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How many pieces were broken in me, no one knows!
How many nights did I cry, no one knows!
Holding my hand was a favour of you.

Anonymous I was,
Then name you gave,
Inadvertently what I did in the past,
Forgive me, my lord,
How much did I cry in loneliness!
Forgive me, my lord.
How did the crime happen from me,
So that I was guilty,

Why would someone share my pain,
There were thorns in my lap,
How did I do the crime!
Unfortunately bad prayer accepted,
Today was the regret,
That I'd begin to cry,
My lord knew my situation,
What I'd say to you,
About my incomplete story,

How many pieces were broken in me, no one knows!
How many nights did I cry, no one knows!

In the last three years, her life had completely changed. He had come into her life and made her feel like she was in paradise...but she lost it all in a matter of moments.

" You know Yamna, in the past, he always encouraged me if I felt down, solved my every problem. There are no words to describe how to explain what that meant to me. I don't just love him, I can't live without him. He is like a madness I can't find release from and as I continue to fall deeper and deeper for him, I become more and more desperate over time. I have begun to see his other faces when I watch him with other girlfriends, not to mention the Red light area which breaks my heart into pieces," Eman's internal battle almost narrated itself as it forces its way past her lips.

"The time that I spent with him are some of the best moments of my life. My heart melts for him, making my heart soft where it was once hard. At that time I thought the change was sweet, but now it is a loathsome thing that eats away my soul. I'll never trust another man now because of what he did. A man who loved me in the past who cared about me and won my heart with trust make my life hell".

Eman became quiet as her face was completely wetted by tears.

Yamna had no words to say. She simply hugged her as Eman began to weep like a child. Yamna wanted to console her, so she said, "Eman, please stop crying, don't underestimate Allah's ability to numb your heart towards something very important to you."

She frowned, Eman's continued crying breaking her heart, "If something is disturbing the peace of your mind, give it up. Never ignore your heart's voice. It tells you whenever you go away from the right path by its uneasiness. Never ignore that voice. Otherwise, your soul will be eaten up and you'll wonder why you are so lost in life..."

Finally Eman become quiet and her weeping slowed. Her mind taking in what Yamna said and overruling her heart.

"Yes Eman you don't need to cry about what you lost. Because it is something that was not truly yours. And you also know crying doesn't take you anywhere, but trying does," Yamna said.

Eman finally smiled.

Soon Yamna'phone rung

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Soon Yamna'phone rung. Khizer was there to pick her up. Khizer Murtaza met Eman for the first time at the parking of university. Khizer was there for picking Yamna and Eman was dropping Yamna. As Eman and Yamna arrived. Khizer began to start fighting with Eman for her unprofessional behaviour he heard from somewhere.

For the next twenty minutes, they talked about professionalism.

Eman commented, "As far as professionalism is concerned...."

Khizer Murtaza cut her in mid.

Eman roared again," if you want to feel me embarrass then you fail."

Khizer replied harshly, " Yeah, I know. Because its the characteristic of humans."

Eman cut her in mid-sentence, "Then in your view what am I?"

Khizer grinned, "I don't know exactly."

Eman said in a harsh tone, "But every animal using two legs are called humans in the medical dictionary. And I am using it."

Khizer replied, "From bear up to dog every animal can use two legs, if they need or wished it."

Eman argued, "But I haven't four legs. Not only in a specific time, I always use two legs."

She focused on her words.

Khizer chuckled, "It's your good luck then that you haven't four legs."

Eman hasn't any satisfying answer for Khizer's argument.

Yamna just stop the argument by sentence "Bro and Eman, please stop your argue and let's go."

Khizer grinned again. They greeted one another. Then Khizer and Yamna seated in there car and started the engine. While Eman walked towards her room.

* * * * * * * *

Hello guys!

I wanna tell you about the title, here are two meanings of paradise lost, one is literal and other is the metaphoric meaning...the literal meaning is for Eman that she lost her temporary happiness and metaphoric is for Farhan that he'll lose his paradise one day because of what he did to her...

So then what do you guys think? What happened next? Share your views in comments.

Mery Ruaid.

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