Chapter Seventeen: My Babysitter Is...Shameless

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Levi's POV

"Eren..." I squeeze my lover's hand tightly., "You know you don't have to tell them today if you feel too nervous."

Even though I was trying to convince him to take it easy I knew it was too late. There was determination in his eyes. Once he's determined he'll never stop. It reminded me of when I was younger. So full of excitement and ambition.


"Fuck, you, you, you, you, you, and especially you. Just..fuck you." Age 3

"You're too stupid to insult. Dumbass." Age 5

"Oh look. Two dildos have just arrived and landed in uranus." Age 7

"Bitch, shut up. Please. I have other things to give a shit about." Age 9 (Said to a teacher)

"Look..Elise..I don't want to be rude to you and I want to say this in the nicest way're a slut." Age 10

"Move out the way, bitch." Age 12

"Go fuck yourself until you bleed, don't worry, I insist." Age 14

"Sometimes I question humanity whenever I see your stupidity go into a full-shit mode." Age 16

I was way too fucking nice. To sum it up my childhood was shit.

Going back to Eren, the kid was taking in huge breathes of air. He never came out to anyone before so of course he'd be nervous. I never had to come out to my dad since he fucking forced me into homosexuality. I don't want to say no more.

"Today's your birthday-"

"Which is why I'm telling them today. I don't want to hide you from other people."

Damn it this kid and his stupid ass charms.

To be honest I'm nervous myself. To begin with he's like half my age. And I never told him but..I'm Mikasa's uncle..



Basically I have to tell my own niece that I'm fucking her brother.

This will not end well...

Eren's POV

Levi was looking super cute at the moment. The way he looked like he was actually worried about me. I smiled and grabbed his waist. He reacted by flinching. I pulled him onto my lap.

"What the hell are you doing?!?"

I chuckled and kissed the back of his neck. I saw that his neck was red. It was this habit he always had when he blushes. I love it when he's so confused~

"I love you Levi." I said in a sing song voice. He sighed and turned so he was facing me.

"Idiot." He remarked and then he leaned in to kiss me.

I kissed back.

Why is he so addicting?

I guess there'll never be an answer.

Mikasa's POV (Mikasa's first POV)

Armin and the everyone else, including me are surprising Eren. He's turning seventeen today so basically he'll be an adult in a year. Which scares me a lot.

These past three months Eren has been depressed over something about my uncle. He never told me what happened to him and my uncle never picked up. Hm. Some babysitter.

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now