The End

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Crystal hold her shield in front of her, as she hold her sword above her shoulder. Arcanic on the other hand taunted Lucifer to battle them by pointing his sword to him.

"Let's see what chaos is capable of." Said Arcanic.
"Heh... You shall see, yourself !" Lucifer gathered his strength.

His wings began to tear apart, his sword glowing intensely as he gathered all of his power to his body. The chaos totally changed his appearance, as he finished gathering all of his power. His wings are now purple with chaos crystals on it. His sword resonated by the color of purple, with chaos energy.

"I'm ready when you are Crystal." Said Arcanic.
"Understood." Crystal nodded, as she began to initiate attack.

Crystal cutted her way to Lucifer very quickly as Lucifer tried to attack her. Lucifer swing his sword to Crystal but she managed to block it with her shield. As the battle went on, Lucifer noticed something wasn't quite right, his attack never hit Arcanic even though he was sure it'll hit him. Trying to understand the situation, Arcanic attacked Lucifer's right arm, leaving a mark enough to make him bleed.

"You can't kill, what's left from me." Said Arcanic, as he continue attacking Lucifer.
"You forgot, in this world, those who died are not really dead. Their soul separated from their body, eventually... When the time comes, their soul returned to their body, and moved into another world, our world." Said Arcanic.

Lucifer kept attacking Arcanic even though he knew the fact that he's fighting a ghost. Thus, fighting him only brought him defeat little by little. Lucifer kept using every last of his power to attack Arcanic, before he knew, what power did Arcanic used.

"Bloodlust... How ?" Lucifer just realized.
"Haven't you realized yet ? Keyblade is imbued with the first ever power god created." Said Arcanic.
"What does that explain ?" Ask Lucifer.
"It's purpose, is to destroy any power beside it. That's why, many people wanted to learn and use the power, but so far no one succeeded. This power is guarded by the god so it won't bring harm to humanity, the reason of course obvious." Said Arcanic.

At that point Lucifer realized... That he had been defeated. How far his power could go, it still can be defeated.

"So... The saying goes true... Well, then..." Lucifer lift his blade.
"If you say so..." Said Arcanic.

Then, everything went black.

"Ugh... Where... Am I..." Crystal gathered herself.

She noticed something odd as she was looking around.

"Am I... Dead ?" Crystal thought as she looked around for any kind of thing.

Ran she go, further and further... Yet, it felt like she was running in circles. There's no end to it, no matter how hard she tried. From above, a small bright light approached her.

"You must be Crystal Lightheart, correct ?" Ask the light.
"You... C-can talk ?" Crystal both scared and surprised.
"No fear human, I'm just a messenger." Said the light.
"O-okay... Where am I ?" Ask Crystal.
"You're in a spirit realm." Said the light.
"What ? Am I dead ?!" Crystal shocked.
"No... You are not. Your body was damaged severely your soul leave your body." Said the light.
"I don't understand..." Crystal tried to think.
"You will eventually... Right now, you're safe." Said the light.
"Safe from what ?" Ask Crystal.
"From world's trials. You have fulfilled your purpose." Said the light.
"You're saying that I can't get back to my body ?" Ask Crystal.
"Please, listen to me. Every soul born in the earth carry a true purpose in them, if they fulfill it, their job is done and will be returned to once they created." Explain the light.
"It doesn't feel right... I don't think I've done anything useful..." Crystal tried to think.
"How do I get back ? Please, everyone needs me." Crystal begged.
"I'm sorry, I cant." Said the light.
"No... No ! I can't let my parents know that I'm gone ! Please, whatever you are, help me !" Crystal begged.

Crystal jumped out of her bed.

"Wow, Crystal, what happened ?" Ask Cynthia.
"I... I thought I was... Dead..." Crystal relieved.
"Good to see you awake. You've been unconscious for months." Said Slyver.

Crystal looked around, and noticed something is missing... Or someone.

"Where's Arcanic ?" Ask Crystal.

Everyone looked at each other, and giving out various signs of who would brave enough to explain. Soon, Slyver decided to step forward and explain what happened.

"Well, you and Arcanic succeeded at defeating Lucifer. However, it seems that... Arcanic, sacrifice himself to destroy the portal." Slyver explained.

Crystal silent, but everyone knew Crystal was holding back her tears.

"Did he say anything ?" Ask Crystal.
"He... Did. He asked me to give this letter to you." Slyver gave Crystal a letter.

Inside, it said...

To you my passionate student. I'm happy that you know have grown into a better person, much better than I expected. You succeeded at unlocking your true power, which little do you know, exist when you were born. You might be wandering how I know, well... It was easy, by looking through your eyes I can tell that you're the one I was looking for. Crystal, I can't thank you much than to see you exceeded beyond my expectation. You are truly a talented child, like your parents always say. I wish I could do more than to write this letter, but as you can see, life is short, and I have more important things to do. Sorry if I can only send you this letter, but one thing I want to say... Congratulations.

Crystal hold the letter firmly...

"Arcanic... Thank you for everything..." Crystal mumbled.

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