Chapter 1

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Radha gazed as a car pulled over at the front of her house. Needless to say, she didn't get a wink of sleep last night or last week for that matter.

Apprehension and anxiousness got better of her.

She had been sitting all night at her window, gazing around the sky, had been looking at all those stars until the biggest star came up and engulfed the twinkles of the rest. Unlike Radha, the universe was moving and she was still here, stuck.

She saw as her parents greeted the driver happily, presenting all sorts of breakfast in front of him and treating him better than what they had treated Radha her whole life.

A shaky breath left her mouth as she got down from the side of the window sill.

"It's ok. They love me." She brooded to herself and blinked back the tears. She immediately went into the bathroom to calm herself down as well as to freshen up.

Once she was done, she took her (already packed) bag and glanced one last time at her room. The room which had given her so much comfort. She grazed her hand through her soft blanket which was no less than a mother's embrace for her considering she never got the chance to sleep in her mother's lap.

She left the room with a shaky breath, which was now filled with echoes of solemness and scribblings of melancholy.

Once out from her room, her hand immediately flew to her neck, checking the presence of the pendant.

It was there. She then carried her bags to the front door where her parents were animatedly talking to the driver.

"Good morning, ma,"

"Good morning, papa,"

She addressed them lovingly, they faked a smile in response, maybe a genuine smile even; they were finally getting rid of her.

Radha dismissed the fact immediately. Of course, her parents won't want to get rid of her. They loved her. And when her father took the bag and put it in the back of the car, she smiled because see, she knew that they loved her.

"Now go, your new family is waiting for you." Her father said in a grave tone and gestured towards the open door. Radha though walked to her mother first and threw her arms around her neck smiling sadly. She was going to miss them, there wasn't any doubt in that.

Though one couldn't say the same for her mother.

Her mother patted her back gently as if saying her to go but Radha didn't budge. She hugged her even more tightly and choked on a sob. Her mother sighed and rolled her eyes and hugged her back.

She wouldn't let go otherwise.

Her mother once again tapped Radha's back and this time she let go. She then went to her father and hugged him too.

"Papa," she whispered lightly and released a quivering sigh. Her father's heart melted a little, only a little. He caressed her head once and said an airy "take care," fearing that his wife would hear otherwise.

Radha pulled away finally and without so much a thought, sat in the car. The driver closed the door for her and started the car whilst Radha turned around to wave at her parents one last time.

And oh. . .

They were not there, the doorway was empty. It was almost as if they ran inside the house once Radha sat in the car.

Wistful tears pooled in her eyes seeing the empty spot. She turned back in her seat and tiredly rested her head on the headrest. She kept looking at the road until her eyes felt heavy and painful. She wiped away the remnants of tears and tightened her grip on the pendant.

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