Chapter Two: My Babysitter is....A Clean Freak

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He's here. 

The babysitter.

And he...



Let me just describe his physical features for now. He has short and straight black hair with an undercut kind of style. His eyes are grey, very intimidating and cold. Aside from his height, which is around probably 5'2, he seems pretty muscular underneath his neatly worn clothing. His expression always seems to be the same. His eyebrows are furrowed making his cold stare (which was strangely nostalgic) even more uncomfortable, his face is put at a frown except you don't know if he's mad or just super serious, he has a somewhat calm appearance. Damn..I can't read this guy's thoughts. He seems like a guy who could kill Jean in less than mili second. 

In that case, I like him already.

"Okay brat. My name is Levi and that's it. I have one and one rule only. Follow whatever order I give you. Got it?"

You know that know..the one where you're like My-Sister-Is-Trying-To-Fucking-Kill-Me-So-I-Better-Run-Like-A-Bitch. Well I have that. 

"" Did I just fucking stutter? This guy...

"Call me Corporal Levi from now on."

Corporal? What the fuck?!? Is this the fucking military or something? But i know if I don't follow what he says I'll be screwed.

"Yes Corporal Levi!" I said this time without stuttering but with my voice still uneasy.

"Good. Now go clean that terrible room of yours. It disgusts me."

"What? Why do you care about my room? You're not my mom!" rebellious side turned on. "I-I mean...."

Before I could finished I felt something go against my cheek for a short amount of time. Then I felt a sharp pain spreading around the area. He just..he just..

slapped me.

He stared into my eyes. Those spine shivering, unsolvable grey eyes looked into my soul. The hair from the back of my neck to my feet rose. I secretly said my prayers in my head.

"Next time, I will beat the shit out of you. Now let me repeat this again. MY one and only rule is to follow whatever order I give you. Got it?

The last two words had a lot of dark and harsh emphasis put onto them. I shook my head quickly as cold sweat started to form on my forehead.

"Y-Yes Corporal Levi!"

With that, I ran to my room as fast as my skinny legs could take me. I shut my door quickly and locked it. My back pressed against it for reinforcement. I could feel my heart beat really fast, not from the running but from his stare. It was something that could haunt my nightmares. My heavy breathing calmed down a bit. Come on Eren! Get your shit together! You can't possibly be scared of a guy who's four inches shorter than you!  

 My brain told me that but my heart knew otherwise. Sometimes the heart is smarter than the brain. This guy is scary as fuck! If I disobey him, I know that my hospital bill will get a lot higher. Just who the hell is this guy?

And why does his presence feel so...familiar?

I cleaned up my room. After five tries, I finally gave Levi satisfaction. The first time I shoved everything underneath my bed, that made Levi really mad. Then I put everything back into place, but Levi complained how dusty my room was so I wiped off every inch of dust in my room. But Levi still wasn't satisfied. The fourth time I had to vacuum my floor and febreze my room. That motherfucker was still  not happy. Then the fifth time, praise the Lord, I cleaned the windows, I febrezed the room again, I fixed up my closet and drawers, I did everything I could to make it be considered clean to Levi. Finally. Fi-na-lly. He accepted my room and went on to whatever he was doing. It was already seven at night and I didn't get any homework done. So I went straight to doing it. So for English, an essay. I only have to do one paragraph per night so I just wrote one. Math. I braced myself and did the problems quickly but probably not correctly. Then I did my other things for other classes and I did them fast. I had to hurry because Cake Boss, one of my favorite shows, comes at eight thirty. I barely made it. I finished at 8: 28 then I ran downstairs and sat on the couch. Turned on the TV and BAM! Cake Boss started! 

I looked  at the TV screen intently. I love this show. The cakes look really good on that show. As I was watching it I felt something next to  me. I turned to my side then flinched. 

"HOLY SHIT!" I cowered away. Levi's face was only inches away from mine staring directly at me. His upper face was dark making him look really scary. With that frown and that kind of expression anybody would shit their pants. 

"Hello to you too, brat." He turned his head towards the screen. "Cake Boss, huh? I thought I was the only one who liked this shit."

"Wait you like Cake Boss?!?" I was shocked. How could a guy like him like these kinds of shows? I would expect him to watch boring History Channel documentaries or detective shows. 

"Yeah..I like the cake. It looks nicely done. The silverware and baking utensils are very clean, which is another thing I like about it. Except that's only in the beginning until those shits fuck them up."

I knew it. He's a clean freak. No quotation marks needed because that is exactly what he is. Wearing neatly worn clothing. That is one example. I noticed that he takes off his shoes when he comes inside and places them on the floor tidily. That's the second example. He made me clean my room thoroughly. That's three. While I did that he cleaned the whole house. That's four. The fact that he just complimented Cake Boss for their clean utensils. Five.

That's all I need to know that he's a clean freak. Or rather THE clean freak.

While I was thinking about how much of a clean freak he is, I could feel something on me. Something cold...I turned my head to find Levi fucking staring at me with those evil eyes of his. My whole body shuddered. 

"C-Corporal why are you staring at me?" I couldn't help but ask.

He just answered bluntly. "Well Cake Boss ended and I got bored. Your face looked funny so I decided to take a look."

IS HE FUCKING CALLING ME UGLY? That made me sound like a prissy girl. Yuck. That...that! ARGH! I can't stand him! He's still staring at me!

"Oh..." Out of all the things I could say, "Oh.." was the only thing that came out.

"And while you were sitting there idiotically, I made some dinner."

I was a little hungry so I headed towards the kitchen. Bad idea. It was full of smoke. Like it was clouded. Was he making a gas chamber or something? I started coughing and wheezing. I quickly ran outside of the kitchen and opened almost all the windows. I even went outside to get fresh air. Levi walked after me with the same expression he always had.

"What..WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I asked after trying to breathe right.

"That was supposed to be our casserole for tonight. But you little pest distracted me."

"Me? You put the oven to like a temperature of like 800 degrees!!!"

"So? I wanted it to cook faster. Plus it was only at 400. And don't talk back to me in that kind of voice. It's annoying."

"My house was about to be set on fire! Mikasa's gonna kill me! And it's all your fault if she does!"

He walked up towards me. Uh oh..his chest touched mine. His hand clasped around my throat. I gagged, begging for air.

"Not if I kill you first. You sure are a brat. Talking to your superiors like that."

"C-Cor....." I tried to say his name but my throat was burning so bad.

"Don't ever speak to me like that again, you pest." He loosened his grip and let go of me. I dropped to the floor as my lungs finally got air. Shit...he was strong. 

"Let's go back inside. The smoke must've cleared up by now."

We went inside. That night we ate Ramen. but it didn't taste the same as it used to. All I tasted was the deathly air in the atmosphere that was around us that night. My first night, here is my conclusion. My babysitter is....

A fucking clean freak.

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now