Chapter Six: My Babysitter is....Mine

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~One week later~

Eren's POV

Levi and I have a strange relationship. He's still my babysitter and I'm the one he takes care of but the relationship isn't like that. We are in a stage where we don't even know if we're lovers. This past week we've held hands at times or shared some kisses but that was it. It's strange but I kinda like it. I've never really fallen in love..I mean I've had a couple girlfriends yet..with's different. Sometimes I feel like I might lose control and swallow him up whole.

That sounded very wrong..

I mean I do want to..touch..him.

At times when he isn't very emotionless like when he's sleeping or when I kiss him out of nowhere and he blushes, I feel as if I can't hold back. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks of me that way too. The only time when he tried something was last weekend when we were both in bed. He was on top of me and was about to take off my shirt but then the doorbell rang (For the second time that day.) and it was Armin-Again. After that, everything became awkward, however, we moved on.

Speaking of Levi....where the hell is he?

He didn't come for dinner I thought to myself.

He was probably in his room so I walked to where it is. I knocked on the door softly. There was no response so I walked in quietly. And there he was..


He looked like an angel.

Why are the biggest douches always the ones who look so Goddamn hot?

Besides Jean.

Jean is ugly inside and out.

That fucker.

Going back to Levi, he looked very cute. I sat next to his sleeping body right beside his head. His neatly styled hair was now messy which didn't resemble his clean-freak personality. cute! Wait is he...wearing my shirt?!?

The oversized shirt reached all the way to his thighs. It's a blue shirt that says "My Face Is An Awesome Face" on it. My favorite guy is wearing my favorite shirt.

I'm going to admit to something.

The thing that made him look more irresistible was the fact that he was only wearing briefs.

The way he slept was very seductive too. His hands were at the side of his head which was lying to the side. He had a light blush on his face. And as if he were to torture me while he's sleeping, his legs were spread wide apart.

My body felt weird by just looking at him...

"Hm...Eren..." I heard him moan out tiredly.

Levi's eyes opened slowly. He stretched out his arms and yawned quietly. Then the cutest thing happened. He sneezed. It was one of those high pitched sneezes that sounds like a kitten.

"Corporal..." I replied back to him.

It was as if it all happened at once.

He flipped himself over so that he was on top of me. Staring directly into my eyes which made my heart freeze and melt at the same time.


He put his pointer finger on my top lip and he hushed me into a night long of bliss.

(People who want to read the "scenes" here you go. People who don't then skip this part.)

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now