Chapter Fourteen: My Babysitter Is...Gone And I'm Insane(P.S. I Love Him)

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Eren's POV

To Levi

It's been a week since 'that day'...and I have been thinking about you recently. Mikasa got back from her trip wondering where you've been. I didn't answer her because I didn't know how to. If you were in my place I'm pretty sure you'd be able to answer easily because of your bluntness. How's it been? I haven't been able to contact you. Every time I called the hospital they would always say that you were busy. They won't even have the time to tell me your health condition. I hope you get better Levi!

From Eren

P.S. I love you

To Levi

The hospital won't pick up my calls. I'm starting to get worried. Sometimes I get so worried that I just can't eat anymore. It has been two days since I've last eaten anything. But don't worry about me...I feel fine. I'm sure you'd understand...You always do. Unlike Mikasa and Armin, you get me. You understand why I have to fight everyday. Somehow I have been feeling guilty lately. I'm worried about you Levi. I wish I had found you sooner then you could've been next to me right now. I'm sorry..These past three weeks have been stressful and terrible without you. My grades are failing, I have been ignoring my friends, and many more problems that I don't want to mention. I hope you can come back...I miss you. A lot.

From Eren

P.S. I love you very much.

To Levi

It's so we're both at hospitals. But I'm here because my mental stability is off due to my lack of nutrients and depression. I have been getting nightmares too. I dreamed that you died right before my eyes. It seems that the only emotion I can feel is pain. I miss you more than I can say...I want to cry but I can't. Lately I've been either smiling painfully or having no facial expression what so ever. I am internally crying for you. Anyways, are you getting any better? I really want to see you and hold you in my arms if I have the strength to. It's only been a whole month and I've already gotten to the verge of insanity. I want you to be with me here. I'm sorry for screwing things up.

From Eren

P.S. I love you so so so so much.

To Levi

Writing to you is getting harder and harder. My hands are shaking uncontrollably. I guess I really am losing it. I got out of the hospital and I'm being imported to another one with more security. I accidentally hurt someone. I didn't mean was all out of control. I feel entrapped by myself. I want to show my real emotions but my face won't stop smiling. Mikasa...Armin..nobody..nobody knows that I'm inside of this insanity stricken body. Levi...come back soon..PLEASE..please get me out of this treacherous mess. And it's all my fault..I'm sorry. I really miss you.

From Eren

P.S. I love you so much that you can't even question it.

To Levi

I made a poem for you.

I am in a white bed,

Are you in one too?

Do you feel like a monster

As much as I do?

The days go by slowly

But changes move fast

My body's feeding off of insanity

How long will this last?

My heart refuses to beat to someone else's voice

It's because I can only hear yours

My love for you is not a choice,

It's a natural way of life

Come back, so I can hold you.

Come back, so I can kiss you

Come back, so that I could escape

From the monster that I am

Even though, I have been driven to lunacy

I hope you still love someone who is like me.

This is how much I miss you. I even wrote your name around the hospital walls. I have been put in a spacious white room. It gets very lonely in here. I want to tell them that I'm not crazy. But they shush me every time I want to speak. It has been two months and a week, Levi. And for the first time...I am crying. I am crying for Mikasa who is worried to death about me. I am crying for Armin who has no clue who I am anymore. I am crying for my dead mother who I yelled at on her last days of breathing. I am crying for my father who abandoned me because of how much of a brat I was. But most importantly, I am crying for you. I want you here with me Levi. But I can never see you because I may never leave this place. I'm sorry, it's my fault. I miss you, Levi.

From Eren

P.S. I love you so much that it hurts.

To Levi

I have good news...they can let me out in a week. A nurse ran into my room when I was crying. The astonished look on her face made me frightened. She then stuttered, "H-He's showing...emotions..." Then she brought up some DVDs. It was strange. She showed me a scary movie. I cowered away, covering my eyes. She took notes. She showed me a comedy. I laughed a lot. She took more notes. She showed me more and more movies. She took more and more notes. Then she finally realized, for the first time, that I was a human being. I am happy. I will be able to get out and then I'll be able to see you! Levi! We will finally be together once again!!

From Eren

P.S. I love you so so so so so so very much!

To Levi

It's the last week. I will be able to see you. My life is getting back on track slowly but surely. But I'm still missing some part of the road. And that is you Levi. I can't wait to see you. However, I am worried. What if...when I get there you will not be there? Like in one of those sad movies when a person waits forever to return to their lover but end up finding them gone. I don't want that to happen to us. I am on the road to recovery. I have gone through a lot in these past few months. I'm sure you have gone through a lot more. I really do want to know what you have gone through. Did you miss me like I missed you? Did you want to touch me like I wanted to touch you? I hope that you are okay. I am so glad that I can finally see you!!!!

From Eren

P.S. I love you very very very very very very very very very much!!! <3

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