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"Radha, I love you and only want the best for you," Radha's mother-in-law cooed, sweetly and softly.

"That being said, shouldn't you trust me?" she asked Radha, her hand threading into her daughter's hair, petting her affectionately, and the care in her voice just gave away the love she had for her.

"Just go and pack your bags, tomorrow the driver will come and take you to the Rathore mansion, ok?" her voice echoed through the room as she retreated from there not before caressing her cheek.

Radha stood there with a huge grin pasted on her face. She squealed to herself and closed the door and climbed on the bed where her husband was sleeping.

"Krishn," she called shaking his shoulder to which he just groaned and rolled over to the other side.

"Krishn!" she tried again but he just pulled the blanket to his face. She rolled her eyes seeing his antics but a fond smile still stayed on her lips. "Wake up Krishn, it's already nine and on top of it I've to tell you something very important."

"I already heard it, Radhe, we're going to meet uncle tomorrow, yay!" Krishn deadpanned sleepily and Radha's mouth fell open in disbelief. She stood on her knees and arms and climbed over Krishn to look at his face and glare at him.

Krishn, however, very well known to the trick just turned to the other side bringing Radha down with him and caging her, with his arm encircled around her waist.

Radha struggled under his hand and he just hid his smile into the pillow, "Shh. . .go to sleep, love." He said after a while, biting his lips to stop the chuckle bubbling out of them.

Radha just looked at him, frowning.

"You're staring, darling." He stated.

"I'm glaring, honey!" Radha countered with a snap in her voice and this time he couldn't control it and broke into a laugh.

"My bad, I only see love in those eyes of yours."

"And I only see sleep in those eyes of yours."

Krishn grinned to himself at the answer but didn't dare laugh, not wanting to anger Radha anymore.

"What got you so enraged this morning, sweetheart?" he asked shifting slightly closer to his wife, very well known for the side effects his proximity had on her.

"You! y-you're making me angry. Why would you call him 'uncle'? It's almost been a whole year since our marriage and y-" Radha paused when Krishn started stroking her cheek softly and quizzed, "and?"

"A-and y-you still call him - Krishn, stop doing that!" Radha demanded with sheer urgency in her voice and Krishn smirked slightly.

"Doing what, Radhe? I'm not doing anything." He answered with an utterly innocent voice, his thumb still stroking her cheek. Radha's hand instantly came up to his and halted his movement.

"This, stop this." She told him with an edge of vulnerability circling her voice.

Her husband shifted some more closer and simply agreed, "Ok". He, though, didn't pull back his hand from her cheek but kept it there, unmoving. Radha breathed relievingly and thought over where she had stopped before.

"And I still call him. . .?" Krishn supplied, helping her in remembering where she had left.

"Yes, and you still call him uncle, it's not done. You should call him, papa, just like. . . .Krishn, please." Radha sighed, pleading to Krishn who now had a strand of her hair wrapped around his finger, twirling it.

"Now what, Radhe? I'm not even touching your cheek." He said and continued with his sweet torture.

"You're insufferable!" said Radha, but didn't back away. She just ducked down her head to cover the small smile forming on her lips and the blush covering her cheeks.

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