Chapter Five: My Babysitter is....Controlling

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Levi's POV

I could feel the coldness of the room but the warmest part of it was right beside me. It somehow didn't feel like warmth it was almost like...

A body.

I opened up my eyes quickly. I looked down at my body to find two arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to my left and there it was. Eren's sleeping face. His mouth was open too and.... is he drooling? Gross!

I tried getting out of his grasp but he was too comfortable. So I stayed that way for a while. A little while later, I felt him move right beside me. I couldn't see his face so I wasn't sure if he had woken up or not. He's probably sleeping, yesterday he woke up at around ten or eleven. I'll probably be here for a-

The grip around my waist tightened.

"Levi..are you awake?" Eren groaned out lazily.

"Yeah. And your fat ass has been lying around for a half an hour with me being held hostage." I snapped back.

Why was I so mean to him?

I guess it comes natural to me.

"Sorry." He yawned and allowed me to turn towards him. The lack of space between us made my cheeks heat once again. He moved one hand from his waist and cupped it around my cheek. "But you were like a teddy comfy..and cute."

Cute? What the hell?!?

"Never in my life has anybody referred to me as 'cute' and there have been many idiots who've called me many weird ass names. I believe that you're the most idiotic of them all."

"Come on Levi..don't be mean. Have you seen yourself blush? It's really adorable."

Why are my cheeks heating up even more?

"Sh-Shut up...."

I averted my eyes away from him. His face was too distracting, it made me uneasy. Out of all the people why was I stuck with this kid? I felt my chin move upward by the force of his pointer finger. He whispered into my ear not with lust, but with something that felt so..loving.


That's all he whispered before his lips slowly collided with mine. Our second kiss. It was soft and gentle, it was also quick. I hate it when he acts smart. I feel so vulnerable like this. I want to be in control. I HAVE to be in control...or I'll get hurt again.

I flipped myself over so that I was on top of him. I like this much better. I have him under my grasp and he can't do anything about it.

He started breathing laboriously. "H-Heavy...that was too sudden."

"No. This is." I bent down closer to crash my lips into his. His lips were choppy probably from the cold, but I liked them that way. With each second the kiss became deeper and deeper. I had no idea what we were getting into.

I was thinking of adding a "scene" but I wasn't sure if people wanted that or not. If you want it then comment yes if nah then comment no. I will add a scene depending on how many people want or don't want the "scene". And if you don't know what I'm talking about then..go ask a friend. I don't want to be responsible for scarring you. Also I'm VERY VERY sorry that I didn't update yesterday and today's chapter was short. but don't give up on me!!!!!

My Babysitter Is....(Attack On Titan Levi X Eren)(Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now