Chapter Eight: My Babysitter Is....A Bully

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Eren's POV

I hate school.


Homework Shitty teachers Jean Boring No Levi                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The most of my problems is Levi. He isn't here with me and without him I feel lonely. If Mikasa ever asks why my grades are failing it's because I'm thinking of him at every class. I can't remember the number of times a teacher has said "Mr. Jeagar! Stop day dreaming and pay attention in class" today. I'm currently in my math class with Mr. Erwin. Now Mr. Erwin is a BIG man. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a huge muscular body. He's probably 8'9" or something.

Girls practically drool over him. Me, I think he's a little…strange. For the past week he's been eyeing me in class making me feel uncomfortable. He could be thinking anything…But he can't hurt nor touch me because I have Levi. I bet Levi is ten times stronger than him.

"Eren are you okay?"

My thoughts went all over the place until I realize a deep and masculine voice. I looked up with an expression of a confused puppy. And there he is..the devil itself. I realized that he asked me a question.

"Um..yeah..I'm..I'm fine..why?"

"The last bell rang three minutes ago..and everyone's going home."

Shit! Did I think for too long that I didn't notice the bell? I stood up quickly and got my bag jamming stuff into it. I'm gonna be late and Levi will killl me!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay that was way over exaggerated.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Erwin I didn't realize."

He smiled softly. "It's alright..and before you leave I need to ask you a question."

I stopped what I was doing and listen to what he had to ask.


"Well..erm..Lately I haven't seen Mikasa pick you up from school. Is she alright?"

"Um..Yeah..she's just on a school trip for two more weeks."

"Oh I see.. Then is there anybody taking care of you?"

"Yeah. I kinda have a…um…caretaker…"

"And who is this 'caretaker' you talk about."

"It's a guy name Levi Rivialle."

Mr. Erwin's eyes widened as if he knew who that was. 


"Yes sir. That's his you know him?"

"N-Not..N-Not at all… could leave now. Now that I know someone's taking care of you."


I left with that awkward conversation repeating itself in my head. Why did he ask that? He looked like he knew who Levi is. How? When? Is he after what is mine? I slapped myself for thinking such a thing. He was just worried about who was taking care of me. It's okay..Mister Erwin has nothing to do with Levi. Maybe they met at a gym or something, I mean he seems like a buff guy. Right?

As more thoughts entered my head I walked with each step getting heavier and heavier.

Erwin's POV

Levi Rivialle. I have known that name for a long time. I remember…that time.

"N-No d-don't pull my hair..please!!!"

"Why should't I? Does it hurt, weasel?"

The pain of having your hair nearly ripped out of your head is so unbearable. Tears formed and fell. I don't like this…It hurts.

"Y-Yes..p-please let go…"

Finally he let go of my hair. More tears fell from my eyes. My blond locks were being held in his grasp. The scariest kid in class is really what the rumors say. A meanie. A bully. But what is most true about him is that he's a monster. Despite his height he is higher above us all. Like a dictator he gets what he wants and if you get in his way, it is punishable. Why..Why did I fall in love with him? Out of all the people in this world why him? Why Levi?

"Be sure to not mess with me next time you little shit."

He cursed at me. This wasn't the first time hearing him curse like this.In class he would always yell out cuss words at the teacher. Even though he is a bad mouthed child with no discipline, he was at the top of the class. I heard some people say that he had an IQ of a 20 year old. At that time I didn't know what IQ was. I always looked up to him. It started out as admiration to love. Each day I would treat him like a master. I'd hold his books or give him a pencil if he ever needed one. I did that from kindergarten till the end of middle school. I don't know why..but..I him.

My first love was him…and he never was my last. I love him..I really do. All these years of thinking about him and wanting him to be here. I don't want to ask for the time when he actually accepted me as a friend, no, I would also enjoy the times before when he used to beat me up. I have to see him. Now.

Levi's POV

It's four and the brat's still not home. I wish I could wash the dishes but thanks to that little shit my ass still hurts from two nights ago. Especially after I slipped to the floor landing on it. I really wish I could do something. Anything. Housework. Homework. I don't care. I'm just really bored. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him if he doesn't get home right now. I'm hungry and I can't cook. He better get here right now or else I swear I will beat the shit out of him…

I love him but he's an asshole for topping. It's been a long long long time since somebody has loved me or has tried to make a move on me so I was just a little nervous. Next time I will top. He can't fight back. Nope. Not at all.

Then I heard the most relieving sound in the world.  The doorbell. My once known nemesis was the doorbell, due to Blondey! But now I really needed to hear it. I tried getting up but my ass hurt too bad. So I did what I was best at, yelled.


A few moments passed and the door still didn't open.

I started growing impatient when finally I gave up and dragged myself to the door. With my body on the ground, my hand reached for the door knob. I switched it open. 

"Eren you little shit, where the fuck were…" My heart stopped.

Hair with the color of sand that lies within the beaches of the world.

Posture as straight as a flag pole, unlike the self esteem.

The eyes of pain and desire that I've known forever.

Like the ocean they seemed to have endless amount of regret yet determination. 

I can never forget his face..ever..the person that I've put pain upon.

My first friend.

"Erwin Smith…"

I'm sorry for the late late update. School's been stressful and I get a lot of homework for an eight grader. I was also busy getting excited over my birthday on September 21st!!!!! I'm turning 14~ This chapter is dedicated to Faybird for being a very motivating commenter. I would also like to thank dark wolf245 for giving me an idea for a later chapter! And a shout out to everyone who read and voted!

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