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The pizza restaurant across the street fills up quickly soon after they arrive, most of the people coming from the Rock-It to eat. Tyler points to a corner booth, ordering sodas for them both at the bar as Josh goes to save their table. He watches Tyler from afar, wondering why he seems unfazed by his wizard ex magically appearing to kill who Mark assumed was Tyler's new boyfriend.

Which he is. Maybe.

"Spill," he says as Tyler sits, leaning across the table.

Tyler rolls his eyes playfully and sets the drinks down. "This is awkward."

"Can't be more awkward than being nearly murdered by a fire boy who thought we were dating," Josh responds, earning another eye roll. "So, spill the tea. Who the hell was that guy?"

"Fine, if you're going to be so pushy." He takes an exaggerated breath in and then out, squeezing his eyes shut. "Okay, so. In order for us to date, you need to defeat my three evil exes."

Tyler opens one eye as Josh stares for a moment, waiting for the punchline. "...What."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to drag you into this bullshit again," Tyler says, burying his face in his hands. "My last ex said he'd create an evil league of everyone I've broken up with, but he's always bluffing. I thought he was lying."

"Well. It's, uh. It's better than seven? Evil exes?" Josh phrases it as a question.

"I guess."

Tyler won't meet his eyes, so Josh leans over and takes the hand that isn't locked around his orange soda. "So, does this mean we're officially dating?"

For a moment, Tyler doesn't talk, his mouth opening and shutting a couple times. Josh's question seems to startle him, and Josh starts to think he overstepped when Tyler grabs the collar of his shirt, kissing him.

"Of course we are," he chuckles against Josh's lips.

Josh is so overwhelmed that he's sure he almost passes out. His eyes slip shut, and he lets Tyler pepper the rest of his face with kisses, giggling when they start tickling.

They only stop when he hears someone clear their throat. Josh opens his eyes and sees Jon standing in front of them, a look of hurt on his face. He smells like whiskey and weed, and Josh wonders when he started smoking again.

"Hey... buddy," Josh says nervously.

"So, it's official." Jon clicks his tongue. "You moved on pretty quickly."

"Jon, it's been almost three weeks since I broke up with Halsey, and she knows-"

"Don't you fucking dare try to justify this bullshit again." Jon stares daggers at Josh and Tyler's clasped hands. Josh pulls away, Tyler's face dropping in dismay as a result. "Know the guy you're dating, pal, before he screws you over too," he says to Tyler. He grabs Tyler's drink off of the table, chugging it while he stumbles to the bar.

Tyler raises his eyebrows, silently asking what the hell was that about. Josh just shrugs, shrinking into the cushioned seats when he sees Max, Hayley, and Young Ryan walk into the restaurant.

"Do they know?" Tyler asks softly.

Josh nods.


"And they weren't happy. I just broke up with my girlfriend and few weeks ago, and they really didn't like that."

"Is that why one of them picked you in the face?"

Josh touched his bottom lip, wincing. "Yeah."

Tyler pulls a paper napkin out of the dispenser and licks a corner, gently wiping Josh's split lip. "You need to be more careful. Do you think it was the best choice to tell them?"

"I'm not so sure anymore," Josh answers honestly, letting Tyler clean the blood from his face. "It was kind of a spur of the moment thing."

"So my boyfriend's a fighter, huh," Tyler smiles.

Josh returns the smile. Once Tyler's done cleaning his face, he takes Tyler's hand and kissing his knuckles, setting his palm against Josh's cheek.

"So, who else do I need to worry about killing me?"

Tyler starts to speak, but a pair of hands slam on the table, making it and Josh's drink shake. Hayley hover over Josh, glowering down at him with the animosity of a feral cat.

"So, this is your new boy toy," she hisses, grinning with no emotion behind the gesture.

Even Tyler looks startled, glancing at Josh for answers. "If that's what you call boyfriends in Canada, then sure."

Max stares at them with shock, like he hadn't truly believed that Josh and Tyler were together until now. Josh has to look away.

"We just came over to tell you we won." When Max spoke, Josh can hear the betrayal in his voice. "If you care at all."

Young Ryan stands behind them both, looking between Hayley and Max at Josh, who doesn't know how to say he's sorry for finding someone he cares about without sounding sarcastic.

Josh opens his mouth, but Young Ryan shakes his head slightly. He closes it.

Hayley makes a throat-cutting gesture at Tyler before dragging Young Ryan away. Max stays behind for a moment, looking between them before leaving as well.

"They'll get over it. If it means anything, I think it was a good move to tell them," Tyler says. "They obviously care about you, they're just worried."

Josh scoffs, staring at his drink. He wishes it was alcohol, but he doesn't even remember what happened the last time he drank, and he doesn't wasn't to to risk blacking out again just to feel numb again. "Let's go on a date."

Tyler blinks. "What, right now?"

"Yes, now." Josh wiggles out of the booth and holds his hand out to Tyler. "Come on, before another ex boyfriend of yours shows up to murder me."

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