First Date!

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|Date With Roman|

Miley's Pov:

I just got out of the shower, i dried my body and my hair then walked over to my closest and pulled out a short nice low cut black and gold dress. I laid it out on the bed as i went and grabbed my matching black lace bra and panties from my chest-of-draws.

I put then on then pulled on the dress afterwards. I slipped on my black high heels. I started to begin doing my hair.

I straightened my hair then got started on my make up. As soon as i was done i sprayed on my favourite perfume and began to put on some of my jewellery.

I grabbed my phone, purse and keys and put them into my hand bag. I left my bedroom and made my way downstairs to living the  room where Paige was sitting.

Paige looked up and saw me "Whoa babygirl, you look hot!" Paige said smiling. "Thanks chick, it's not too much is it?" I asked as i was looking me over in the full  length mirror.

"Hell no, Roman will be breathless once he see you" Paige said.

I giggled "Maybe. Who knows?" I said sitting down on the couch next to Paige as i waited for Roman to come and pick me up.

About 10mintues later. There was a knock on the door. I got up and went to answer it. I opened up the door then there stod Roman dressed in a black suite looking very handsome and smart. He has his hair tied back into a low man bun.

"Hey beautiful, you look stunning" He said smiling at me checking me out. I giggled "Thanks Ro, you don't look to bad yourself".

He smiled "Thanks babygirl, you ready to go?" He asked me. "Yes, I'm all set and ready to go" i say smiling at him. Roman took a hold of my hand and lead me to his car.

He opened the door for me "Thanks Ro" i say getting into his car and he shuts the door behind me. He walked round to the drivers side and climbs in shutting the door "You're welcome babygirl".

Roman drove us to a near by posh restaurant. He is really sweet, i really do like him alot. But will we get together? Will be work? Who knows.

We got to the restaurant, Roman pulled up into the parking lot. Roman got out and then helped me out the car and locked it up and lead me to the restaurant holding my hand. He opened the door for me. Awe ain't he so sweet?!.

"Awe thanks Ro" i said walking in. "No problem beautiful" he said walking in behind me staring at my ass.

Roman's Pov:

We got led to our table which was out back with candles lit and a decorated table laid out for us. I wanted tonight to be speical for Miley.

"Awe Ro, this is so beautiful. Oh my gosh you shouldn't have" Miley said surprised. "Only the best for such a beautiful girl ever in the whole world" i say pulling a chair out for her and she sat down.

"Thanks Roman, you are so sweet" she said witha gorgeous smile. I sat down across from her "You're welcome beautiful".

We looked at our menus looking and deciding on what to order. The waiter came over to us "Hi my name is Wayne and i will be your waiter for the evening. May i take your drinks order?". "Yes, can i have a cold bottle of bud and a Malibu and Coke with ice please?" I said and the waiter wrote it down then left.

Miley looked at me shocked. "What?" I asked. "You knew what i wanted to drink" she said. "Of course, that's what you was drinking the other night and i remembered" i say with a little chuckle which made her giggle with a smile.

5minutes later, the waiter came back with our drinks then took our food orders. We chatted about us getting to know each other more as we drank our drinks.

Our food soon came and we started eating. Miley had a chicken pasta salad along with fries. I had a nice juicy steak with mushrooms and fries.

Onces we got done eating, we ordered dessert which was a toffee sundae. Which was very nice indeed.

We finished eating our desserts then i paid the bill then we left the restaurant. I helped Miley into my car and then got in myself.

"You fancy going to the bar for some drinks?" I asked her with a smile. She looked at me with a smirk "Sure, i would love to. Should be fun".

"Ok babygirl" i say starting the car up and i pulled out of the parking lot then drove us to a near by bar. I hope i get to dance with her again and hopefully get to kiss her beautiful sweet soft lips.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when Miley spoke "I had a nice time with you tonight, thanks again Roman" she said leaning over kissing my cheek.

I smiled, i can't believe she actually kissed my cheek! Damn i loved it!. I kept my eyes on the road continuing driving "No problem, tonight is only just getting started".

We soon arrived at the bar. I parked the car up into the parking lot. I shut the car off then got out and made my way round to Miley's side and helped her out of the passangers seat.

I pulled her close to me and gave her a kiss on her cheek and she smiled looking into my eyes. "Now let the night beginging babygirl" i said and look a hold of her hand and lead her inside the bar.

I ordered us our drinks then took them to a table in the back. We sat down started drinking our drinks while talking and listening to music.

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