Chapter Eleven: My Babysitter Is...Walking Down The Road Of Fate

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Eren's POV

Many people have hurt me in my life, I never really cared when they did. But if people unforgivably hurt the people I love, that is when I have no mercy.

I saw Levi's devastating pale face practically begging for liberation from this scum. Although he was holding his emotionless face I could somehow see the life that he once had drown away. I can't let this bitch take him away from me.


With my fastest speed I sprinted to where Erwin and Levi were. I took my hand and hardly impacted it against Erwin's stupid ass face. However, that had no effect on him. With his broad and bulky shoulders he turned his upper body around, still shamelessly doing his business. He brought his arms forward then pushed it back, HARD, onto my chest making me fall to the floor. By this time my anger has raged upon to a high level of steam. I'm not going to give up. I got up and speeded towards him and jumped onto his back. This helped make him lose his balance. He cursed as his body moved away from Levi's.


Levi who looked like he was in pain suddenly used this opportunity to kick Erwin off of him.

Now it was getting serious.

Levi's POV

I have not time to explain to him what was going on. He seemed to catch up on that. I ran over to Erwin and kicked him right in his "My ego's bigger than my D" region. That's right. He was fucking naked, at least in his lower regions. The dick head was still wearing his shirt and pants. He deserved it after all. I then picked him up by his shoulders holding him up in the air.


With that, I punched his stupid-ass face. I looked down at him. His nose was bleeding and so were other parts of his body. Even though he was in so much pain he still smirked cockily.

"I know you do...And guess what? You are right. Who would want to love you anyway?"

My heart, mind, soul, and body stopped. All these years of cruelty and abuse against me. Both verbal and physical, they couldn't just have happened just because I was unlovable. I never was a perfect child. Nor will I ever be.

Whatever Erwin says is shit because he's always been one.

I start kicking him harder and harder every time.

The brat I knew, the loyal friend, the only one I trusted. Even though I treated him like shit he still stayed by my side.

"I'm sorry but this isn't the love story you think it is Erwin. You have fallen into a world of fantasy and you have always been stuck in it. Unlike you, I have found a way to climb out."

I said calmly as i watched him grin once more.

"We could've been happy...we could've loved each other..."

His eyes closed. I watched as he became unconscious. I looked at Eren. He was shocked.

"He's not dead." I reassured. "We have to get rid of him though."

I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. I walked outside, glancing back at Eren.

"What you saw was the real me. And that is what you get when you fall in love with me."

Eren's POV

I watched as the figure in front of me walk away. He got smaller and smaller as he went off to wherever. It got me thinking about the road again.

"So this is what the fate of the road decided for me.."

But, was Levi going the same way that I went?

Sorry it was short but I'm currently in a very stressful mood. I love you guys. Please vote, comment, and invite your other friends to read. I can award you with a dedication AND a shoutout if you are one of my top three commentors. To be one you will need to give me CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM along with a little compliment so my self esttem won't go














YAH So anyways~I luff you all! Have a good night! SAYONARA!

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