Unknown Power

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"What is this place ?" Ask Arcanic.
'This place looks unfamiliar... " Arcanic thought as he walk.

He walk around trying to find out where he exactly is, and he saw an angel descended in front of him.

"Jibhril... Where am I ?" Ask Arcanic.
"You are in the afterlife, this is where souls gathered before they proceed to the judgement, where all of their actions when they live are judged." Said Jibhril.
"Come now, there is someone who wants to meet you." Said Jibhril.

Jibhril guide Arcanic through the afterlife, and while walking, Arcanic saw two palaces, across each other.

"That's the Light's domain, and that one is Dark's domain." Said Jibhril.
"I never thought such place could be beautiful, my father often told me stories about it..." Said Arcanic.
"Yes, those are places only meant for the light and darkness." Said Jibhril.
"What about you ? Are you one of the light ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Yes, and no. Yes, I'm made from light, but no, I'm neither belong to those two." Said Jibhril.
"What ? I don't understand..." Arcanic confused.
"The light and darkness are created intentionally to bring balance to the universe, that's their task. While me, are tasked with one specific duty. There are many angels you should know that has their own task." Said Jibhril.
"Is Dzaych one of your kind ?" Ask Arcanic.
"He is an angel but thrown to the darkness because he disobey the god's task. That's why he exiled himself to a place called earth, you might know it as a world." Said Jibhril.
"What are those angels beside you ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Me, Jibhril, is tasked as a messenger. Mikhail, is tasked to control rain and give blessings. Israfil, is tasked to blow the trumpet when the time comes, or in other words, destruction day. Isra'il, is tasked with taking souls from the living. Munkar and Nakir, are tasked to ask questions to people that are dead. Raqid, is tasked to take note of the good act of the living. Atid, is the opposite of Raqid. Malik, is the guardian of the underworld, is tasked to punish those who enter because of their actions. And last, Ridwan, is the guardian of heaven, is tasked to greet those who enter because of their actions." Jibhril explained.
"That's beyond my knowledge..." Arcanic gazed into nothing.
"You should know them, and you should teach this to them." Said Jibhril.
"But I'm... Dead, so~" Said Arcanic.
"Ah, there it is." Said Jibhril.

In front of them, lies a gate fully opened, and an angel guarding the gate. It must be Ridwan, the one that Jibhril told Arcanic.

"Go on." Said Jibhril.
"You're not coming ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I am tasked to guide you until here." Said Jibhril, as he flew up high and disappeared.

Arcanic brace himself, and took a step forward. The angel saw Arcanic, and immediately greeted him.

"Be peace upon you, you must be Arcanic." Said Ridwan.
"I am." Said Arcanic.
"Do not be afraid, be grateful. Your actions lead you here, now come." Said Ridwan, as he guide Arcanic inside.

There, Arcanic was shocked by how beautiful the scenery was. Birds flew free, trees were dancing, flowers were blooming. As if Arcanic was in a dream. But it's real, everything is real.

"There is someone who wants to meet you, in that cave." Said Ridwan.
"Yes... Thank you." Arcanic gazed upon the horizon.

Arcanic went inside the cave. And sure enough, someone was waiting for him. He carried a staff, and dressed in all white, and oddly has long hair.

"Arcanic Darkhaven, the son of Adam Darkhaven and Luna Lightheart." Said Ya-Sin.
"You're... That prophet." Said Arcanic.
"Yes... I am." Said Ya-Sin.
"I'm sure you have many  questions, sit down." Said Ya-Sin, as he sit on the ground.

They both sit down and started talking to each other.

"Why is my mother has the same last name as Vallhain ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Because the god plan them to have the same name." Said Ya-Sin.
"I don't understand..." Said Arcanic.
"Everything is possible for the god. After all, the god is the creator of all this." Said Ya-Sin.
"So... That means... I'm Crystal's brother ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Crystal Lightheart...  No, you're not. But you have close connection with her." Said Ya-Sin.
"Crystal's bone, was taken from yours." Said Ya-Sin.
"What ?!" Arcanic shocked.
"Let me explain... When the god create a couple, the female's bone was taken from the male's bone. Not all of them of course, just a rib. That's a guarantee for someone like you to find a true love." Said Ya-Sin.
"I... Um..." Arcanic confused.
"Seeing you smile is quite intriguing Arcanic. In fact, perhaps your smile helped her get through her problems." Said Ya-Sin.
"Right... Let's not talk about that." Said Arcanic.
"What exactly is your intention that you wanted to meet me ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I wanted to tell you about your parents... Adam, Luna... Come." Said Ya-Sin.

Then, Adam and Luna appeared from the cave and sit down near each other.

"Mom ! Dad !" Arcanic shocked in happiness.
"It was a long time to see you Arcanic, you've grown into a fine men." Said Adam.
"Look at you, you started to know more about the world." Said Luna.

Arcanic came closer and hugged his parents. His parents hugged him and kissed Arcanic's head.

"Your parents helped me to prepare for your arrival Arcanic." Said Ya-Sin.
"Thank you..." Arcanic felt grateful.
"However... Your task isn't finish just yet." Said Ya-Sin.
"What ?" Arcanic confused.
"Adam... Tell him." Said Ya-Sin, as he stand up and depart.

Soon, Adam stand up with Luna.

"Arcanic... My son, you have come in such a long way to here. You have endure such pain all the way here. I feel grateful to have see your face here, in this beautiful place. But I must say, your task is not finished yet." Said Adam.
"Arcanic, you may have helped Crystal to gain her true self. But the god wants more from you." Said Luna.
"Arcanic, you realized the dagger I gave you long ago ?" Ask Adam.
"Yes ?" Arcanic nodded.
"Have I told you about it ?" Ask Adam.
"Yes, it has the power greater than anything else existed in the entire universe, but because of it's instability, it can corrupt the user other than the one who is meant to use it." Said Arcanic.
"And what's the word carved in the dagger's sheath ?" Ask Adam.
"A soul bond to it's user." Said Arcanic.
"Arcanic, this is the time I have to tell you, that the dagger you've been carrying, is called Keyblade." Said Adam.
"Keyblade is an artifact created by the godself from unimaginable power and materials. It's shaped in such way to hide it's true appearance. The Keyblade is infused with the power we call Bloodlust. However, the true name for it is called Insanity. Insanity is the very first matter used to create, Us. Living beings, animals and humans." Said Adam.
"Insanity is locked by another human, so that it cannot be used by others to create destruction." Adam added.
"And that is you, Arcanic. You are the one who has the only power to use the Keyblade." Said Adam.
"But dad, I am... Dead, how am I suppose to use it ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Arcanic, the word 'A soul bond to it's user'  means the weapon, can take form to the initial user." Said Adam.
"That means... I can be reborn ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Arcanic, I wanted to talk about Crystal first." Said Adam, trying to wake Arcanic from his own mind.
"You've been experiencing mental downfall the moment you saw us killed in front of you. And it affects your behaviour back then. Crystal was trying to help you get out from that problem but every time she do so, it got worse. You began to distance yourself by something called emotion, and love specifically." Said Adam.
"I want you to do something for me, is this okay ?" Ask Adam.
"Yes dad, what is it ?" Ask Arcanic.
"Since it got removed because you forgot most of things you did back then, I want you to do something different from anything else that involves violence." Said Adam.
"Okay dad, what is it ?" Ask Arcanic.
"I want you, after you finish your task. Get a life, and marry her." Said Adam.
"What ?! Dad ! No." Arcanic act strange for a moment.
"See ? You denied yourself. Be honest with yourself." Said Adam.
"But dad, I can't !" Said Arcanic.
"Why ?" Ask Adam.
"Because she said she never wanted to marry anyone." Said Arcanic.
"That's because she already found someone suited for her, and that is you Arcanic. Don't you realize ? When you got close to her, she act strange similar to what you did just now." Said Adam.
"But dad... I... No..." Arcanic looked away for a moment.
"Arcanic, my son. It's time for you to relieve yourself from this burden. Help yourself, and help her." Said Adam.
"He's right Arcanic. You are the only one she wanted." Luna added.
"Mom... Dad, I don't know if I can." Said Arcanic.
"Arcanic... Look at me in the eye." Said Adam.
"I know, deep down in your heart, you wanted to do it. You don't want to do so because you don't want to upset her, am I correct ?" Ask Adam.
"Yes..." Said Arcanic.
"You don't want to disappoint her with your behaviour, am I correct ?" Ask Adam.
"Yes..." Said Arcanic.
"One thing you must remember, she can never live the same life, without you." Said Adam.

Hearing this, Arcanic froze for a moment. Thinking about all the words, all his thoughts...

"Talking about the artifact, there's only one answer." Said Adam.
"A hint is when it draws with tears and blood." Said Adam.

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