113 8 8


-1 bass guitar
+1 hospital visit
+19 stitches
+2 mystery man appearances

Josh scans the room once he's in stage, keeping an eye on where Jenna is to make sure she doesn't make a move to hurt Tyler. Brendon must've gone backstage already, because the seat beside her is now filled by someone else, a taller man whose face he can't see in the dark.

Max nods at him to grab his attention, then sends Hayley a thumbs up. "How's the crowd doing tonight?" He says into the mic with his performance voice.

They get an abundance of cheers, making Josh's tight chest loosen up enough for him to breathe properly. That doesn't last because he sees the mystery man whisper something in Jenna's ear, and she get up from the table. She cups her mouth and, just when she gets ready to yell, Josh grabs his mic.

"We are Sex Bob-omb and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!" He shouts, starting the riff.

"This is the beginning of the song," Max says, looking at Josh, confused.

He just shrugs, and stares daggers into Jenna as the song starts. Tyler seems to notice and Josh watches him usher Halsey and Abby to a table somewhere closer to the exit and away from Jenna and the mystery man.

They get through their set list without any incidents, thank god, and by the time they're finished, Josh has lost Jenna and the mystery man in the growing crowd. He knows most of them are there for Debby, but the feeling of pride doesn't leave him when they walk off the stage, Hayley literally shaking with excitement.

"Did you see that crowd!" She squeals, skipping ahead of them. "That was insane!"

Max chuckles, staying behind with Josh. "So, J, what was that all about?"

"What? Oh, it was nothing. I just saw one of Tyler's exes and panicked. Well, technically she's not an ex but she has some kind of vendetta against Tyler."

"Who is it?" Max asks.

Before Josh can respond, the crowd parts like the Red Sea and she walks through, bottle blonde hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She passes Josh without even glancing at him. Josh wants to say something, but his throat closes up and he just watches her walk back stage.

"Uh, her name's Jenna, she looks like a ninja and she tried to kill me," he says, his eyes never leaving her.

Max sees where his eyes go and he scoffs. "You're really going to do that? Come on, let's get some drinks on me. We earned it with that killer performance."

Josh plops down at the table in a free chair, holding a regular coke he got at the bar  because he's feeling dangerous. Tyler scoots his chair closer to him, lacing his fingers with Josh's. "You saw her too, huh?"

"Yup." Josh took a long sip of his coke. "Do you want to leave?"

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about him showing up at the same place." Tyler gestured to the stage, where Josh can make out Brendon's silhouette tuning his guitar in the wings.

"I'll kick his ass too if you want," Josh suggests.

"As if you could," Tyler laughs, leaning on him. "I just want to forget that my exes are hanging up on me and my boyfriend."

The lights dim, indicating that Debby's band is about to play. Josh tugs Tyler by their held hand and pushes through the crowd until they're close enough to the stage to see clearly.

start song
Black Sheep, Clash At Demonhead

As soon as the guitar begins their first song, the whole crowd explodes into cheers. The stage is shrouded in darkness, but Josh can see the silhouettes of all three band members, including Debby front and center but still hidden by shadows.

"Oh, yeah?" she says, making everyone lose their minds.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Josh asks. "To be this close to the stage?"

"Oh, yeah."

Tyler shrugs. "What's Brendon going to do, hit me? Like he could without backlash."

"Oh, yeah!"

A single light in the middle of the stage turns on, illuminating only Debby and her microphone. She stares right at Josh while she sings.

"Hello again, friend of a a friend, I knew you well."

The other lights turn on, and Brendon is staring dead at Tyler, grinning as he does. Josh glares, and he yells, "we can leave if you want."

"I'll be fine," Tyler says back, his eyes never leaving Brendon. "He won't truly anything. He's too much of a coward."

When the show's over, they leave, barely avoiding a run-in with Debby and Brendon. Hayley is way too drunk to walk straight, so Halsey helps her walk, giggling at Hayley's alcohol fueled outbursts. Josh elbows Tyler and gestures to the two girls.

"Aw, that's cute," he laughs.

"Not as cute as us," Josh says, pulling Tyler closer to him. "We're the cutest."

That's when he hears it. A distant yell growing in volume, like it's getting closer. Tyler stops and yanks Josh back just as Jenna appears, the heel of her skates scraping Josh's cheek.

"Not again," Max groans.

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