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Miley's Pov

Tonight is the night where I finally get to face Alex's Bliss for the WWE Raw Women's Chmapionship, and I WILL win believe that.

Roman faces Brock Lesnar for the WWE  Universal Championship. I have total faith in him to walk out victorious tonight.

We was backstage getting ready for tonight's show. "Good luck tonight babe, I know you can win" Roman said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled at him "Thanks babe, you too. Kick some ass for me". He chuckled "anything for my sexy girl" He said and we shared a passionate kiss.

We pulled apart after a few seconds and looked into each other's eyes. "Since Seth and Paige have gone to catering, why don't we have some fun?" Roman said with a smirk.

I laughed "Sure, let's release some stress before our big matches tonight" I said with a grin.

We leaned in and started kissing again taking each other's clothes off. He bent me over the couch and put his hard cock in to my pussy and started thrusting hard and fast.

"Ahhh fuck! Baby!" I moaned out. "God damn baby, I can never get enough of this!" He moaned fucking me harder and faster.

After about 10 minutes we was done, it was only a quickie cause we thought we saved the best bit for tonight for celebration if we win. Which we will.

--------------SummerSlam Event--------------

Authors Pov:

*Credit goes to WWE for these written matches*


ntercontinental Championship -- Seth Rollins Vs Dolph Ziggler

The only shame in this match was that it took so long to heat up. But once the lengthy rest holds and gratuitous teases of Drew McIntyre interfering were finally over, Rollins and Ziggler were given the space to have the kind of spectacular match fans expected when the feud was first announced (and the exact opposite of what was given in their overbooked Extreme Rules match). Not only were the final minutes of this match absolutely electric and the perfect opener to a loaded show, the fans received the early reason to pop that they were hoping for with Rollins' victory.

Rollins delivered an incredible sequence midway through the match that brought the crowd to its feet when he followed Ziggler to the top rope and hit an insane reverse superplex before rolling through for a sidewalk slam but could somehow only get a two count. McIntyre took out Drew Ambrose outside the ring, which caused enough of a distraction for Ziggler to hit Rollins with a ZigZag but only earn a two. With Rollins bleeding from his forehead, the finish came after Ambrose rallied to hit a Dirty Deeds on McIntyre outside, giving Rollins the chance to land a superkick and The Stomp to pin Ziggler for the win.

Raw Women's Championship -- Miley Vs Alexa Bliss:

The match was brief and punishing for Bliss, who wasn't able to get in anything more offensively than a single right hand and stalled outside the ring so often that Miley eventually sat down with her back turned to protest. Bliss' choke attempt from behind turned into a spinning judo suplex as  Miley talked trash incessantly. After dragging Bliss around by her arm, Miley bent it all the way backwards at an almost-gruesome angle before applying the armbar to receive an instant tap out. Miley looked emotionally moved as she dropped to her knees to hold the title.

Universal Championship -- Roman Reigns VS Brock Lesnar:

Three years later, the never-ending story that is Reigns conquering Lesnar finally happened, bringing to an end the puzzling 504-day universal title reign of "The Beast." But considering all of the options on the board in terms of creative booking swerves, which included Braun Strowman coming to the ring and cutting an epic promo to declare his intention of cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase after the match, WWE sent its fans home shaking their heads at the result.

For as physical and exciting as the match turned out to be, the finish of Reigns winning cleanly following a single spear (after Lesnar had entertainingly destroyed Strowman outside the ring leaving Strowman unable to move) took all the remaining air out of the balloon. The crowd reaction to the finish wasn't as negative as one might imagine but that changed once the show went off the air and it became clear that Strowman wasn't going to be getting up to cash in.

Strowman's arrival before the match started created huge cheers as he referenced the history of the MITB contract and his reasoning behind not wanting to cash in behind someone's back. He popped the Brooklyn faithful by referring to Lesnar as a "Beastie Boy" and watched the match from ringside. Lesnar absorbed three Superman punches and a trio of spears to start but avoided being pinned by locking Reigns in a guillotine choke. The action eventually spilled outside when Lesnar sidestepped a spear and sent Reigns flying outside into Strowman's arms.

The crowd serenaded Reigns and Lesnar with chants of "you both suck" in hopes that Strowman would cash in. But Lesnar did his best to prevent that by hitting Strowman with an F5 on the floor before beating him with the briefcase and throwing it onto the stage and off the video screen. As Lesnar reentered the ring, Reigns hit him with a spear for the pin, adding only more fuel to the fire of those who have booed this storyline and criticized WWE throughout this entire feud. The use of Strowman without cashing in might extend the storyline, but it ends a major show like SummerSlam with an unforgivable tease. 

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