Chapter Ten: My Babysitter Is...A Stained White Rose

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Erwin's POV

His body is so rare...

It is pale, the color of falling snow.

Even though it is thick, every time I touch him it flinches like a cowering kitten. His lips are tempting. They taunt me deviously to cherish them, to swallow them whole. To make him mine.

Angling towards him as I graze my palm against his blossom colored cheeks. I whisper sweet nothings that could only be said between us. Only moments later did I take in the chapped yet heated taste of his rims. If only years ago, he were ready. However, I waited. This angel. This saint. This Holy Grail of temptation, has only one name and that is...


I murmur deviously into his ears.

Levi's POV

This doesn't feel the same. Every time he touches me I feel like my skin will freeze and thaw off onto the floor. My knees are weak from fatigue and terror. Eren didn't look at me that way. He never looked at me that way. But somehow...

I've always known that look.

The look of hunger and the need of satisfaction.

With that one glimpse of seduction, I already know that this is no longer the Erwin I used to know.

Just like the others, he will ravish me, hoping he could claim me as his. He will go his own way and deceive this harsh act of impurity as love. But in the end, they all go away like the pedals of a white rose. However, they don't know that I am the rose.

With every touch he pushes upon me, a sin is made. And the rose only gets darker, stained with blood and degradation. He shoves me up roughly against the non existent door frame which makes me lose my balance and hit my scalp against the side of a nearby table. I felt warm red liquid slowly slither it's way down my neck. Erwin grabs my wrists tightly nearly clotting up my blood circulation. He looks me deep into the eyes. The darkness of his atmosphere is never to be contracted. He grins devilishly letting his own hands shamelessly roam throughout my weakened body. I am vulnerable, for the first time. His eyes reminded me of the sky of which anything could go beyond the horizon. That shows the naiveness that he has. Yet, at this very moment, that sky has gone dark. And so has the rose.

Eren's POV

Walking home is kind of a new thing for me. I would usually be picked up by Mikasa or maybe even Levi..but...Mikasa is somewhere else and poor Levi is hurt real bad at his rear end. Now that I think about it, I did go a bit rough. Just thinking about sex made me want to hit myself. Ever since we 'did it' I have gotten more...sexually minded. Is that even a word? Well I guess I'll make it one. I've started to fantasize about him. His slim yet muscular pale body urging me to entice it. But in my other fantasies I imagine him consuming me into his world of seduction. I didn't notice that I was literally drooling at the moment. I guess it's a new habit of mine.

Roads have always mysteriously interested me. Even though I know where I'm going I end up thinking about where it would take me. But what the hell am I expecting? To walk into Narnia or something? I guess that could only be answered by fate.

The wind seemed to be very noisy today as it ushered a sound.

Rustle rustle

Is the wind even capable to make that kind of sound? I thought twice about it and realized that it was quite rare for noises to come from behind. I've seen this in movies, either a jacked up serial killer is going to come out and kill me or an innocent lost child/animal will come along. To be honest, my expectation was the first one. After years of kicking Jean's ass I am very well prepared with my cheetah-like stamina. I formed a stance getting me ready to leap at any moment. I turned around letting a yell escape.


Sadly, the first expectation was not there. I first stared across seeing nothing but a bush with rotten berries that seem to be falling dead. As I move my head down closer I notice a shade of a blackish like fur. Popping out from this shadow are dead grey eyes that pierce through your soul. Whatever the shadowed figure was, it was scary. With it's dead like eyes and all black body. I decided it'd be best to step back. However, as I took one step back it took one forward. I gulped feeling cold sweat form on my neck. The unknown creature took another step. I then noticed that it had paws. They had short, yet sharp claws that somehow looked like they were taken care of. The creature finally came from the shadows and I couldn't, and I mean couldn't, even have fa single bit of faith as to what I was seeing. Hiding in the shadows was one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. It's fur was a silky black color that was neatly combed and along it's chest was snowy white fur spread delicately to fit it's neat composure. It's paws were also a whitish color complimenting it's long strands of whiskers. What I found most interesting was it's eyes. The dull and murky aura in its pupils brings my attention making me wonder many things. What is it thinking? What has it gone through?

Through observation, I realized that I used to think of Levi that way. I always wondered what was in his past. I wanted to know his secrets that are hidden behind the unknown. Maybe when I get home I can ask him. I glanced at the cat. It had no collar showing that it had an owner. Yet it looked so well groomed. A distinguished stray...that's new. I put my hand out and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Eren, I think you're a very beautiful kitty. Mind if you come with me?"

It just sat there still staring at me.

Maybe If I use a bit more charm.

"My...I have never seen such beautiful..."

Am I trying to impress a cat?

My pathetic self is showing.

"I'm's remind a lot of Levi...I'll leave you alone for now..."

With that, I left to the road that leads to wherever. I started wondering why it looked so similar to Levi. I pushed that thought to the back of my head once i reached my house. I then noticed something odd.

The door was open. Levi usually keeps the door closed after I leave.

The next thing I hear is something breaking.

As I look inside, I realized. The only thing that is breaking is my heart

Erwin's POV

The noises he makes are so lovely. But I am not satisfied. I need more of his pleading voice begging me to stop.


He murmured my name so quietly that If I wasn't this close I wouldn't be able to hear it. I want him to scream it. The deep penetration of his skin made his body even more sensitive and frail. The boy who used to defeat anybody who got in his way is now vulnerable underneath me. I thrusted into him harder making sure he knew who he belonged to. For some reason, he was looser than I had expected, meaning that somebody had already claimed him.

"Levi~You remember how poor we used to be?~"

He didn't answer due to his low grunts and moans of desperation. So I continued on talking.

"We used to go around stealing bread or meat and claiming them as ours."

"S-Stop..." He uttered weakly.

"Me and you...we're alike in many ways..."


"Yes...because.." I leaned closer to his ear, "We both steal what we want and claim them as our own."

His eyes widened leading in with a slight gasp. He knew that I was right.

Even though the room was filled with his own noises, I sensed something else. Another presence. Looking down at his pale, bare body I tried to distract myself. However, all I felt was a strange aura coming from behind us. I perked my head back, that was a bad idea since I accidentally knocked over a picture. I watched as it crashed into pieces. I just ignored it and continued on. Still, that feeling didn't go away. It wasn't until I heard a loud gasp when I turned my head around once more.

What I saw made me want to laugh.

Eren Jeagar, senior student at Maria Wall High school, my student. Not the sharpest of his kind but strong minded. When he has faith to do something, he fights for it.

I smirked. It seems that he has another reason to fight.

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