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As the crowd starts to come back into the venue, Josh, Halsey and Tyler waltz through the entrance, talking about what to do next. Now that the evil ex debacle was over, Josh just wants to take a hot bath and sleep for a year. Tyler agrees wholeheartedly with that idea.

"You know what, I'm going to go to that Indian place downtown and buy all of us dinner," he says, dragging a tired Josh behind him. "I haven't eaten there in forever."

"Should we invite your band?" Halsey asks.

Josh has completely forgotten about them. They hate him, don't they? He should hate them. But he doesn't. He can't.

"Sure, why not," he says. "Let's just how they don't try to kill me too."

"Wait up!"

Josh turns immediately at the sound of Debby's voice, cursing at himself for the way his heart beats harder. They stop and let her catch up.

"Hey, Debs," he says, trying to keep his composure. "Thanks for helping us out back there."

"No problem. Anything for you."

She pulls Josh into a tight hug. He can't help but bury his face in her neck, holding her like it's the last time he'll ever get to hold her that way. Which is it.

"Go get him, tiger," she whispers in his ear. He hears the smile in her voice clear as day. Debby pulls away and shoots finger guns at Tyler, starting to walk back to the venue. "Take care of him or I'll kick your ass, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," he says.

Josh smiles and waves as she disappears back into the crowd. "Dammit, I forgot how nice she is. That was one of the reasons I loved her."

"Do you still love her?" Tyler asks.

"Of course I do, I'll never stop loving her because we had something special. But the way I love her is different."

"Different how?"

"I love her like... a friend."

Halsey stops walking. Josh looks back at his friend, seeing the indescribable expression on her face, and he knows. They've gotten to know each other well enough that he knows what she's thinking.

"Look, Josh, I was thinking," Tyler says, turning to him and blocking his view of Halsey. "It's not fair that you have to stick with me after everything I put you through. You deserve to be with someone who loves you."

"Are you saying you don't love me?" Josh starts to pull back, but Tyler catches his hand.

"Of course I love you. But I'm starting to think we're not... good for each other. Look what happened to you, because of me. I can't do that to you or anyone ever again."

Josh peaks Halsey watching from behind, her eyes patient but watery.

"What to you want me to do?" He asks, not breaking eye contact with her.

Tyler takes a shaky breath and sighs, which makes Josh look at him. "I want you to do whatever makes you happiest. Even if you being happy means you're not... with... me."


"It's your choice. Nobody else's. What do you want to do?"

Josh looks back at Halsey, then at Tyler again. He appreciates the choice, but there's no way he can choose between kindest, most badass girl he's ever known and the literal man of his dreams. "Give me a second."

He walks over to Halsey and hugs her as tightly as he can. She reciprocates easily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make a scene," she whispers.

"It's okay, baby girl, you know that." Josh kisses the top of her head and brushes her hair away from her face. "I love you, you know that, right?"

Halsey giggles, and his heart melts all over again. "I know." She keeps her arms around Josh's neck when she retracts, smiling. "I love you too."

"I'm scared, Hals. I don't know what to do."

"We both know what you're going to do." She gently punches his shoulder. "And it's totally okay to be scared. I'm way too cool for you anyways."

Josh glances over at Tyler, who's being bombarded by Max, Hayley, and Young Ryan.

"I don't want to hurt you again," he says. "And I don't think I can move on like nothing happened."

"You won't hurt me, and maybe you don't have to move on. Not completely. The best the two of you can do is start fresh. Clean slate, you know?"

"Yeah. Clean slate."

He kisses her cheek, squeezes her hand and dragging her back to the group.

Hayley is the first to acknowledge the two, waving at Josh and winking at Halsey. Max looks up from his discussion with Tyler and just looks at him with a blank stare, then nods. He doesn't say anything, but his eyes say 'I'm sorry.' Josh nods back. 'We're good.'

Young Ryan beams at Josh. He can't help but be relieved that even through all of the shit that happened between them, he's still the same clueless, lovable adult-kid.

"Hey, why don't we go ahead and grab a table at Vincent Van Go-Go's?" Hayley suggests, hooking her and Halsey's arms together.

Max nods. "Yeah, let's go. Come on, Ryan."

Young Ryan's eyes go wide and he follows as all four of them, excluding Tyler and Josh, start to walk to the pizzeria across the street.

"Are you sure?" Tyler asks, hands in his pockets. He doesn't even need to ask what they discussed, he knows exactly what Josh wants. And for the first time, so does Josh.

He takes a step into Tyler, keeping enough space between them that they're not touching but close enough that he can feel the heat radiating from his body. "I love you. That's what I've decided. And I want to be with you and only you. So, if you're ready to let me in, I'll ready to listen."

A smile stretched across Tyler's face. "Thank you. I love you too."

"So... what now?" Josh asks, kicking at the snow.

Tyler takes his hand, threading their fingers together and kissing his knuckles. "We try again."

There's a whoosh of cold air that swipes Josh from behind and ruffles his coat. He looks over his shoulder and sees a simple white door with a yellow star painted on it. The door creaks open, revealing it to lead to a black empty void. It's scary, sure, but exciting.

There's that fear of the unknown that lingers inside of him again, but this time he doesn't need to do this alone. Despite the fear of not knowing what's to come, he smiles. Josh squeezes Tyler's hand, never wanting to let go ever again.

Tyler squeezes back, and together, they jump in.

{Josh Dun VS The World Completed: September 17th, 2019}

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