Chapter Sixteen: My Babysitter Is...Back

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Eren's POV

Today's my birthday..

It is also the day that Levi is supposed to come back.

I scroll through my phone to find that nobody has contacted me so far. I sighed boringly. With so much drama that have happened in these three months I am not used to peace. It makes it hard for me actually. Peace is so boring. Nobody is home yet. Mikasa is out shopping with her friends probably going to get me a present. Armin is planning a surprise birthday party for me, he does it every year.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind if any of them forgot about my birthday. As long as I have Levi, nothing else could make me feel more happy. At that moment I realized that I still haven't "came out" to Mikasa or my friends...Shit. I had three months worth of time. But even if I do confess right now..I won't know..If Levi..If he actually is..still...

Ding Dong


My head turned to the door.There are three people(or more) that could be behind that door.


Armin and Crew

TPFTHTMBN (The People From The Hospital Telling Me Bad News )

I really hope it's either one of the first two choices. As I breathe in heavy, I simultaneously opened the door.And what I found was neither of those choices.

Levi's POV

I have never loved the color green so much in my life.It was like peering into a blurred view of a grassy field through a window covered with droplets of rain.

Though internally I was screaming with sensational emotions that i've hidden for a long time, I was speechless on the outside.

How long has it been since I've seen color?

How much time has been passed since I've peered through those orbs?

How much have I missed my one and only lover?

The third question didn't need an answer.The boy in front of me, who was taller and looked more leaner than I, stared at me like I was a stray animal who cam from a foreign ecosystem. And hell was I one animal. But he was one too. A different kingdom, species, and a whole different kind from me. His tanned complexion was abnormal compared to my creamy white skin.Those warm eyes that were full of life had no relation to my dead, cold ones. He was an angel, an almighty prince of God's reign. While I was a gin, the king of my menacing monarchy.


Suddenly the air hits my face and then seconds later a warm body. I've fallen into his arms. Not out of fatigue or exhaustion but out of the sickness of love. I breathed in his scent. He smelled strong with cologne and something else that I couldn't decipher. His body was warm and soft, it heated up my dreadfully frigid physique.

Eren's POV

What is happening?I opened the door...I saw him..And now he's in my arms..Did my wish come true?Tears filled my eyes as I hugged him back. My knees gave out and I was now lowering him down. I cried onto his shoulder, his sharp yet comfy shoulder. Staining his clothing with the tears that I've always wanted to give to him. We just stayed like that, arm in arm. I could also feel little droplets falling onto me. I then realized that the droplets had gotten bigger and they weren't from Levi. Lighting exploded all over the sky as thunder boomed nearly deafening my ears. I was not scared however, in fact, I was the exact opposite.

Rain drenched the two of us but I bared through it because the warmth of his body was irresistible. We did not speak a word because they were unneeded. I regained strength in my legs and stood up so his hands reached higher to wrap around my neck. He stood on the tips of his toes still clinging onto me, his face stuck onto my chest. I want to see his face.I tried lifting it up but he wouldn't budge. He seemed to be embarrassed because his neck started turning red. I broke the silence.

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now