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"I know he had some bad habits and weaknesses, but that's past for me. That dark part of his life possesses no hold over now; I have no connections to his dark part. I belong to his lighten part and will lighten his life until death. For me, his present is much more important than his past." Eman said angrily. "I think you get my point."

"Do you want to escape from Allah's fate?" Farhan said in proudly.

"No, I'm escaping from Allah's fate towards Allah's fate," Eman answered in the same tone.

Farhan eventually showed his internal devil once again," But I want your happiness. Khizer Murtaza is not a good person for you. He is a worthless man."

Eman slapped him, as the sound of Eman slapping Farhan rings in the air around them, he stands utterly still, forgetting everything he was going to say.

Eman roared, "Who the hell are you to decide who is good or bad for me? Who are you to decide someone's worth in my life? Who gives you the authority? Do you even know anything about your worth or character? Don't you dare to throw dirt on his character, if you do so again, you'll find me your worst enemy?" She started to turn away but looks back to him one last time, "One more thing, don't you dare to interfere in my life again? "

He was silently staring at her as if he'd seen a monster.

* * * * **

Today was his flight and Eman was waiting for him.

Eventually, at 11:00 Am, the doorbell rang.

It took her only a millisecond to reach the door.

My Lord! is this called happiness? She thought as she saw the first glimpse of that person.

She opened the door with trembling hands and their eye met. The natural excitement in his body language made her smile, she'd become addicted to his aura.

As always he started the conversation, "Assalam.o.alaikum ( peace on you)."

She was quiet for the first few seconds as she searched for what to say.

"Walikum Assalam ( peace on you too)," she replied.

She had no voice. Was there something in her throat? But how and why tears formed in her eyes?

As usual, he hugged her. Involuntary and uncontrollably the stream of tear was started to flow.

Because she was getting what she was searching for half a month. Exactly this soft touch and same fort around her body.

While being touched with him, she felt the smell of his body was a bit different from that perfume which he used. After using it on his body, this smell became more dangerous and alluring.

"How are you?" He asked. She was silent.

But as they were separated from each other, he saw her tears.

"What happened?" He worried.

"Nothing, I just have a bit of a headache and a slight fever." She said.

He again hugged her.

"Is everything all right?" He asked.

She nodded her head yes.

Standing in front of him, with eye contact and telling a lie was quite difficult. But she had no other option.

As he left to take a shower, she took a glimpse of their room where his watch, phone and shoes were now present. Every space had finally been filled.

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