Hell In A Cell!

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|Later That Night|

Miley's Pov:

Hell In Cell PPV has just started, i was meant to be defending my women's championship tonight but i have to give it up instead as i'm pregnant.

I wasn't sure how far along i was but i think i'm about 6 weeks, but i will find out tomorrow when i book the appointment with the doctor.

I was at the gorilla waiting for my music to hit, Roman was standing with me "You ready for this babe?" He asked wrapping his arms around me from behind resting his hands on my stomach.

"Not really, but i have no choice but to" I said with a sigh. "It will be ok babe, i will be right here watching, and i will be running out there to save you in a little while anyways. Just be careful out there baby ok?" He said. "Ok baby" I said.

"You be coming out with me tonight for my match, don't worry baby" He said before giving me a kiss on my lips and i kissed him back.

My theme song soon played and i went walking out to cheers that filled out the whole arena. "Making her way to the ring... the WWE Raw Women's Champion.... MILEY!" JoJo Announced.

I walked down the ramp with my tittle over my shoulder. I walked up the stairs and climbed into the ring grabbing a mic.

I adjusted my title on my shoulder and i pulled the mic to my lips "Well i was meant to be defending my title tonight against Alexa Bliss...." I started and the crowd booed. "But i can't because.... i'm.... i'm pregnant", the crowd was in shock. "So i can no longer compete till the baby is here" I said and the crowd 'Awed'.

"But when i come back i will be coming back after MY championship, I don't care who has it!" I said and the fans cheered. "Who ever is holding it better shine it up real nice and keep it warm because the real champ is coming back for it BITCHES!" I said shouting out the last word and the fans went wild cheering for me.

The cheers soon turned into boos when Alexa's theme song hit. Alexa came walking out down the ramp and into the ring grabbing a mic " Whoa.. wait... your pregnant? who is the father?" She started and i glared at her "We all know you been sleeping around with the entire guys back in that locker room" She said.

I laughed at her stupid joke "I think you got me mixed up with you sweetie, we all know your the biggest slut going around here Alexa!" I snapped at her not having a care in the world for her at the moment.

Alexa just dropped her mic and went charging at me knocking me down to the ground. She was on top of me throwing punches to my face.

I pushed her off and got on top of her and started throwing full on hard punches of my own to her face.

Roman came running out into the ring and tried to break us apart but we kept fighting until the referees came running out with Raw acting general manager Baron Corbin.

"Break it up!" Baron said getting into the ring. "Alexa what you just did was uncalled for! You are out of order, she said she is pregnant, you can't go and attacking a pregnant women!" He said pissed off.

"But.." She started but Baron cut her off. "No buts, just get out of this ring and get your ass backstage! I will deal with your ass later!" He said still fuming. Alexa just huffed and climbed out the ring storming backstage.

Roman helped me up checking on me "You ok baby?" He whispered to me and i nodded. "Miley, are you ok?" Baron said. "Yeah i'm fine" I said. "Ok good, thank you for that speech and letting the world know why you can't compete, you will indeed get your shot at the title again once you come back to in ring action" Baron said.

I smiled "Thank you" I said and handed him the title. Me and Roman climbed out of the ring and walked backstage to the locker room.

Authors Pov:

*Credits Go To WWE For This Written Match Up*

Universal Championship (Hell in a Cell) -- Roman Reigns (c) vs. Braun Strowman ends in a no contest: Mick Foley served as the special guest referee in the match. Before the bell rang, Strowman ripped the title out of Reigns' hands when he held it up during the ring announcer's introduction; Reigns attacked in response, but Strowman began dominating at the onset. Once Strowman grabbed the steel steps, Reigns countered with a Superman punch, but when he attempted to hit another, Strowman caught him with a chokeslam on the ring apron. The two traded shots with weapons until Reigns dodged Strowman and allowed him to slam shoulder-first through the turnbuckles. Strowman later caught a Superman punch for a chokeslam, and after Reigns kicked out past 2.9, Strowman became angered with Foley for a clearly slow count. This distraction allowed Reigns to hit a pop-up Superman punch, but Strowman also kicked out.

As Strowman wobbled around the ring unable to stand on his own, Reigns grabbed a table. Instead of using it immediately, he put it down and ran around the entire ring for a spear only to be with steel steps to the face. Back in the ring, Strowman hit Reigns with the steps again for a two count before screaming, "Why won't you stay down, you moron?!" The challenger next rammed the steps into the champion's chest before throwing them over the ropes against the cell wall. Strowman hit Reigns with the running powerslam in the center of the ring, and Reigns got his shoulder up again at 2.9 as the challenger became increasingly incensed with Foley for his count. With the table set up in the corner, Reigns countered Strowman with two Superman punches before spearing him into the table. Reigns rolled Strowman over but also got a 2.9 count.

At this point, Ziggler and McIntyre ran down to the ring demanding the referee to let them into the cell; Rollins and Ambrose immediately came out to make the save. The men removed the tops of two announce tables, and eventually all four made their way to the top of the cell (Ambrose with a kendo stick in tow) to slug it out. Ziggler and Rollins started climbing down but began fighting once they reached the first panel; they simultaneously rammed one another's head into the side of the cell and crashed through the announce tables below. McIntyre and Ambrose did not move.

Out of nowhere, Brock Lesnar's music hit as The Beast and Paul Heyman made their way to ringside. Heyman screamed at the referee and demanded the key, but Lesnar grew impatient and kicked the cell door off the hinges. Wearing a full beard, Lesnar walked up the detached cell door into the ring and dragged it into a corner as Heyman pepper sprayed Foley in the eyes. Lesnar took the broken table pieces and beat both Reigns and Strowman with them. He then hit Strowman and Reigns with consecutive F5s with Reigns landing atop Strowman. A new official entered the ring once Lesnar exited and called for the timekeeper to ring the bell and declare a no contest.

Whoa. There's a lot to take away from this. The first, of course, being that WWE went with yet another messy finish and felt they needed to utilize Lesnar in order to avoid a clean win for Reigns or Strowman in a match that obviously should have been saved. Next will be questions about what this means for Lesnar and his expected upcoming UFC match with Daniel Cormier. Initial thoughts are that nothing has changed as WWE set this in motion when then-Raw GM Kurt Angle refused to give Heyman a rematch for Lesnar after SummerSlam. This provides the chance for WWE to keep Lesnar in an extended storyline while he fights Cormier and likely returns to the squared circle in 2019. Finally, what becomes of Strowman's Money in the Bank briefcase. Conventional wisdom would say that Strowman cashed in the briefcase, got a match and saw it result in a no contest; there's no rule that says it has to be fought to a decisive finish. Then again, WWE could easily storyline their way into giving the briefcase back to Strowman or telling him he deserves another opportunity at Reigns.

As for the match itself, it was solid albiet unspectacular. Reigns and Strowman did nothing inside the cell that has not been done better previously, and the insertion of the other four men simply for the chaos and table spot was seemingly unnecessary. The surprise of Lesnar did amp things up in a major way and raised this at least a half of a letter grade.

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