Chapter Nine: My Babysitter Is....With Another Guy

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Erwin's POVHe's actually here. Him.I feel as if i'm confessing my love to him.But that was many years ago..and we've both moved on. To be honest, I'm not sure If I actually let go of him all these years. After the...'incident'..I went on and dated women. However, my sexuality couldn't be avoided. Every once in a while I would have dreams about him, other than that i actually had a life. I remember when we were kids. He said that he wanted to join the army and fight, I on the other hand wanted to be a doctor or a nurse. Now I'm a high school teacher working his way to being a college professor. While he's..a babysitter."Are you gonna talk or are you just gonna stand there?"He hasn't changed.I stutterd not knowing what to say. The last time I saw him was more than a decade ago. We ended up forgetting about each other. But why do I still remember his face."Look. I may know your name but I don't remember who you are, nor do I care. If you want to speak you better do it now before I shut the door."My heart didn't ache at his words for some reason. I actually smiled. He was always a good lier, but I was the only one who could see him through."Sorry. I spaced out. I heard you were in town so I decided to drop by. How many years has it been?"His expression calmed down a bit while his body was different. It certainly wasn't his height. I've always known that he wouldn't have grown much, however, something was off. As my eyes trailed down I noticed that his knees were shaking. It was is if they would collapse at any moment."Are you alright?"He held his same emotionless expression, yet there was still pain behind his eyes. He answered me with the same response he always used, even back then."I'm fine...what other reason have you come here? If you've come for sex then sorry, I'm not in that occupation any more."My eyes widened. Occupation...Was he..a prostitute before this?

Levi's POV

I'm a person who speaks their mind with no regrets.But what I said could possibly be regrettable later on.I watched as his eyes widened. I remained still. After all, before I became a bootcamp teacher or a part time babysitter, I was a toy. My father was a cruel man. He sold me for money. Gambling money.It started in the first year of Middle school. I never told Erwin about it. Ever.My dad came home drunk and brought a couple friends with him. I was reading a book because I had to due to the bitchy bitch teacher at my school. The next thing i know is that everything gets dark and I wake up with a soar asshole. This continued on every night.I was always strong but I was chloroformed so I couldn't react at all. Even if I wanted to cry I was never able to bring myself to do it. I would always just hold it in and cary on the next day. It wasn't until the second year in high school when it all stopped. And so did my dad's heart beat.I wasn't sad. Hell, I didn't even attend that asshole's funeral.The only person that I cared about in my family was my mom.She was the only person who was actually working hard. I rarely saw her because she was in the military. And when she..."Levi..."I looked up touching my face. I felt a warm liquid lying on top of my face. I was indeed crying. Only more tears fell. Why did he have to bring up these memories? Why?I felt a huge warm palm cup around my cheek and caress it. My body was motionless but it wasn't just from the pain. I suddenly felt a certain feeling of worry. A petrified kind of feeling. I've felt this didn't feel right.Two bright eyes kept getting closer and closer to me.I didn't want to see them! I wanted to avoid them as much add I can!I shut my eyes knowing what was going to come at me!I wasn't afraid!I was never afraid!

I'm so sorry.

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now