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It's been over two weeks since the breakfast fight and Josh been basically living at Tyler's place, who doesn't seem to mind. He still works part-time at the same coffee shop Billie and Abby work, so he pays for food and the rent from his actual apartment since he, unfortunately, still lives there.

Josh has also been ignoring Jon and Max's calls, which it much less tiring. Sure, it's probably really stupid for him to be ignoring one-third of his band weeks before their next Battle of the Bands gig, but he's petty. And petty he will stay.

When Hayley's the one who calls next, though, it catches him off guard, but he's well equipped.

"What do you want, Bottle Blonde B-"

"You know those don't work on me, you borderline sex offender," she crows before he can even finish his opening statement.

Josh pauses. "Okay, that one's kinda fucked up, Williams, even for me."

"As fucked up as knowingly hiding the fact that you cheated on Halsey with Jon while you were plastered? Nope. So, sorry about that, by the way. Couldn't really apologize before since you went all ghosty on us."

He furrows his brows and concentrated on the background noise. Max is yelling at Jon, who's just as loud as him, if not more. Hayley cups the receiver and screams back, "shut your everloving faceholes, you goddamn hypocrites! I'm on the phone!"

"Who else knew?" Josh tries to sound mad, but he's not. At least, not at her.

"Just me and Max. And Jon, obviously. We didn't want to corrupt Young Ryan's fragile innocence by letting him in on this scandalous, scalding tea."

"You do know he's old enough to smoke weed."

"Whatever. Look, accept my apology or don't, I could give a rat's ass about your alcohol-fueled infidelity. I need you to make up with Jon."

Josh, who's in the middle of doing a load of laundry, laughs out loud since no one's around to hear. "In case you haven't noticed, Hayl, we're not on speaking terms. Hell, I don't even know why I'm answering you."

She groans loudly. "Because I'm a junkie who doesn't give a shit bout my friends' well-being, which is why I didn't tell you. I wanted to, but Max kept saying it 'wasn't the right time' or some bullshit like that."

"Well, at least you're honest. Mostly."

"So, are you coming over or what?"

He sighs, mentally weighing his options. On one hand, he could stay and wait for his laundry to finish and his boyfriend to get off of work. On the other, he could emotionally drain himself by picking a fight with who was supposed to be one of his closest friends.

"Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm fortunate enough already that Halsey doesn't hate me, I'd rather not push my lucky streak over the edge."

Josh is just about to end the call when he hears Hayley say, "Joshua William Dun, I swear to the Holy Ghost if you hang up on me, I'll cut your dick off and sell it on the dark web."

"Jesus, dude." He puts the phone back up to his ear. "Who pissed in your cereal bowl?"

"Who do you think? I've had it up to my tits with Jon and Max's bullshit and you're the only one who can reel them in."

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