Chapter Three: My Babysitter Is....Blushing

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Levi's POV

This brat...all he does is eat, sleep, and slack off. I don't accept that. This house is way too filthy.

"Oi, Jaegar. Clean this shit of a house up."

I can't be the only one working my ass off. After all, I didn't just come here to babysit this spoiled pest. Actually...I kind of did but his sister told me to do a lot more.

I heard him groan.

"But...I don't wanna!" He buried his face into the pillows of the couch in a very inappropriate position. How naive is this kid?

"That wasn't a choice. It was an order. Now stop holding your ass up in the air like that and broom the floor. I want the kitchen all tidy up."

That little bitch still didn't listen. I finally kicked him right in the ass and made him fall to the floor.

He groaned in pain. I smirked knowing that it hurt him good. He needs to listen to my orders because I don't take shit from brats like him.

I kneeled down to get closer to his level but still higher than him. I grabbed a clump of his hair and pulled it up.


"That's why I pulled it dumbass. Now, will you clean up the kitchen or not? If you do I won't beat the shit out of you. If you say no..."

I trailed off as if I were in thought. I was waiting for the reaction I wanted.

"I-I'LL..I-I'll d-do it!"


Within minutes he was up and sweeping the kitchen floor. I took out my cleaning gear that I bring with me to almost everywhere I go. I took out my gloves, two white cloths (One used as a cleaning mask and the other used to cover the back of my hair), and lastly my duster. I took out a bottle of Windex and a small towel. It was time to fix this place up. I walked up towards to where the windows are. Here I go.


. . .

Why are the windows so high up? I stood on the tip of my toes. Fuck! These windows are too high.

I sighed. 

This happens a lot. I went and got a chair and placed it in front of the windows. I got up on it. Now, It's time to clean.

Eren's POV

This guy. 

This asshole.

Saturdays are supposed to be fun, right?

I should be eating ice cream with Armin. But noooo!

I can't do any of that because this short ass punk is bitching about how dirty the house is. Now I'm stuck cleaning it with him. I just finished brooming the floor so I went to get the swifter clean whatever to make it "shine brighter than the silverware on Cake Boss" as his majesty ordered me to do. I went back to the living room to get to the garage when this happened.

Levi was standing on top of a chair cleaning the windows. I tried not to laugh. He was just so...



No he wasn't? What the hell is up with my mind today?

Doesn't he look cute just standing up on that chair?


I shook my head rapidly to get those thoughts out. Lately I've been having weird thoughts like those. It annoys the hell out of me. Anyways, he looked really weird standing up on a chair like that. I mean a guy like him would probably be seen beating the shit out of a dragon and not cleaning the windows while standing up on a chair...Oh my God...

It's so hilarious..

But I have to...control...


I let out my laughter.

I laughed so loud that I bet the whole neighborhood heard me.

But the laugh didn't last too long.

Levi's head shot back. He looked at me with one eyebrow rose. This was the first time I've seen him change his expression a little.

"What's so funny, brat?"

I quickly shut up knowing that I was screwed. I didn't dare to say the reason why I was laughing.

"I asked you a fucking que-eh-eh---!"

At that moment the chair shook leading Levi to stumble. It was like it was like in slow motion with him falling off and me catching him. And then...

I fell too.

He was really really really heavy. 

"Ow..." I groaned out in pain. I perked up my head to only be centimeters away from his face. For some reason I felt my cheeks heating up. And then I saw something that was definitely unexpected.



His cheeks turned bright red as he stared at me. My heart suddenly started racing. He looked so..I'll just admit he looked..kinda...cute....

"W-What are you looking at Jaegar?"

I felt my cheeks getting hotter. He didn't notice that his face was flushed red.

"Um..c-corporal..y-your face..."

"Yeah? What about it?" He snapped back.


He looked like he was about to say something but then he totally froze. His eyes widened.

"What did you just say?"

"Your cheeks. They're bright red-"

He slapped me.

"Idiot! You don't tell people that!" He looked away as his shade got darker.

I can't help but think that it's pretty adorable.

If I were a girl I would...


"S-Sorry..." I murmured out.

Okay let me just say, he had an excuse on why he would blush. Our position was weird. He was on top of me, one knee in between my legs the other on the outside of my leg. His hands were on my chest. To make it even more awkward I was holding onto his waist. Something told me to not let go of him. I felt comfortable...but I knew this was wrong. However he wasn't bothering to get out of position either. 

"Corporal..." I tried looking into his eyes but his face was turned. I needed his attention. I moved my hands from his waist to his flustered up cheeks. I turned his head to face me. His eyes widened once more, shocked by what I just did. I was surprised myself. It was like my body was just reacting on its own.

"Are you...are you okay? Corporal..."

He was still speechless. I don't know what was happening. My hands lowered his face closer to mine. Our faces almost closing the gap between us. I could smell his scent, it was of lemon, a sweet lemon. We were so close to each other..then...

The doorbell rang.

LOL! COCKBLOCKER! Shotout to people who voted my story!!!!!!! Love you so much you little muffins!

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