Chapter Seven: My Babysitter Is....A Princess

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Levi's POV

My mornings would usually start off with the wind  blowing onto my body making it shiver frantically. However, I didn't feel that unwelcoming breeze this morning.

Instead I felt two arms wrapped around me, a warmness against my face and below. I felt hot air hitting my head. The overwhelming smell of morning breath and the new sensation of human-like heat was something that I haven't experienced in a while. Burnt wood…I knew that smell from anywhere.

I opened my eyes slowly. A blurred vision of a figure formed, eventually my vision went back to normal. Two hazel green eyes stared at me. Because of my reflects against green objects, I immediately pushed the person down onto the bed and twisted their hand onto their back. When I used to be a cadet at boot camp they would tell us that the color green meant that the enemy was near.


A familiar voice made me snap out of my trance. I immediately let go of the person I was tormenting. My mind got into place and I finally recognized him as Eren Jeagar.

The person I have to babysit.



But most importantly, my lover. I'm not sure exactly why I fell in love with him but every time I see him, my mind and body both agree that I love this kid. The thing is, between the two of us, I seem to be the one inferior being.

The sounds too harsh..the bottom?…it doesn't have to be all that sexual…

The woman.

That's it. He treats me like a woman. But not all the time however. When we have awkward positions or bump into each other my whole body heats up which makes him take the advantage of sugar coating me in compliments.

"Oi, Levi, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I was just..thinking.."

Eren laughed and grabbed my waist. I was about to refuse but I remembered that I owe him one for randomly attacking him out of nowhere. He smiled and look down at me.

"What were you thinking of?"

The cheesy answer would be "You" but instead I told him the truth.

"I was thinking about how I am kinda like the woman in this relationship due to being the inferior one when it comes to sex."

His facial expression was priceless. 


I smirked knowing that I confused him.

"What did you want me to say?"

"Oh..well..I thought you would say that you were thinking of-"

"You. Well you were in there too if that makes you feel any better."

He stared at me as if I grew horns. I may be tough skinned and violently vulgar but I am an honest person. As I looked up, expecting him to be even more confused, I felt my body suddenly be lifted in the air. I let out a gasp worrying that I'd fall until one arm held my legs and the other on my back. Eren's face got closer to mine with his grin growing wider.

"If you're the woman then you are not just any ordinary lady. You are a princess. my princess." 

I stared into my eyes as he leaned closer for a kiss.

"HELL NO!" I countered rather loudly. "Do you fucking expect me to wear a dress?!?"

That's when…a smirk formed onto his face…a terrible…evil smirk.

I fucking hate my life.

"Awww! Levi you look so cute in that dress!"

Now before I explain, let me thank Mr. Smartass for coming up with the idea to put me in a fucking dress. I could've fought back just like how I attacked him this morning but he found my weakness. I'm not even going to mention what he did. I was in a dress, his sister's dress. Why?

He thought that maybe since I'm the so called "princess" he could fucking put me in a princess dress. The saddest part is that this was the dress his sister wore when she was eleven for a school play, I fit in it perfectly. I know I'm short and all but I didn't know that I was able to fit in a dress made for an 11 year old. I'm fucking thirty-four!

"I hate you." I told him bluntly and crossed my arms.

"Is milady mad? Because I think her highness is very cute when she gets mad." He purred as he hugged me from behind.

What is wrong with this kid?

"Well I'm about to get fucking adorable!"

He twirled me around so that I could face him. One hand tilted my chin up as the other rested on my waist. I still held my angered expression to intimidate him, but with a dress it was really hard.

"Levi~" He whispered devilishly, "Do you know how much I love you right now?"

My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed red. I looked away from him embarrassed once again. My fingers played with the hem of my dress to relieve my nerves. I don't know how or why but when he talks to me like this, my whole body melts away. I pulled him into an embrace and buried my face into his warm chest. 


I pulled his chest closer and clashed our lips together. If I'm the princess, then he is my prince right? No. He is the dragon that took the princess away from her home. But this time, the princess likes it. Maybe she wants to stay longer in her dragon's arms.

You art for this story would be awesome..for you artists out there who want to make fan art for this story then here's the chance. Whoever does submit I will dedicate a part to them and maybe even tell them my ideas for the next part. ;D 

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now