Chapter Twelve: My Babysitter Is...A Mistake I Don't Regret

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Eren's POV

It's been a whole day since Levi has been gone. And I feel an emptiness in my body. It is like a black hole, whatever emotion reaches me doesn't come out the other end. I don't know if I miss him or if I'm angry at him. I just feel...lost. I remembered the words he said.

"What you saw was the real me. And that is what you get when you fall in love with me."

The real him? What did he mean by that?

I stress over these little unreasonable things. All I wanted was to know more about him. I wanted to know why Erwin' words affected him so much. That he was "loveless". I wanted to know why he would be unloved. To be honest, falling in love with him is the only mistake that I don't regret. No matter how hard my heart is crushed or how many times he toys with my emotions. I will love him.

I sit on the sofa staring at the blank black screen of the TV. The only thoughts running through my head are questions that can't be answered. My body doesn't know how to react to my situation. I looked down and saw the clean and neat polished floor.

That was Levi's doing. He would clean any stain he saw. I remember that one time when he was cleaning...

"Eren..what the fuck are you doing?"

I held his waist tighter and smiled. "Just holding onto you."

My face leaned into the back of his neck kissing it. Hugging him from behind was a very rare opportunity. Whenever I had a chance to do it, his reaction would be very cute. This guy...I love him...

I love him...

I love him...

I love Levi.

I do.

I really do.

The beautifully polished floor was now being stained with my own tears. I want him back and I am going to get him back no matter what. I got out my phone and started calling him for the fortieth time. My fingers crossed that he would call back.


I have never thought about having to call someone like this. Dirty, broken, and teary eyed. If I could have a chance I would be able to track him down. Armin could help me since he's like a wizard at technology and shit. Levi...please...


The sound of panting noises came from the phone.


"Levi..what's going on?"

"E-Eren..don't try to..find me...ever.."

My eyes widened in shock. "B-But I..I love you!"

For a second it got silent which mad me almost have a heart attack. "Levi? Where are you? Please..I want to help you.."


I was finally happy that I could hear his voice.

"I'm..I'm no longer the person I am...just go.." He started coughing uncontrollably.

"No! I can't leave you behind! Tell me where you are and I can find you! Then we can be together again!"

"Eren Jaegar...Go away. This was never love..there is a reason why I was alone and isolated even as a child. I don't need your pity or love. You wanted to know more about me then here you have it. Now fucking leave!" He coughed even more and it sounded like he spit out something.

"No Levi I-"




He hung up...

What the hell is going on?!?

Levi's POV

How did it come to this?

I am sitting down on the filthy dirt of the ally, leaning against a dumpster.

Maybe that's how all the trash that have gotten here felt...

My dad used to always say...

"The ones that can be used are the ones who throw away unneeded garbage. The ones with no use are the ones being thrown away."

The useless get thrown away...I guess I've joined that type a long time ago.

I am not depressed, actually.

I feel right at home.

I take out pills and other drugs that I have. Ever since I have been here I've spent my money on nothing but alcohol and drugs. After every time they give me something. And most of the time, it is drugs.

I take out some crack. If I am trash then I guess I'll have to use this.

I used my cigarette lighter to light the folded paper. And then I got lost into a fantasy world that has no left or right, just straight ahead.

But as I keep on smoking, my insides feel like they're gonna come out. I move the wrapped up crack away from me for a second as I cough even more. This has been going on for a while now. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die like this...

I think about Eren turning up probably hating me by now. That brat who thought he loved me.

I continued on smoking as the subject in my head focused entirely onto Eren.

Eren, Eren, Eren.

And there it came again with the coughing and blood spitting. I saw a figure walking towards me. The stranger was blurry and quite familiar looking. I said my final word before entering darkness.


Or was a name.

Eren's POV

After the phone call I came to Armin's house. I told him my problem, while breaking down crying at one point. He comforted me and said that he knew what to do. After two days he had finally tracked down where Levi is. It turned that he was fifty miles away from where we live. And so I drove all those fifty miles, hoping that I could find him.

Now here I am, helpless to see him being what he is not. Weak. I look down at him. The three days he's been gone has changed him a lot. As I picked him up, I noticed how much easier it was to do so. He got thinner and scrawny, I was scared that I'd break him.

"Levi..." I felt my eyes tear up once again.

If only I was there for him. If only I came home before Erwin did. I would be able to save him from what had happened. Before he used to have neatly worn clothing. But now they were ripped and torn by what looked like human hands. His hair used to be all tidied up too. And his eyes..they never had these deep dark bags underneath them. I needed to get him help immediately.

I walked near my car but then stopped.


I heard a humble little meow coming from a cat sitting right in front of me. Its almost fully black fur seemed invisible,but it's eyes were as clear as the stars. It stared into my eyes. I felt something turn up inside me. And then I realized that this was the same cat I saw a few days ago. The cat itself was scrawny and dirty, not like the neatly groomed one that I knew. I felt pity for it. I knew in my heart that it was up to me to save it.

I placed Levi into the car and then grabbed the cat placing him on my lap. Now I'll have to take care of two of the things that I want to protect the most. I glance over at Levi. His face paler than usual. I whispered to him as if I didn't want to wake him.

"To be honest...I love the real you and what I got is perfect." I then kissed his forehead, maybe it was my imagination, but he seemed to be getting warmer.

YUSSSS I uploaded again!!!!!!!! I never thought it would come to this but...I have a weird way of making stories. 1.8K reads! LET'S MAKE IT TO 2K!!!!!!!!! I LUFF YOU ALL!

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