Falling In Love!

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|Nexts Day|

Roman's Pov:

I was in the shower in my hotel room, I washed my hair and washed my body. I got out after 10minutes and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I dried myself off then got dressed in to a blue pair of jeans and black V-neck top. I tied my hair back in to a bun.

I walked out of the bathroom and put on my Nike trainers. "You guys ready to go get breakfast?" I asked Seth and Dean. "Yeah lets go" Seth said and Dean agreed.

We grabbed our bags and headed out the room. We went down to the lobby and met up with Miley and Paige. We all went to the desk and checked out and headed out the hotel and put our bags in to the car then went to a near by café to get some breakfast.

I saw Miley's face and she seemed lost in her own thoughts "You ok babygirl?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled "Yeah I'm fine, why? She asked. I shrugged "You just seem like you have a lot on your mind, is there anything you wanna talk about?" I said to her.

"Nah, I'm fine honest" She said but I knew she was lying but I just shook it off. We arrived at the café, we walked in and ordered our food and drinks then we went to sit down at a table near the window.

I kept looking at Miley and I could see she has something on her mind as she sits there staring out of the window.

I had things I need to get off my chest, I needed to talk to Miley..... alone. "Miley, can I talk to you alone for a minute please?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded "Yeah sure" She said as she got up.

We walked outside of the café as the others still sat at the table waiting for our food and drinks. Its now time to say what I have on my mind..... Here goes nothing.

"Miley, I have to tell you this, I need to get it off my chest" I began and she was looking in to my eyes listening. "I-I'm falling in love with you, the more time I spend with you everyday the more I fall in love with you" I finished looking in to her beautiful brown eyes.

She looked at me and smiled "Oh my Ro, thank god! I feel the same way, I didn't wanna say anything cause I didn't wanna ruin our friendship" She said and I smiled and pulled her in to me.

"Really?" I said and she nodded. "Well thank god we both feel the same way" I said with a little smirk. "Now that is out of the way... I can do this..." I kissed her softly on her lips and she kissed me back.

We pulled back "We better get back inside before they get worried and start eating all our food" She said and I nodded with a laugh and followed her back inside.

Miley's Pov:

Me and Roman walked back inside and sat back down at our table. Our food and drinks have already arrived. I began eating my chocolate chip pancakes. "That looks nice, let me have som__" I slapped Seth hand away. "MINE!" I yelled out at him and everyone laughed.

"Someone doesn't like to share!" Seth said and I gave him a smirk "Only when it comes to MY pancakes then i don't share!". Seth shook his head with a chuckle.

"Seth you have your own god damn food, you have a plate full, now EAT IT!" Paige hissed. "I'm not getting involved in this one" Dean said chucking. "I'm with ya there bro" Roman said.

I looked at them both "What? I didn't do nothing" I said eating my pancakes. "Didn't say you did princess" Roman said and I looked at him confused "Princess?". "Yeah, you are my princess" Roman said. "Awe Ro, your so sweet and you are my prince" I said smiling at him.

"Romeo and Juliet!" Dean said laughing and Roman smacked his arm "Ow! what was that for?" Dean asked confused. "Oops my bad, my hand slipped" Roman said chuckling. "Well in that case..." Dean smacked his arm back. "Ow! Dude what the fuck!" Roman yelled. "Sorry my hand slipped" Dean said mocking Roman with a laugh.

"Alright, cut it out you two" Seth said. they both looked at him "Yes Dad!" they both said together and Seth looked back at the both of them with a look. I just sat there giggling. "Seriously guys stop I'm gonna piss myself!" I said laughing hard. We all laughed and continued eating our food.

After we was done eating we all paid the bill and left the café and headed out to my car. They all was riding with me once again....

We got to my car and all jumped in buckled up. I started the car up and drove us off on to the road driving home.

I turned on the radio and started listening to what ever songs was playing. They didn't seemed to mind as the car ride was only 20minutes long till we got to our houses.

I dropped off Roman and the guys at Romans house as it was on the way to mine. We said our goodbyes and Roman gave me a sweet kiss. "Goodbye beautiful, I will text you later ok?". "Ok honey, see ya" I said with a smile.

They walked in to Romans house, and I drove off back to mine with Paige.

"You two are so cute, has he asked you out yet?" Paige asked me and I shook my head "No, not yet. That's if he does". "He will do at some point babygirl" Paige said with a smile. "Yeah maybe" I said as I pulled up into my drive way.

We got out and went inside and chilled out for the day.

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