First Match On Raw!

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Miley's Pov:

As i waited at the gorilla waiting for my music to hit. I jogged in place taking slow deep breaths. I was nervous. "What if i screw this up" i thought to myself.

I looked up at the monitor as Alexa Bliss made her way down to the ring.

Author's Pov:

Alexa Bliss walks out. The crowd has mixed reactions of Boos and Cheers.

Alexa walks down the ramp. She walks up the stairs and gets into the ring and gets handed a mic and walks to the middle of the ring.

"Would you guys all mind to SHUT THE HELL UP!?" The crowd boos louder. "Okay seriously SHUT UP! PLEASE!?" Crowd gets quiet.

"Thank you. Anyway,I just wanted to say where my place will be in WWE Which isn’t heard to say because there’s only one place where I belong and that is at the TOP!"

"But there’s Nikki Bella,which we all already know is I’m better then her so Nikki girl you won’t be much of a problem. Then there’s the new Diva Miley!"
crowd cheers.

"Smiley Miley the future of the company! I can go on all day long. This is for sure Miley has a undefeated streak that’ll come to an end soon, GUESS BY WHO!"
Crowd says: "Who?!" " by me!" crowd boos. "YEA BOO ME BUT IT’LL BE ENDED BY ME!! You know it and I definitely know it!"

"ll end the streak of Miley because well emm I was learned to prove myself Day in and Day out, so that’s what I do and all of YOU" Alexa points at the crowd. "DON’T EVEN SHOW THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF THE RESPECT THAT I DESERVE! So I’ll definitely show where my place is here in WWE and you guys will give me the respect I deserve"

"Continue on with your pointless lives now!" Alexa says as she throws the mic down on the mat and her theme plays to a lot of boos.

She starts to climb out the ring then stop as Miley's theme hits through out the arena and the crowd started cheering and out walks Miley.

Miley started walking down the ramp and climbs into the ring and grabs a mic.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Just hold it right there Barbie! You do talk aload of crap! You know that?" The crowd cheers at that.

Alexa gave Miley a dealth look of evil. "Oh what you can't handle the truth Lil Miss Bliss?" Miley started. "You don't deserve no damn respect from anyone back in that locker room or even from the WWE Universe because you don't show them any respect and although you have to earn it you just don't get given it!" Miley finished.

Alexa couldn't take anymore then that was it she went charging at Miley who moved out of the way then speared Alexa down to the ground.


"Welcome back to Monday Night Raw! During the commercial break Raw acting general manager Baron Corbin has made this match up between Miley and Alexa bliss. The match is now under way" Michael Cole spoke from the accoucners table.

Miley's Pov:

I picked up Alexa irish wripping her into the corner and doing a running kick to the mid section and she dropped down to the mat. I climbed up on the top turn buckle and jumped off doing a high knee to her face knocking her out cold.

I went to the other corner of the ring getting set up for the spear. As Alexa made it to her feet i went charging at her spearing her hard down to the mat and got the pin for the win and my music hit.

"And the winner of this match...Miley!!!" JoJo accounced. The ref raised my hand up high and i got aload of cheers from the crowd.

The ref was checking on Alexa has i climbed out of the ring walking backwards up the ramp smirking at Alexas unconscious body.


As i made it backstage i was greeted by Paige hugging me. "Congratulations babygirl! You sure did show her who is boss!".

I laughed "thanks Paige, but you can let go now your sort of killing me here!" Paige let go "oh sorry love got excited".

Roman and the guys came up "Congratulations beautiful you did one hell of a job out there" Roman said smiling at me and i returned the smile "thanks Ro...".

"Ohh you got a nickname for him now" Paige playfully nudging my arm and i giggled "oh shut up Goth nerd!" Paige started laughing as so did the guys and myself.

"Excuse me Miley, can i have a word?" Charlie one of the backstage accouncers spoke up.

I turned to face her "Sure. What's up?" I said wiating for her to talk.

"Well tonight was your debut and you interrupted Alexa Bliss and you ended up having a match and you won. How did that make you feel?" Charlie asked.

I smiled and looked at her "Well to be honest Charlie. It felt great to shut that barbie doll up for once. I couldn't stand listening to her battling on about her wanting respect she deserved and talking trash about me. She doesn't even know me. So i gave her an ass whooping of a life time that she did deserve so to answer your question Charlie, it fell so damn good kicking her ass and i will gladly do it again cause i will be coming after that Championship and you can Believe That! Thanks Charlie" i said walking off to the women's locker room to take a shower.


As i got back into the divas locker room, i grabbed my bag and headed towards the showers.

I took my shower and washed my hair and body. After i was done, i got out wrappig a towel around me.

I dried myself off then started getting dressed into my tight blue skinny jeans and a low cut black crop top. I slipped on my black Converse.

I sat down and started working on my hair. I scrunch it and made it curly. I began starting on my make up and in walked Paige.

"Hey girly!, after the show you wanna come out with me and the guys?" Paige asked me.

I looked up at her after finishing off my make up. "Yeah sure, sounds fun".

"Great. We will head back to the hotel together to drop off our things then head to the bar together alright babygirl?" Paige said smiling.

"Sounds good to me" i replied then i gathered my things together.

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