Chapter Eighteen: My Babysitter Is...By My Side

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Armin POV

I walk in to find my best friend kissing his "babysitter".

It turns out that the "Babysitter" is Mikasa's uncle.

Then Mikasa starts arguing with the "Babysitter", who by the way is named Levi.

At the end of a rebuttal that Mikasa retorted harshly, Levi stood frozen.

Until his lover, Eren, kept asking repeatedly to see if he is alright.

And then out of nowhere, Levi started kissing him.

But of course, Mikasa got in between them and pushed them both down the couch.

And so, the issue continues on.

This story sounds like the kind you would say drunk in a gay bar.

However, none of us are drunk. So this is real life.

Mikasa is currently scolding them and ranting on about the morals of love and whatnot. At this pace she'll get out of hand. This is where I come in.

"Mikasa..." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yelling will not solve anything. First off, Eren is ready to burst into tears and Levi looks like he might kill somebody. We have to solve this in a more peaceful and efficient way."

"..." She didn't respond but sat down obeidiently.

"Everybody..since this is a personal topic you guys can carry on the party in Eren's room while we sort this out."

They hesitated.

"Now." I said more sternly.

And so, they ran upstairs.

Not only will I solve this issue but I will also know what the hell happened these past four months between Eren and Levi.

"So when did this relationship start?" I asked.

Eren piped up. "A week after he became my babysitter!"

"WHAT?!?" Mikasa exclaimed.

"Mikasa." I looked at her giving her the "Now's not the time" expression.

She quieted down.

"Hmmm...has your relationship ever reached a sexual stage?" Okay. This may be super personal but it is information that would help solve the issue.

They didn't speak up. Instead, both of their faces heated. That is all I need for an answer.

Mikasa's POV




This means that Eren has already...

"NO! I DON'T ACCEPT THIS ONE BIT!" I pulled Eren close to me and glared at Levi.

"'s not a big deal..." Eren whined.


"You're just jealous because you're still a virgin." Levi retorted rudely.

"Excuse me?!?"

This asshole...


Oh yes....I will break him.

I will tear his flesh to pieces one by one.

I will rip out his heart and feed it to the wolves just outside of the city.

And then...I'll dump his body on top of his unfinished grave where he'll rot for eternity!

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now