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Josh starts to peels Dallon's fingers off his shoulder, trying to get away, but as soon as he's free, the man clamps down once again. He looks around helplessly, watching for any sign of Tyler or Halsey.

When that becomes futile, he realizes that Dallon is steering him away from the crowd. Josh could've sworn he saw Debby, but Dallon's fast pace keeps him from getting a good look.

"Look, Mister Weekes, I appreciate the one on one with you, really I do, but I really need to-"

"Good, because I need to cover my bases with my bassist." Dallon laughs at his own joke. "I know who you are and you know who I am, so let me cut to the chase. Sexy Bomb-"

"Actually, it's Sex Bob-omb-"

"Whatever. Your music is exactly the kind of stuff kids are into. Raw emotions, indie rock, trashed out garbage truck songs that sound ripped right from your mom's garage. It's new, fresh, date I say trend setting."

"Thanks," Josh says, still suspicious but soaking up the compliments like a sponge. "Max is in charge of writing our lyrics, so I'm the one who comes up with most of the actual-"

"So, we were thinking, as a brand, to boost the beginning of your career, you should have an exclusive performance joined by one of our biggest artists-"

"Before you say it, I'm going to be real honest with you," Josh cuts him off, already seeing where this conversation is going. "Mister Sinister Records was our dream label to be a part of. It's been our first choice since we started this band. So, why all the sudden want for us? We're not that popular and freaky, not that good. Did Debby have anything to do with you signing us?"

Dallon stares at him, perplexed, before a grin stretches across his pale, plastic face. "Of course Radio Rebel has nothing to do with this. I personally chose to pursue you and your friends. It was of my own volition."

"O...kay." That answer doesn't stop the unsettlement from growing in the bottom of Josh's stomach. "Uh, so I'm assuming we'll be performing with Deb- I mean, Radio Rebel and her band?"

"Correct. Their fame should help launch your smaller, less successful band to the top."

"Right. Look, Mr. Weekes, I'm so glad you decided to sign us and believe me, it's an honor to be in your presence alone, but I need to find my... friend. He wasn't feeling well, and I have to take him home."

Something flickers over Dallon's face. "Oh, well let me help. It's the least I can do for my new clients."

"Seriously, it's okay."

"But I insist."

"Thank you, but I need to do this myself. I'm just going to- ah!" His vice grip on Josh tightens, his thumb jabbing right into his still-vulnerable scar.

Josh keens forward, groaning in pain, and he feels a swift kick to his back. He flops face first onto the carpet. The crowd quickly steps back, nobody even trying to help him up.

Dallon keeps his foot planted on his spine. He leans over Josh's pinned body, his grinning face appearing besides Josh, and clicks his tongue. "Oh, poor little Joshua. How bold of you to assume you have any control over your choices anymore."

It all clicks. Josh can feel the lightbulb appear above his head as dread creeps in along with shock. Two more exes. One is Brendon, but the other...

The other is too powerful to touch.

"No!" He starts to thrash, trying to get out from underneath Dallon, but he's helpless because the pain radiating from his shoulder keeps him paralyzed. "Don't you dare touch him!" Josh shouts.

"You can't stop me. Tyler and I aren't done yet. I've still got some exes to grind."

Suddenly, Tyler's bursts through the crowd, tackling Dallon to the floor. Josh quickly scrambles back, trying to catch his breath. He's standing above him with the head of his mallet to Dallon's throat, breathing heavily like he's midway through a panic attack.

"You weren't answering my calls," he gasps, "so I panicked."

"I'm glad you did." Josh pushes himself to his feet, rubbing his shoulder. "You and him?"

"It was a fling. Or at least, was supposed to be one."

The taller man looks up at Tyler with the deadest shark eyes, still smiling blankly. "Ah, Tyler. What a strange coincidence. I was just talking about you."

He tries to get up, but Tyler presses the mallet into Dallon's chest, stomping on his shoulder to keep him down. "Don't even try, mother fucker."

"You know this won't work, right?" Dallon says, turning his head to the side. "There's an order in how you have to defeat us. You can't defeat me. It's gotta be Brendon first."

"Fine, then bring the bastard here," Josh spits at him, shaking with rage.

Dallon laughs. "Famous last words of a coward who can't fight his own battles." That earn him a sharp hit to his throat, so his laughter turns into a coughing fit.

"One more word out of you and I'm hitting a home run," Tyler threatens, positioning the hammer back at his neck. "Understand?"

The hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and Josh groans. "Not again."

He turns to see who he has to fight now, only to be met with a bass guitar to the gut. Josh doubles over, falling to his knees, and falls flat on his stomach when he gets hit again from behind.

"What's up with you guys and knocking me to the ground? This is becoming a very painful trend," he grunts, getting up on one knee with both hands over his stomach.

"Watch out!" Tyler shouts.

Josh looks up just in time to see Dallon grab the handle of Tyler's mallet and fling him over his body. He collides right into a dancing Hayley, and the two hit the ground hard.

The second after Tyler hits Hayley, the someone in the crowd screams, which sends everyone else into a frenzy. Through the stampede, Josh sees the body of a guitar aimed for his face. Someone grabs the back of his shirt. Josh can feel the wind of the the guitar just barely missing his nose as he's yanked backwards.

Brendon, who's holding the guitar, cackles and takes another swing. Josh frantically kicks to block the blow. Somehow, he cracks the neck, the guitar snapping in half.

"You fucker, you broke my guitar!"

"Get up, we need to leave!" Halsey commands, still dragging Josh away from the carnage.

"Wait, what about Tyler?" Josh gets to his feet as Halsey runs with him and searches for his boyfriend, seeing no sign of him, his hammer, or Dallon. "And the others. I can't just leave them here with that maniac."

"Josh, they don't know about Dallon, and it's best if it's left like that. Now, come on!"

They've made it to the doors leading to the backyard, Halsey holding onto Josh's jacket. People are running for the doors, and through the chaos he sees the top of Tyler's head, along with Dallon's

"I'm sorry!" Josh yells, impulsively pushing Halsey towards the doors.

This surprises her enough to make her lose her grip, and allow him to make a break for the dance floor, which is bumbling with panic. Josh stops halfway within the chaos, takes a deep breath, and makes a stupid decision.

He goes looking for Brendon.

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