Mental Downfall

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Yuko managed to escape the pirate's sight. along the horizon, the continent can be seen, Ragnarok. Continent where violence are worshipped, pride are honored, the weather too are merciless. Countless of bad things, however... So much of bad things, this continent are filled with riches, advanced techlonogies that are way ahead of people's mindset.

"We can either land here on a village, or landing on a city. Your choice." Said Yuko.
"Hmm... What's the difference ?" Ask Slyver.
"Well, if we land on a village, we have less time to get to the mountain and find the artifact, but I wouldn't say it's safe. If we land on a city, we have longer time to get to the mountain, but it could be safer that way, I can't promise though." Said Yuko.
"Hmm..." Slyver put his hand on his face.

At Crystal's room, Arcanic still trying to wake her up with various ways, but none seemed to work.

"I almost think we should let her be for now. Until she wake up on her own." Arcanic suggested.
"But we're going to land now, we can't just leave her here." Said Green.
"Well, we could put someone on guard, besides... At least somebody has to watch for this airship." Said William.
"But who ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I'll do it." Said William.
"I'm sorry but, I can't just let someone~" said Arcanic, as William interrupted.
"It's alright. You can trust me, I'm Green's close friend, I won't do anything suspicious." Said William.
"I think that's a good idea Arcanic. What do you think ?" Ask Green.
"Ugh, fine. Just, stay close with her. I.." Arcanic worried.
"Okay, I understand. I'll make sure she's alright at all times." Said William.

Back at the control room...

"We might need to land somewhere close to the mountain. I disagree landing on either of your choices." Slyver suggested.
"Sure. Then we'll land... Here." Said Yuko, as he pointed a place on a map.
"Haulgate ? What kind of place is that ?" Ask Slyver.
"No idea. But it's the closest place go land from the mountain, tell everyone to get ready." Said Yuko.

Slyver went outside, there... He saw Arcanic and Green talking to each other.

"Hey Arcanic." Slyver approached.
"How's her condition ?" Ask Slyver.
"She... Is not awake yet. However, her body has cooled down." Said Arcanic.

"Hey Slyver !" Greeted Cynthia.
"Cynthia, what is it ?" Ask Slyver.

Cynthia handed over her hand.

"What ? Why ? What are you doing ?" Slyver confused.
"From now on, you hold the true command." Said Cynthia.
"What ? No. I just lead this team, you have the higher rank than me." Said Slyver.
"No, I have decided. You are now the high commander as well as the royal commander." Said Cynthia.
"I've observed your work Slyver, you did well. Even Surpassed my expectations, you earn it." Said Cynthia.
"If you give me this rank, then what will you become ?" Ask Slyver.
"I'll be your right hand." Said Cynthia.

Slyver froze for a moment, as the airship landing, Slyver think back. About his past, his work, his effort.

"Well, if you say so... Commander. I'll gladly take it." Said Slyver.
"Thank you... commander." Said Cynthia.
"Uh, this is awkward..." Green whispered to Arcanic.
"Say, I have a question. Does Cynthia and Slyver have any other relationship than this ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Uh... No ?" Green confused.
"Okay... Thanks..." Said Arcanic.
"Why ?" Ask Green.
"Just... wondering." Said Arcanic.

Moments later, Yuko appeared, telling them that they have arrived at their destination.

"Alright, let's get going..." Said Slyver.
"I'll stay here." Said Yuko.
"Why ?" Ask Slyver.
"Somebody has to take care the airship. I'll stay here." Said Yuko.
"As you wish, come on !" Said Slyver.
"Oh, Yuko. William stayed here too, he's at the hallway, taking care of Crystal." Said Arcanic.
"I see... Well, be safe." Said Yuko as he waved his hand. Then. They departed.

From afar, a huge mountain filled the horizon.

"There it is. Inside, Granak must be there." Said Arcanic.
"It's cold here..." Said Yumi.
"It's the north line, better get used to it." Said Green.

"Hey Arcanic. I have a question for you." Said Cynthia.
"Go ahead." Said Arcanic.
"Why are you still using magic even though you know magic can bring harm." Cynthia wandered.
"It's called responsibility. When you use powerful power, you need to understand the consequences of using that power, therefore you limit yourself to use it, to avoid misuse." Arcanic explained.

"Hey... Green." Yumi approached.
"Oh, Yumi... What is it ?" Ask Green.
"Say, I've been wandering if you could teach me to become a good assassin." Said Yumi.
"Uh, sure." Said Green.
"You do ? Wow ! Thank you so much !" Yumi excited.
"Just, one thing. Follow my words properly, as an assassin, you're not allowed to make any mistakes." Said Green.
"Sure. I'll do whatever you say." Yumi nodded.
"Gee... Yumi. What happened to you ? As if you're been struck by something." Said Cynthia.
"Hah, more like struck my Green's charm." Laughed Slyver.
"Slyver ! Really now." Green cranked.
"What ? Oh come on guy, you're hiding your true face. Everyone knows you're perfect. Isn't that so Arcanic ?" Teased Slyver.
"Yeah... Sure... He's charming..." Arcanic replied.
"Don't tell me you're still thinking about her man. Come on, get over with it. She's going to be fine." Said Slyver.
"I'm not ! I... I'm just worried." Said Arcanic.
"She will be fine. She got Yuko and William guarding her." Said Slyver.
"Green, come with me for a second will you ?" Ask Arcanic.
"For what~" said Green, as Arcanic pulled his hand to somewhere they can't hear them.

"What was that guy ?!" Ask Green.
"You better tell me, what's going on with Slyver and Cynthia. Now !" Arcanic demanded.
"Wow, calm down ! Okay, Cynthia's has been putting her eyes on Slyver, it happened a long time ago after your dissapearance. Before we know you disappear, Cynthia had... A crush, if you want to call it that way. They've been teasing each other for since then." Green explained.

Then, Arcanic silent. His hand palmed. His face is covered with confusion and anger.

"What's wrong, tell me." Said Green lowly.
"Green... I... I can't take it anymore." Said Arcanic, as his eyes turned red.
"Wow wow wow, Arcanic, calm down... It's alright, there's no need to be angry. Things changed a lot since your dissapearance, there will be explanation." Green hold Arcanic's shoulder.

Slowly, Arcanic's eyes began to turn normal again.

"Green, I... You're the only one I can trust. Please, don't tell anyone about this." Said Arcanic.
"Okay, whatever makes you better." Said Green.
"I... I..." Arcanic confused.
"What is it ?" Ask Green.
"I... I..." Arcanic speechless.
"I what ?" Ask Green.
"I... I... I can't." Said Arcanic.
"What is it that you can't ?" Ask Green.
"Green... I..." Arcanic dropped on his knees.
"What is it ? It's alright. Tell me." Said Green, trying to calm Arcanic.
"I'm worried." Said Arcanic.
"Worried about what ?" Ask Green.
"I'm worried about her. I can't let her out of my sight." Said Arcanic.
"Why ? What happened ?" Ask Green.
"I~" said Arcanic, as Slyver and Cynthia found them.

"There you are... Arcanic !" Slyver shocked.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to tease you like that." Slyver apologized.
"Slyver..." Green tried to separate Slyver from Arcanic.
"It's fine... I... I just lost control." Said Arcanic.
"No, we're the one who should say sorry. We've gone too far." Said Cynthia.
"It's alright everyone. I, I forgive you." Said Arcanic, as he stand up.
"Let's just continue our journey." Said Arcanic, as he starts walking.
"Is he... Alright ?" Ask Slyver.
"Well, I'm as surprised as you are. But, let's do what he says. That'll make him better." Said Green.

As they were walking, Yumi approached Green.

"What happened exactly between you and Arcanic ?" Yumi whispered.
"He, has mental downfall. I can't tell exactly why, he didn't say." Said Green.
"You sure ?" Ask Yumi.
"You can ask him if you like." Green whispered.

Yumi then understand and nodded as she walk away from Green.

"Arcanic... What is it that makes you worry so much about her. Is it because you are his mentor ? Arcanic, you changed a lot since back days. Both good and bad... I hope you're okay with yourself." Green thought.
"Crystal... I promise I'll be back after this... Don't worry." Arcanic mumbled.
"I'm afraid Arcanic has something else in his mind that we don't know of." Cynthia whispered.
"I don't know, but we can't blame him for that. Just, let him collect himself." Slyver whispered back.

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