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There are only three rooms in their apartment. It's not the best living space, considering three of the said rooms aren't proper bedrooms, but a three room apartment is better than being homeless.

They count the living room and kitchen as one because the only thing separating the two is a small island counter where the off-white tile ends and their toffee colored carpet begins. The bathroom is cramped with a small tub-less shower and a sink with no cabinets underneath.

A mirror used to hang above it when the three of them first moved in there. Then one night, Josh got blackout drunk after a fight with his parents and smashed it, thus ending his own alcohol dependency.

The only room in their apartment that the three of them didn't share is Max's bedroom. Since Max was the first of them to move into the apartment, he got the only bedroom all to himself. It wasn't up for discussion. Plus, sharing an apartment with an paranoid insomniac like him was enough to not make a fuss over not sharing a bedroom.

When Jon and Josh first graduated from high school and needed a place to stay that was close to their college, the only downside to moving in with Max was having to sleep together in the living room on a memory foam mattress.

They don't mind. At least, neither of them haven't said anything. They've been sleeping together for years, both literally and figuratively speaking.

There were many, many nights where Jon would come home after a night of partying drunk or high out of his mind and horny as hell. Max is straight and Josh is Josh, so it isn't hard to wonder what happened afterwards. That twin sized mattress has seen more gay sex than a gay strip club.

It was probably wrong to keep doing this, but it wasn't like either of them were getting any action anywhere else. Jon never remembered any of those nights, anyways. They were for Josh to keep and him alone. Thank God Jon was a blackout drunk.

If Josh is honest, he'd be a lot more sexually frustrated if he didn't share a bed with Jon. He knew he like guys and girls because of their late night fuck-arounds. That probably put him in the bisexual category, but he'd never had any experience besides drunk sex with Jon and one night stands with girls during his first couple years of university.

None of it counted, because it wasn't with anyone he'd ever truly loved.

Max locks himself in his room, shouting that he has the opening shift at the Cracker Barrel he works at and that he needed sleep. That leaves a half-conscious Jon facedown on their mattress and a fully conscious Josh still sitting at the table.

JON BELLION: the gay roommate
AGE: 22
STRENGTHS: can get any guy in bed with him, is everyone's sexual awakening, pretty good singer, makes a mean cosmopolitan, highly organized for a drunk guy, self aware, super gay, gives all of his friends discounts at Starbucks when he's working
WEAKNESSES: alcoholic, claims he's not an alcoholic, sexually deviant, has ADHD, spikes his coffee with vodka, has a stolen AA chip he stole from Hayley's one year of sobriety
WEAPON OF CHOICE: broken beer bottle

Josh stands and strips his pants off, tossing his jacket to the floor near the door. "Before anyone feeds you any lies, yes I'm dating a high schooler."

"Oh?" Jon mumbles. "How old is he?"

"Funny. She's seventeen. Please don't tell anyone."

"You know me."

"Especially my sister." He watches as Jon rummages through the pockets of his jeans, fishing out his cellphone. "Who are you texting?"

"You know me." Jon pulls himself to his feet and trudges to the bathroom.

As soon as the door shuts behind him, Josh's phone rings. When he picks it up, it's Ashley.

"A seventeen year old? Scandal!"

"That's not true. Who told you?"

"Jon, duh." He can hear her shrug.

"That gossipy bitch."

The phone clicks, indicating someone else is honing in on the call. "You know me," Jon says. Josh turns and sees him leaning against the bathroom doorway with a drunken smile.


Jon hangs up and closes the bathroom door again.

"So, who's this mystery child you're dating?" She asks, sounding genuinely interested.

ASHLEY DUN: the better sibling
AGE: 18
STRENGTHS: cappuccino master, can play nearly every instrument known to man, attending Juilliard in the fall for music therapy, is the sweetest kindest precious angel in this world, must be protected at all costs, beautiful and deadly, can solve a rubix cube in under 60 seconds
WEAKNESSES: not a very good motivational speaker, broken gaydar, always ends up finding and dating gay guys, has a habit of adopting any stray animal she finds, extremely compulsive when it comes to anything ever, has no verbal filter, got drunk once during spring break last year and hasn't been able to live it down
WEAPON OF CHOICE: cappuccino machine

Josh rolls his eyes and sits down in a swivel chair beside the island counter. "Ashley Frangipane. We call her Halsey. She goes to a Catholic school."

"A seventeen year old Catholic schoolgirl with a cool nickname?" Her voice drops into the realm of skepticism. "You're ridiculous."

"They have the uniforms and everything." He grimaces just thinking about it.

"Oh, my god. You guys haven't-"

"No, no, we haven't even held hands yet. I think she hugged me once."

Ashley sighs into the phone.

"Joshie, what're you doing?"

Josh sighs back, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could hold a happy facade in front of his friends, but never his sister. "I don't know, Ash. It's just nice, you know. It's simple."

"Come on, Josh," Ashley groans, sounding exasperated. "It's been over a year since you were dumped by She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named. You've been in a romantic funk ever since. Is this you actually moving on this time or are you just being insane again?"

"Can I get back to you on that?"

She says goodbye, sending her love Josh's way, and hangs up. Josh steps off the chair and falls on his left side onto the mattress. Jon collapses face-first beside him, mumbling under his breath. He turns his head and puts a limp arm around Josh's shoulders, sloppily kissing the side of his neck.

"Jon, I have a girlfriend," Josh warns, shrugging his arm off.

As tempted and frustrated as he is, he isn't going to cheat on Halsey with Jon. He's a lot of things, not all of them good, but he would never be a cheater.

Jon grunts and turns to face away from Josh. "You're no fun." In no time, he's snoring.

Josh turns to face the other way, closing his eyes in hopes of getting away from that man on the roller skates. No such luck came his way.


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