{ Thirty Eight }

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~Hazel's POV~

I just stared.

After what Jimin told me I just couldn't anymore.

What does he mean it's soon his time to go?

I looked at my mom and held her hand once more, giving it a squeeze, before nodding towards my dad.

A signal saying I wanted to go.

He nodded in return, heading towards the door.

I followed after him, thanking Skylar and her family, giving Logan a hug.

Then I walked past Jimin and very briskly said, "We need to talk." Then I left the room and then the hospital altogether.

I grumbled to myself as I walked to the car.

My dad unlocked it and I got in, plopping myself down on the seat.

I quickly put my seatbelt on and looked out the window.

My dad was about to get in the car before saying he'd be right back because he forgot something. His phone, I think.

I wasn't really listening to him. My mind was racing about Jimin and my mom.

Both dying.

I continued to stare out of the window, replaying all the moments, big and small, that I had with them.

I barely even knew Jimin. He was just a super laid back person to me.

I was still lost in another world as my phone went off twice before I answered it the third time.

Not even bothering to read the caller ID, I answered. "Hello?"

"Hazel." Sobs. "Your mom, she's... She's gone..."

And just like that I was back in my mom's hospital room.

Someone was being carried away on a gurney as I made my way there.

I didn't think much of it, until I saw that Jimin wasn't in my mother's room, and Skylar was on the floor, sobbing her heart out with her phone pressed to her chest.

I looked at my dad, who was crying silently by my mom's bedside.

"I love you, Mom." Then I was off to find Jimin.

I asked many doctors where Jimin was before one finally told me.

I ran to get Skylar and had her follow me to her boyfriend.

We made it there while he was still alive and breathing.

I honestly had no idea how much longer he had left, but I knew it was soon and I needed information.

"Jimin." I said softly.

His eyes were closed, he was stiff, but I knew he could hear.

"W...Why..?" I had asked.

A small gasp escaped his throat and he smiled.

"I love you... Skylar..."

Skylar started to cry more and she held his hand. "I love you too, Chim Chim."

My own eyes started to water, but I held it back.

"On my bed... Is a box... Open it..."

We both looked at him in confusion and understanding.

"Tell the members... That I love them... And that I'm sorry..." His eyes opened slowly, shining brown, before they closed again and he fell asleep, going to soon follow the ways of my mother.

I then left Skylar alone with Jimin and went to find my dad, telling him that we needed to go now.

We soon got into the car and drove off. I told him to take me to BTS' house and showed him the way.

He dropped me off and I'd told him that I'd be home soon.

I opened the door to their house and asked the first person I saw where Jimin's room was.

Yoongi happened to be the person that I asked and he told me that they shared a room, so he showed me where it was at.

He didn't seem to want to know why I was there or he just didn't think to ask. It was bed time, so maybe he just didn't care.

As soon as I walked into their room I knew which bed was Jimin's. A box lay on the bed.

"He knew..." I muttered.

Yoongi looked at me confused. "He said he would come back for it, or at least that's what I thought when he just set it there."

I wasn't paying any attention to him.

By then, the other members, minus Jimin, were all surrounding the doorway. They were in pajamas.

"What's up?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi shrugged. "I don't know. Something about the box on Jimin's bed." Yoongi sat down on his bed and Namjoon followed.

"He doesn't like it when people mess with his stuff." Taehyung leaned against the doorframe.

"I don't like when you talk to me..." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

I rolled my eyes as I sat down on Jimin's bed and picked up the box, placing it on my lap.

"Hazel... What's in it?" Jungkook asked.

I motioned for him to sit next to me and he did.

I could feel Taehyung pouting. "Where is Jimin anyway?"

Seokjin sat with Yoongi and Namjoon, and Hoseok sat on the other side of me.

I took a deep breath as I opened the box.

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I am so sorry that this is a cliffhanger
It's also a kinda bad chapter too so
joesong haeyo


Again, why do you think only Hazel knows about Jimin's death?

And plssssss ask q&a ?'ssssss


Uwu fam
9k reads in a month

I drew Hazel, but it's bad 😰
Should I show?

And who would be interested in collabing with me on something?

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