Chapter One: My Babysitter is....Wait? Babysitter?

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~Eren's P.OV.~

The familiar smell of rubber in the atmosphere. Beeping machines everwhere. Babies crying, nurses and doctors rushing from room to room, people screaming from getting shots and such. Yep, I'm in the hospital. Again. It was only supposed to be a minor quarrel between me and the biggest douchebag in the world, Jean. We always got into fights. It usually starts out as stupid insults such as,

"Hey Jaegar, why so short?"


"I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up marrying a lamp post."

You know the crappy insults. Then I send back a somewhat mediocre comeback to just heat him up. Because he is short tempered it becomes more serious and I'm the same way so I get
more serious too. Then it ends up in a fight with Armin and Marco begging us to stop. Do we listen? Nope. We just keep on going until we break something. I break his arm, he breaks my leg, I break his rib, he breaks my forearm, it's an eye for an eye. In the end whoever wakes up first in the hospital wins. That would be me. So that's how the story usually goes. In my current situation, I can see Mikasa and Armin looking down at me with their usual disappointed faces.

Here come the scoldings in...




"Why don't you ever listen whenever I tell you to stop?" Armin questioned in a very serious tone. As usual I would answer nervously since he's not the best to deal with when he's mad.


"Just because Jean throws a punch doesn't mean you have to throw one back!" Mikasa interrupted. She had the same tone as Armin except it was much more colder, it sent shivers down my spine.

"How could I not?!? I mean he deserved it!"

At this point they were fuming. It was pretty scary.

"You idiot! Do you know how high your hospital bill has gotten?" Mikasa scolded.

"Not to mention how worried your friends were!" Armin added in.

I lost track of their words after five minutes of their useless lectures. Eren you have to be more careful lalalala. You should stop fighting for your own good blah blah blah.

I understand that they care about my health and all but they can't control my life and what I do. Plus I can pay my own hospital bills. I'm a senior in high school and I have a job so I have a few bucks in my pocket. Even if I'm annoyed by how they get worried by me too easily I still feel guilty. I don't want them to think that I can't take care of myself. Even though I wish that they could trust me I'm pretty sure they won't.

"Do you understand?"

"Huh?" I was brought out of my rapture by Mikasa's stern voice.

"Just as I weren't listening." Armin complained as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Mikasa sighed then looked at me with her normal straight face.

"Let's just go home. You were asleep for three days."

I could feel my eyes popping out of my head.


"Yeah..Jean hit you pretty hard."

"Did he already leave?" I can't lose. I hate losing.

" beat him up real bad. His health was on the verge of critical." Armin answered unimpressed.

I celebrated inside. I won. I knew it was wrong to feel this way but I can't help but rejoice internally. With that, I jumped out of the hospital bed and went on happily.


Most people take breaks from reading too much. But for Mikasa, it never gets old. She could read forever and just survive off of books. Besides misery, she also feeds off of knowledge and books. Me, I feed off of fighting and Pocky sticks. Two of my favorite things. Both give me satisfaction. Not only that, but they are also delicious. Just like how Pocky sticks are sweet, revenge is too. And the best part is that I got them both. Revenge on Jean and Pocky sticks afterwards.

I was sitting down on the couch with a Pocky stick in my mouth watching whatever was on TV. I wasn't really paying attention. Mikasa was reading as usual. It was silent. Very silent. After thirty minutes of staring blankly at the TV screen Mikasa finally spoke up.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."

"What?" I turned my head toward to where she was. She couldn't be serious.

"My school...we are going to Costa Rica to study the forest life. I was supposed to tell you earlier but you got into a fight and..." She trailed off.

So she was leaving home...that didn't sound too bad.

"How long are you going to be gone for?"

"Three weeks but-"

"You should go." I interrupted her before she could speak. Three weeks of no Mikasa could be relieving. I mean I don't hate her but sometimes I could take a break from her punishments. I can't handle her wrath any longer, after all I get into trouble all the time. I could feel my body tingling with happiness. I was going to be alone. I can just imagine me and Armin trashing this place without her freaking out and beating our asses. I felt like I was on ecstasy.

Unfortunately, that high didn't last long.

"But." She said putting more emphasis on the word. Uh oh.."I know that I can't leave you alone at home. So...I hired a babysitter for you."

My heart stopped. She didn't..

"What?!?" I can't believe it..she doesn't trust me!

"Yes..after five hospital visits and over fifteen mending of bruises and scars...I know I can't leave you alone."


"Eren. I don't want you to get hurt anymore. If anything happens to you I'd rather hear it from the person taking care of you rather than a hospital nurse."

I looked down. I knew she was right. But seriously? A babysitter? What am I? Five?

"Yes, you do act like you are five which is exactly why I hired a babysitter."

My eyes widened. Is she a fucking psychic?!? I wouldn't be surprised if she was.

"His name is Levi. He'll be coming tomorrow at around twelve."

I groaned. Why me?

"Oh and he's staying over night for the next three weeks."

Wonderful. I'm going to be stuck with a guy I don't know for three weeks.

"Why can't Armin just take care of me?" I mean I'd rather have Armin take care of me rather than a random guy off the street.

Mikasa looked at me as if I were stupid. "Armin has his own life. Plus you'd only put more stress on him."

She just said that I'm "stressful" right in front of my face. There goes my confidence...

I wish that I could say it to her face. I wish I had the guts to. But her cold stare always gets to me. I want to scream at her.

'I don't need a babysitter!'

That's what I wanted to say. As soon as I decided that I wanted to say it straight to her face, she was gone. She probably went to her room or something. I guess now I'll have to deal with it. It's only for three weeks. Hopefully I can survive. Right?

Well....Let's see what will happen. :P

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