Chapter Nineteen: My Babysitter Is...Alive And So Am I (The Final Chapter T.T)

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Levi's POV

"Okay, Eren, I don't know what the fuck happened to you these past three months so just give me the letters."

"N-No! It's too embarrassing!!"

"You're embarrassing yourself but do you think I bitch about it?"

"You're so mean Levi!!!"

"No shit. Tell me something I don't know!"

"You look adorable when you sleep.."

"DON'T FUCKING CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! Just let me see them!!"

Eren held on to his months worth of letters tightly against his chest. Why won't he give it to me? I wish this would be as easy as getting his dick. Dammit, brat!

I finally managed to get a hold of him by twisting one arm on his back and pushing him against the walls. I snatched the packet of letters out of his hands. I knew that once I'd get it he'd just chase me all over again in order to get it back so I kicked him in the leg, HARD. He fell to the floor and started holding his legs. I DID IT! I'm sorry Eren, but human curiosity is stronger than safety. Yes!

I opened the package and there were countless amounts of letters in here. Due to my OCD I arranged them by date. I chose the first one.

This little brat is so stupid. That's why I love the fucking shit out of him. The first letter was reassuring, he was fine on the first week.

I then opened and read the second letter.

"I feel fine.."

"I'm sure you always do.."

"Sometimes i get so worries that I just can't eat anymore."

Shit...He starved himself, became antisocial, blamed himself, and many more problems that he didn't even mention! HOLY FUCK! I don't think I can look through the next letters with a straight face.

With a lot of strength I opened the next one.







Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!FUCK! THIS LITTLE FUCKING SHIT IS MESSING WITH MY EMOTIONS! I look over to Eren. He is lying on the ground, still in pain. I pulled his head onto my lap. I kissed him 21 times. From now on, every letter gets seven kisses for the seven days that he had suffered each week.

My hands were shaking, I opened the next letter.


I ignored him and took the letter out.

How could I have gave him this much shit?

By the time I finished it I threw it down and avoided Eren's eyes.

I kept on reading them. All.

In the end my body was no longer filled with remorse.

It was empty. Everything. I pulled Eren up and hugged him real close. I just sat there on his lap, hugging him. I never wanted to let go because I felt that he would run away at any moment.

Eren's POV

The way he held onto me so tight made me so happy yet so horrible at the same time. As he was hugging me I noticed his letters. They were neatly stacked. I picked up one of them. I hope that he didn't suffer too much.

But I was very wrong.

In fact..

He suffered more than I did.

The first one was cute and all but it got worse along the way.

He only kept on talking about how he would die and how he hoped that I'd live on. How could he think that?

Even if I didn't kill myself I wouldn't be half alive. Nor would I be half dead.

I'd be just like a flower.

Though it is living, it is not fully alive either.

Being alive doesn't mean that your heart can beat at a normal rate.

Or that your chest can move up and down.

Being alive is having your heart race.

It's having your breathing go faster or stopping when you see a breathtaking view.

It is your eyes widening

You throat drying..

I looked down at Levi.

He was asleep however..

His face was wet.

I held him by his head.

And then I kissed him.

I then realize that I started crying too.

However I stopped.

I smiled, running my hand through his hair.

"I'm so happy that you're alive."

I could've sworn that he mumbled "Me too".

But It wasn't really that audible.

Afterwards I realized that..

Being alive...

Is also having tears fall for your loved ones.

Guys. This is the last chapter. I had so much fun writing this. Thank you all for reading this. I love you guys so much. I wish I can continue on but I swore that this will be the last of it. But that doesn't mean that this is my last book or anything. I'm going to create my own story with my own characters and plot. You guys can check it out once I make it. Oh and I might make a sequel ;).



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