Chapter Four: My Babysitter is....Jealous

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Levi's POV

What is this kid doing?

Eren was bringing my face towards his. Is he trying to kiss me?

The worst part is, I didn't try to stop him. My heart was beating rapidly as every centimeter lessened. Did I..want him to kiss me? Even if I didn't want to I still braced for impact. Whatever happens, happens.

I closed my eyes slowly getting ready to get what was coming to me. He was so close.....


Then the fucking doorbell rang.

My head perked up in surprise. I looked back down at Eren, his face looked shocked and somewhat disappointed. Frankly, I was too. 

"I'll..I'll get that." 

I got up and walked to where the door is. I opened it to find this boy, probably around Eren's age, with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. Who the hell is he?

"What do you want, Blondey?"

Blondey..I think that's what I'll call him from now on.

He looked at me nervously," any Eren home?"


"Oi Jaegar! Someone's here to see you?" I yelled.

Maybe he's one of Eren's friends. I'm surprised this brat even has friends. Especially ones who seem like they are goody-two-shoes. Maybe opposites do attract.

Eren ran to where me and Blondey were. He took a look at Blondey and then put an arm around him.


Oh so Blondey's name is Armin..weird ass name. I looked at the two of them. Eren's arm was wrapped around Blondey's (Yes I'm still calling him Blondey) neck. He was looking at him with bright eyes and a huge smile. Blondey looked back smiling softly.

"I didn't see you yesterday Armin, did you get sick?"

"Yeah..but it was only a minor cold. I missed you. It was so boring just sitting around all day and not trying to stop you from getting into fights."

The two of them laughed.

It seemed to me that they weren't just "friends". Something irritated me about that. Maybe because only a minute ago Eren and I were about to crash lips into each other. I should probably see if they actually are a couple. 

"So, are you two together or something?"

They both paused. Armin's eyes widened while Eren's glared at me. I smirked. I knew that'd be their first reaction.

"Wh-what makes you think that?" Eren snapped. 

"For starters, your arms are around him. And he's all like "I missed you.". The two of you just seem like you have something a little more than friendship."

Eren's face became like a tomato. He looked really pissed by the looks of it.

"Um..well sorry..we've known each other a long time so we're really close. I would see how you would mistake us as a couple." Blondey piped up to probably avoid conflict. This kid was good. I didn't like him already.

"That was a joke." I told him. "I was just trying to piss off Jaegar."

"Oh..haha. That was a good one"

"Levi. Call me Levi." Eren's jaw dropped. I smirked. "Not many people can call me by that name but I can trust you with it."

"Okay..Levi. It was nice to meet you. I just came here to give Eren his jacket. He left it at my house last time."

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now