283 18 13


+1 dozen useless arcade tokens
+1 love
+3 ddr skills
-5 dollars

Halsey's catholic school gets out at 3:30, so Josh drags Jon to drive him there, even if he's still in the middle of his hangover. It had snowed overnight again, so piles of already dirty snow make way for the path from the gated school to the street. They stand in the snow, waiting for Halsey to come out.

"This is so fucking stupid," Jon grumbles, rubbing his red rimmed eyes. "You really need to get your driver's license."

Josh scoffs, watching the herd of Christian high schoolers run through the gates towards the busses and their parent's cars. "This school has boys, too, you know."

"I hate you. Even I would think twice about dating a seventeen year old."

"Well, she's only allowed when the sun's up, so I wouldn't exactly call it dating," Josh says dismissively. "Its more like-"

"Playtime?" Jon raises an eyebrow.

Josh coughs awkwardly, his face burning with embarrassment. "That doesn't sound any better."

"Yeah, no shit."

Jon grumbles under his breath about how stupid he was for dating someone underage but drops the subject for Josh's sake. He catches a glance of Halsey in the middle of her friend group. She's the only girl at the school with bright blue hair, so it's not hard to find her in a crowd. Josh raises his arm, waving to grab her attention.


As the crowd disperses, Halsey wiggles through her group and jumps into Josh's arms. "Hey, Josh!" She says in a bubbly voice, holding onto one of Josh's hands.

"This is my cool, gay roommate, Jon," Josh says, nudging Jon. "He's gay."

"Oh, that's cool. Do you want to know who's gay in my class?"

Jon raises an eyebrow. "Sure. Is his name Joshu-"

"Alright, that's enough." Josh glares at Jon. "Begone, Jonathan. Begone."

He turns to leave, but then whips back around and grabs Halsey's shoulders. "Don't fall into his trap, Halsey. You deserve so much better, you sweet, darling angel child."

Halsey laughs nervously, glancing at Josh for help. Josh in turn glares at Jon, who lets go and glares back, walking away.

"Ignore him. He's hungover."

"Should he be driving if he's-"

"You want to go to the arcade?" Josh asks, watching Jon climb into his car and spin away.

They have date nights every Friday after Halsey got out of school. Halsey switches gears and nods furiously. "Yeah, sure!"

The arcade date turns out to be a huge mistake on his part because Josh- as glorious and talented as he was- has four left feet and can't play Dance Dance Revolution, even if his life depended on it.

Halsey, however, is a goddess in every way as usual. She moves swiftly and cleanly, hitting every step or jump sent her way via the screen. If they'd been playing against each other, Josh would've lost by now. Luckily, she agreed to Josh's suggestion of playing as a team.

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