your lantern together with Warmonger." Said Arcanic.

Crystal followed Arcanic's order, and immediately it split into two. A shield, and a sword.

"You are now fighting with that weapon, I hope you're good enough with shield." Said Arcanic.
"Arcanic..." Crystal tried to speak something as Arcanic interrupted.
"Now, let's end him, together !" Said Arcanic.
"Together !" Said Crystal.

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